2019版高三英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Science and nature教师用书 牛津译林版必修5

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1、Unit 3Science and nature(对应学生用书第95页).写作单词会拼写1adopt vt.收养,领养;采用,采纳2harvestn.收获;收成 vt.& vi.收割(庄稼)3majorityn.多数,大多数4confirmvt.& vi.证实,证明;确认;使确信5profitn.利润,收益vi.& vt.对有用;获益6physiciann.医师;内科医生 7originaladj.原来的,起初的;首创的8summaryn.总结;概括,概要9ordinaryadj.普通的,一般的10incomen.收入,收益.拓展单词能辨别1exactadj.精确的,准确的 exactlyad

2、v.精确地;准确地2intendvt.打算,想要 intentionn.意图,目的;企图3anxiousadj.担忧的,焦急的 anxietyn.忧虑,焦虑,不安4legaladj.法律许可的,合法的 illegaladj.非法的5consequencen.结果,后果 consequentadj.随之发生的 consequentlyadv.因此,所以6professionn.职业,行业 professionaladj.专业的,职业的7conductvt.实施;指挥乐队 conductorn.售票员;(乐队)指挥8considerv.考虑,认为 consideringprep.鉴于,考虑到 co

3、nsiderateadj.体贴的 considerationn.仔细考虑;体谅,顾及9accurateadj.准确的,精确的 accuratelyadv.准确地,精确地10actualadj.真实的,实际的 actuallyadv.事实上,实际上11frightenvt.使惊吓,使惊恐 frighteningadj.令人害怕的 frightenedadj.(人)感到害怕的12transformvt.使改变外观/性质/形态 transformationn.改变,转变13relatevt.联系 relationn.关系;亲戚 relativen.亲戚;亲属adj.有关联的;相对的14favourn

4、.赞同;帮助;偏爱,偏袒 favouriteadj.最喜欢的 favourableadj.有利的15permitvt.许可,准可n.许可证 permissionn.准许,许可,批准16judgevt.& vi.判断 judgementn.判断力;评价;(法律)判决17relyvi.依靠,依赖 reliableadj.可信赖的,可依靠的.阅读单词要识记1agriculture n农业2hunger n.饥饿;饥荒3nutrition n.营养4concept n.概念;观念5crime n.罪,罪行6breakthrough n.突破 7nutrition n.营养 8catastrophe n

5、.灾难,灾祸 语境应用(用所给词的适当形式填空)1With the of becoming famous and rich,many ordinary people to take part in some TV shows,such as Sing!China,which is to find good singers.(intend)2Your is right. from his look,he must be angry with us.But we cant a person only by his/her appearance.(judge)3The old man his dau

6、ghterinlaw because she always takes everything into when she deals with family affairs.(consider)4My cousin is a person and you can on it that he can help you.(rely)5 my father is not a worker;his identity is a policeman searching for drugs in Yunnan frontier.(actual)6Mary was too to tell her family

7、 the scene because it her to death.(frighten) 【导学号:31670075】7Her father would not her to drive alone even though she had got her driving Without her fathers ,she had to go out by bus or on a bike.(permit)【答案】1.intention;intend;intended2.judgement;Judging;judge3.considers;considerate;consideration4.r

8、eliable;rely5.Actually;actual6.frightened;frightening;frightened7.permit;permit;permission高频短语会默写1on the one hand.on the other hand.一方面另一方面2push ahead with义无反顾地进行,努力推进3in summary概括地说4open up打开;开发5point of view观点6be/get burnt out耗尽体力,累垮7follow in ones footsteps效仿某人8in favour of赞同,支持9take.into conside

9、ration认真考虑10point out指出11rather than而不是12toy with戏弄,摆弄语境应用(用上述短语的适当形式填空)1 ,parents should be concerned about childrens study; childrens safety should not be ignored.2Amandas success may inspire other Indonesian children to 3I think all the people at the meeting will be your opinion.4People seem to f

10、ail to the fact that education does not end with graduation.5No matter who our shortcomings,we will correct them.6The Ministry of Education in China is its curriculum reform (课程改革),which will have good consequences. 【导学号:31670076】【答案】1.On the one hand;on the other hand 2follow in her footsteps3.in f

11、avour of4.take into consideration5.points out6.pushing ahead with联想拓展1形近词归纳adopt采纳;收养adapt适应;改编pest害虫nest窝,巢hunger饥荒hunter猎人follow跟随fellow家伙,同事concert音乐会concept概念goal目标;球门goat山羊call电话cell细胞;电池intention意图,目的invention发明2“词中词”法帮你记firm confirm证实,证明form transform使改观sum summary总结,概要rate accurate精确的culture

12、 agriculture农业source resource资源come income收入fit profit利润3“犯罪”相关常见词crime n罪,罪行accuse vt.控告;指控charge vi.控告commit vt.犯(罪)punish vt.惩罚;处罚sentence vt.判决;宣判4“情绪”名词集合anxiety焦虑,忧虑depression沮丧;抑郁症sorrow悲伤;悲痛sadness悲伤,难过grief悲伤;伤心事5“考虑”短语知多少take.into consideration认真考虑take.into account考虑take account of考虑think

13、over仔细考虑教材原句会背诵句式仿写能应用1.the first (n./pron.) 后常接不定式作定语 The first mammal to be cloned successfully from an adult cell was Dolly the sheep.1.刘洋是中国第一个进入太空的女航天员。Liu Yang is the first Chinese female astronaut . 2.more.than.“与其说倒不如说”The boy was more frightened than hurt.2.与其说他聪明,不如说他幸运。He is lucky clever.3.比较级表示最高级含义Nowhere is this truer than with genetically modified (GM) food.3.对于学生学习而言,图书馆是最好的地方。 than the library for students to study.【答案】1.to go into space2.m



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