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1、湘潭大学 硕士学位论文 清初福建社会动荡与治理 姓名:孙国政 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:中国古代史 指导教师:雷炳炎 20080531 I 摘 要 顺治三年,清军入闽,武力推行“剃发” 、 “易服”等民族压迫政策,在福建 激起了大范围的抗清斗争。康熙十三年,靖南王耿精忠发动叛乱,福建再次陷入 动荡之中。此外,郑氏集团与清廷在福建沿海地区长期对抗,至康熙二十二年才 投降归顺。其间,福建社会秩序混乱,军队扰民严重,生产遭到严重破坏,致使 民生凋敝,百姓困苦不堪。尤其是迁界禁海政策使得沿海百姓尽失故业,流离失 所。 为了稳定福建社会,恢复民生,从根本上巩固统治,清廷采取了一系列治理 措施,如整治军纪

2、、减免赋税、招徕离散百姓恢复生产、宽免“从逆”平民、稳 定米价、赈济灾民、开海展界等。其中,对军队扰民的整治,有效地调节了“军 民关系” ,安抚了百姓;对赋税的减免直接惠及了百姓,对灾乱之后生产的恢复 起到了积极作用;开海展界,使得沿海百姓返回故里,重操旧业,恢复了生产。 总之,这些措施对福建民生的恢复起到了积极有效的作用。 为了稳定福建政局,加强统治,清廷对政务、军务进行了积极有效的治理。 其中包括加强文武官员的选任、严明文武官员的赏罚、选派部院官员赴闽督办地 方事务、加强福建文武官员协调等。在官员选任上,清廷重真才实干,大量选用 汉军旗人充任总督、 巡抚等重要职位。 在官员奖惩上, 严明赏

3、罚, 同时不失灵活。 督办军需钱粮、开海展界、招降郑氏集团,安插投诚人员等诸多事务,清廷均派 部院官员赴闽督办,保证了清王朝政策的贯彻实施。针对文武官员多有不和的现 象,清廷及时干预与协调。总之,清廷对政务、军务进行了积极有效的治理,加 强了对福建的统治。 关键词:关键词:清初;福建;社会动荡;社会治理 II Abstract In the third year of Shun Zhi period, Qing army entered Fu Jian, then they forcedly carried out ethnic oppression policies such as ”Ti

4、Fa” (asked people to have the same hairstyle like Manchu people) and “Yi Fu “(asked people to have the same dress style like Manchu people)which had stirred up a wide range struggle against Qing court. In the thirteenth year of Kang Xi period, King Geng Jingzhong launched a rebellion which caused tu

5、rmoil in Fu Jian again. In addition, Zheng Group which surrendered in the twenty-second year of Kang Xi period had a long-term confrontation with the Qing court in the coastal area of Fu Jian. In the meantime, in Fu Jian ,the society was in disorder, the army seriously disturbed the public, producti

6、on was severely damaged, the peoples livelihood was slumped, and people there lead harsh. In particular, the policy of “moving the boundary and banned the sea” caused the coastal people a complete loss of their former job, displacing and homeless. In order to stabilize Fu Jian society, restore their

7、 peoples livelihood and consolidate the rule fundamentally, Qing court adopted a series of measures such as training military discipline, derateing taxes, drumming for dispersed people to restore production, condoning “against” civilians, stabilizing the price of rice, relieving victims, Opening the

8、 sea ban and expanding the boundary and so on. Among them, the punishment of the armys disturbing to the public effectively had regulated the “civil-military relations and pacified the people; taxes derating directly benefited the people and had played a positive role in the resumption of production

9、 after the disaster chaos; sea bans opening and boundarys expanding made the coastal people return to their native places to do their former work and resume production. In short, these measures have played an active and effective role on Fu Jian peoples restoration of livelihood. In order to stabili

10、ze the Fu Jian political situation and strengthen rule, Qing court made active and effective governances about government and military affairs .Those included strengthening the civil and military officials election. being strictly on civil and military officials reward and punishment, sending offici

11、als from central to supervise the handling of local affairs of Fu Jian, strengthening the civil and military officials coordination and so on .on officials election, Qing court paid attention to peoples real ability and their activities , largely selected Hans in Manchu military served as the govern

12、ors or Xun Fu. on officials rewarding and punishment ,they combined strict and flexibility together, many other matters, such as supervising military supplies and Opening the sea ban and expanding the boundary, summoning the Zheng group to surrender ,placing certain place to surrenders, Qing court a

13、ll sent officials from central to supervise the handling ,which ensured Qing dynasty s policys implement. For civil and military officials discordance, Qing court interviewed and coordinated timely, in all, the active and effective governances to government and military affairs, the Qing court had t

14、aken, strengthened the rule of Fujian. Keywords: early Qing Dynasty, Fu Jian, societys turmoil, social governance 湘潭大学湘潭大学 学位论文原创性声明学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所 取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任 何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡 献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的 法律后果由本人承担。 作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 学

15、位论文版权使用授权书学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意 学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文 被查阅和借阅。本人授权湘潭大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编 入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇 编本学位论文。 涉密论文按学校规定处理。 作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 导师签名: 日期: 年 月 日 1 绪 论 1、研究对象 从顺治三年(1646)至康熙二十五年(1686) ,福建地区社会异常动荡。顺 治三年,清军入闽,激起福建人民和旧明势力的激烈反抗。康熙十三年(1656) , 耿精忠

16、发动叛乱,攻陷全闽,两年后清军平定叛乱。郑氏集团与清廷对抗四十余 年,福建地区尤其是闽南各府屡遭战火破坏。此外,历经迁界禁海,遭受各种自 然灾害侵袭,福建经济凋敝、百姓困苦不堪,社会异常动荡。清廷为了有效地稳 定福建的社会秩序,巩固福建的统治,采取了各种措施恢复民生,同时大力加强 对政务、 军务的治理。 本选题以清初福建社会动荡与治理作为基本内容加以探讨。 2、研究意义 有关清代区域社会治理与社会控制的研究,是当今清史研究的一个重要内 容,清代区域社会治理研究多集中在社会动荡年代,或者政府控制力相对薄弱的 动乱的行政边区,也就是动态环境下的社会治理。本文选择清初福建地区作为研 究对象,主要基于如下考虑: 首先,清初福建地区具备了社会治理与社会控制理论中的“动态环境” 。从 顺治三年到康熙二十五年, 福建地区一直处于社会动荡之中, 其间政权反复交替, 民族冲突不断,战乱频繁发生,原来稳定的社会秩序不断被冲击和破坏,百姓生 活于水深火热之中。从中央到地方,各级官府试图加强对当地社会的有效控制, 巩固统治;民众也试图通过宗


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