雅思口语par t2

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《雅思口语par t2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《雅思口语par t2(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 一、城市与建筑 1、某个大型综合性购物中心,包含各种吃喝玩乐的地方例如北京的童鞋可以说王府 井百货、上海的童鞋可以说港汇恒隆广场,广州的童鞋可以说正佳广场,深圳的童鞋 可以说万象城。 Describe an interesting public place. / Describe an interesting place in your hometown Describe a modern building. Describe a leisure centre with facilities such as a swimming pool or a fitness center. Descr

2、ibe your favorite part of your city/hometown. / a popular part of your hometown. Describe a shopping mall. Describe a place where there is a lot of noise. Describe a street you like and some buildings on this street. Describe a workplace, such as a factory, an office or a public place. Describe an i

3、nteresting shop. 2、理想的房子,尽情地吹吧客厅、厨房、房间、浴室、花园、室内泳池、地下车 库神马的若时间不够还可以说说希望附近住着什么样的邻居(楼主希望附近都是单 身高帅富哇,哈哈哈) ! Describe a flat / house / room you lived in when you were a child. Describe an ideal house / flat. 3、可以说一个有山有水的著名旅游城市,例如桂林。 Describe a journey that was longer than expected. /Describe a long-dista

4、nce journey. Describe a place youll travel to when you have a day off. Describe a place that is close to water. Describe a childhood trip. Describe your favorite photo. (因为这次旅行很精彩,所以拍了很多美美的照片) Describe a river / lake / sea. Describe a place with natural beauty. 4、相信每个童鞋都会觉得自己的家乡是一个很重要的城市吧?而且相信你们对家乡

5、的变化也比较了解,那么这个就很好说啦 Describe an important city in your country. Describe a change / some changes in your hometown. 5、合并起来就是描述“一个能勾起我回忆的有历史意义的老建筑” Describe an old building. Describe a place that helped you learn about the past. Describe a historical place in your hometown. 6、主攻学校的教学楼,辅以图书馆、实验楼、体育馆、宿舍之

6、类的。 Describe a building in your school. Describe a school you studied at before. 7、这个可以讲国家博物馆 Describe a national building Describe a museum or an art gallery. 8、花园、公园 Describe a beautiful garden / park. Describe a peaceful / quiet place. Describe an open-air place. 9、宾馆 Describe a hotel. 二、组织和个人 1、

7、可以谈谈一个对自己帮助很大的老师,并具体说说 TA 是怎么帮你的 Describe a person youve learned from. Describe someone who helped you study. Describe a teacher who taught you before. Describe a teacher who taught you a skill such as cooking, biking or swimming. Describe the important person to you when you were a child. Describe

8、one of your childhood teachers Describe some advice/a suggestion you received before. 2、自己的好朋友 Describe a person you helped before. Describe a friend who is a leader. Describe one of your friends. / Describe your best friend. Describe an old friend who lives far away from you. Describe a person youd

9、 like to travel with. Describe a person youre familiar with. Describe two people who get on with each other Describe a teenager. Describe your neighbour.(即使不是邻居也可以扯为邻居,反正考官不会去验证你们是否真的为邻 居) Describe a good student. 3、美国总统奥巴马、南非前总统曼德拉都行 Describe a famous leader you admire Describe a person in the news

10、 Describe a successful person. Describe a famous person youd like to meet. Describe a famous person in a foreign country = an international celebrity. 4、这个可以说下自己的兴趣爱好和参加的组织什么的,比如合唱队、舞蹈队、 SIFE 等。楼主是街舞队的,所以以下话题都可以囊括进去,即后面附带的【例子】 。 Describe a club or a team you belonged to.【街舞队】 Describe your favorite

11、leisure activity.【跳舞】 Describe something you often do in your free time.【跳舞】 Describe something youll do this weekend.【跳舞】 Describe something you succeeded in doing. / Describe something you hope you can be successful in.【跳舞】 Describe a difficult thing that you did well.【坚持练舞】 Describe the most diff

12、icult thing in your life.【坚持练舞】 Describe an interesting / unusual thing you did recently.【跳舞】 Describe something you and other people did together / Describe an occasion when you co-operated with others.【一起排舞】 Describe a group activity. 【一起表演】 Describe a practical skill/ something youre good at.【跳舞】

13、 5、志愿者。既崇高又好说。 Describe an ideal job. Describe a job/an interesting thing you wish to do in the future. Describe a job that can make the world a better place. Describe a job you wish to do in the future./ Describe an interesting job. 6、爷爷奶奶外公外婆,这个很好说吧? Describe two people in your family. Describe th

14、e happiest person you know. Describe a person whos good at cooking. Describe the oldest person in your family. / Describe an interesting old person. 7、健康的生活方式 Describe your personality. (通过这个生活方式表达我的 XX 性格,例如有毅力、爱跑爱跳什么的) Describe a person who has a healthy lifestyle. Describe a healthy lifestyle. De

15、scribe something you do to improve your health. Describe a positive change in your life. Describe some changes in your lifestyle. 8、楼主很喜欢小 S,而且她也的确是集主持人、富太太、歌手于一身的艺人。 Describe a TV show host/presenter Describe a wealthy / rich person. Describe an artist you admire. Describe a singer or a musician yo

16、u met recently. 9、外国 Describe a foreign city you wish to visit. Describe a foreign country you wish to visit. 10、无力分类 Describe a child. Describe an adventurous person. Describe a successful small company. 三、自然界 1、一次散步 Describe a walk you took with a friend. 2、晴天 Describe your favorite weather. 3、夜晚 Describe your favorite time of day. 4、台风 Describe an experience with b



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