2019版七年级英语下册 Unit 6 I’m watching TV

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1、Unit 6 Im watching TV一课一练达标闯关. 单项选择1. How many _does Mrs Brown have? Threetwo girls and a boy. A. men B. sisters C. brothers D. children 【解析】选D。考查名词辨析。men男人;sisters姐妹;brothers兄弟;children孩子。由答语中“三个两个女孩和一个男孩”, 可知上文应是询问布朗夫人有几个孩子, 故选D。2. The chicken hamburger tastes _. I like it very much. A. important

2、B. difficult C. delicious D. relaxing 【解析】选C。考查形容词辨析。important重要的; difficult 困难的;delicious美味的;relaxing放松的。由下文“我很喜欢它”, 可知上文意为“鸡肉汉堡很美味”, 故选C。3. What _things do you want, Sir? Some eggs and milk, please. 导学号38504047 A. other B. the other C. another D. others 【解析】选A。考查词义辨析。other可用来修饰复数名词;the other指两者中的另

3、一个;another另一个;others剩余的另一些。空白处修饰复数名词things (东西), 可知应用other, 故选A。4. I have _English storybooks. What about you? 导学号38504048 Well. I dont have _English storybooks. A. some; some B. some; anyC. any; any D. any; some 【解析】选B。考查代词辨析。some意为“一些”, 多用于肯定句中;any意为“任何;一些”, 可用于否定句及一般疑问句中。句意:我有一些英语故事书, 你呢? 哦, 我没有任

4、何英语故事书。故选B。5. (2016江西中考)May I speak to Mrs Black? Sorry, Mum cant come to the phone now. She _a shower. A. has B. had C. is having D. was having【解析】选C。考查动词时态。句意:请找布莱克夫人接电话好吗? 对不起, 妈妈现在不能接电话。她在洗澡。由语境可知“洗澡”的动作正在进行, 因此应用现在进行时态, 故选C。 . 短文填空从方框中选词并用其适当形式完成短文。be, watch, make, talk, miss, have, study, live

5、, child, readZhu Hui, a student from Shenzhen, is now 1. _ in the United States. Hes 2. _ with an American family in New York. Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Its 9:00 a. m. and Zhu Huis family 3. _ at home. His mom and aunt are 4. _ zongzi. His dad and uncle are 5. _ the boat races on TV. Its 9:

6、00 p. m. in New York. For Zhu Hui and his host family, its just like any other night because there isnt a Dragon Boat Festival in the US. The mother is 6. _ a story to her young 7. _. The father is watching a soccer game on TV. Zhu Hui is 8. _ on the phone to his cousin in Shenzhen. He 9. _ his fami

7、ly and wishes 10. _ his moms delicious zongzi. You know “Theres no place like home. ”答案:1. studying 2. living3. are 4. making5. watching 6. reading7. children8. talking9. misses10.to have回顾一年的工作,我也发现了自己的不足之处。如科研方面尚嫌薄弱,全年未发表过一篇论文。今后在这方面应多加努力,要增强科研意识,多投注些时间和精力,刻苦学习,努力钻研,改变科研空白局面,为今后的学术研究工作打下良好的基础。- 3 -


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