2019版高考英语一轮复习 选训习题 模块3 Unit 2 Language 牛津译林版必修3

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《2019版高考英语一轮复习 选训习题 模块3 Unit 2 Language 牛津译林版必修3》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019版高考英语一轮复习 选训习题 模块3 Unit 2 Language 牛津译林版必修3(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 Language一、阅读理解。When firefighters got to the six-story brick building on East 191st Street in Bronx early Saturday, they saw flames shooting from a top-floor window. Strange, sharp popping(爆音) sounds filled the air, a fire lieutenant said later. As a sixth-floor apartment turned into an infern

2、o(火海), a woman who lived there ran downstairs with a small child. Neighbours said she told them her husband was still upstairs trying to get their two other children. Vale Dorsey, 66, who lives on the fifth floor, said he was awakened by his wife. An explosion above had showered shattered glass from

3、 a sixth-floor window. As they rushed downstairs, they were joined by other people, who were asking one another in Spanish and English what was happening. As the people fled, firefighters hurried up the stairs. When they reached the sixth floor, the fire lieutenant, William Kearns, Firefighter Chris

4、topher OBrien and others met a wall of flames coming from the kitchen just inside the door of the burning apartment. Firefighter Rodney Littlejohn used a fire extinguisher to try to keep the fire from spreading, and the heat from the kitchen partly melted his plastics eye shield. While Firefighter L

5、ittlejohn sprayed, Firefighter OBrien bent under the flames. There about 10 feet into the apartment, he found the father of the three children lying in a hallway.Firefighters pulled him from the burning apartment. Lieutenant Kearns and a firefighter from Rescue 3 started going through the apartment

6、room by room, feeling their way through the smoke. In a bedroom, the firefighter from Rescue 3 found a 3-year-old in a bed shaped like a race car. Moments later, Lieutenant Kearns found a 1-year-old in a crib. The two children and their father were brought to hospital, fire officials said, where the

7、 man was listed in critical condition and the children were in critical but stable condition.On Saturday the apartment where the fire started was badly burned. Inside his apartment on the fifth floor, Mr. Dorsey said, “I was happy that everybody was safe. We got lucky.”1.What do we know about Vale D

8、orsey?A.He was the first to report the fire accident to the fire department.B.He lives on the floor below the apartment that caught fire.C.His apartment was also badly burned but he escaped from the fire.D.He woke up his wife and told her about the strange, sharp popping sounds.2.From what part of t

9、he apartment did the flames come that the firefighters met?A.The hallway.B.The store room.C.One of the bedrooms.D.The kitchen.3.Who was last found in the burning apartment according to the passage?A.The 1-year-old child.B.The 3-year-old child.C.The mother of the three children.D.The father of the th

10、ree children.4.We learn from the passage that _.A.the children were in critical but stable condition after the fire accidentB.there about 10 feet into the apartment Kearns found the mother of the three childrenC.Christopher OBrien used a fire extinguisher to try to keep the fire from spreadingD.it w

11、as Rodney Littlejohn that found the 4-year-old in a bed shaped like a race car参考答案: 1.B; 2.D; 3.A; 4.A解析: 1.细节理解题。根据第二段: Vale Dorsey, 66, who lives on the fifth floor, said he was awakened by his wife可得答案。2.事实判断题。根据第三段.met a wall of flames coming from the kitchen just inside the door of the burning

12、apartment可得答案。3.事实判断题。根据第四段: Moments later, Lieutenant Kearns found a 1yearold in a crib.可知答案。4.细节理解题。根据第五段:and the children were in critical but stable condition可知答案。一、单项填空1.My bed _ most of the small room in the back house where we are living now so I have to keep the bookshelf in the living room.

13、A. creates B. occupies C. provides D. possesses【答案】B【解析】create创造,创作;occupy占领,占据;provide提供;possess拥有,所有。句意:我睡的床铺占据了我现在住的后面屋子小房间的大部分空间,所以我不得不把书橱放在会客厅里。2.We can see monuments here and there. Those who have made great _ to human beings and society will never be forgotten.A. advances B. progressC. contri

14、butions D. achievements【答案】C【解析】句意:我们到处都可以看见纪念碑。那些为人类和社会做出过重大贡献的人是永远也不会被忘记的。advance前进,进步;progress进步;contribution“贡献”与介词to连用;achievement“成就,成绩”多与介词for连用。3.Eating too much fatty food and smoking can _ your future risk of heart disease.A. rise B. stopC. move D. raise【答案】D【解析】raise增加,及物动词,后面有宾语。句意:吃太多油腻

15、的食物和吸烟会增加你未来患心脏病的风险。4.Even if SARFT completely _ domestic TV stations from broadcasting advertisements, they could still implant(植入)advertisements into TV shows. A. protectedB. differedC. bannedD. freed【答案】C 5.The rescuers in Africa say it is worse than ever as disease and starvation _ to kill thousands. A. combine B. succeedC. gather D. respond【答案】A【解析】combine结合;succeed成功;gather聚集;respond回答,回应。句意:在非洲的救援人员说疾病加上饥饿夺走数千人的生命,严重程度前所未有。6.Would it be _ for you to come at 9:00 am tomorrow?Can we make it a little earlier? I have a


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