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1、一单元:Working with words and expressions 1) beloved, 2) classics 3) survivor 4) workaholic 5) manufacturing 6) odd 7) finances 8) boarded 9) replacement 10) natural 1) asking around 2) straighten out 3) pick out 4) grabbed at 5)lookin the eye 6) and all thatIncreasing your word powerBoard2. 2) board:

2、n. the cost of mealsI pay $30 a week for board and lodging. 3) board: n. a committee of the directors of a company, which is responsible for the management of the companyEvery decision has to be passed by the board of directors. 4) board: v. get of supply meals and lodging for paymentShe arranged to

3、 board some students from the universities. 5) board: v. get into (a ship or public vehicle)Before boarding the plane, Jenny tried once more to call home. 6)on board: in or on (a ship or public vehicle)Waving goodbye to everyone, she got on board the train.Odd Odd: a. different from what is ordinary

4、 or expectedTimber? Thats kind of an odd name for a kid. odd: a. separated from its pair or setHes got a whole drawer full of odd socks. odd: a. (of a number) that cannot be divided by twoThe houses on this side of the street have all got odd numbers, and on the other side theyve got even numbers. o

5、dd: a. not regular; occasionalShe does some odd jobs but nothing permanent. Odd: a. (after numbers) rather more than the stated numberShe looked younger than her 50-odd years.Cloze until 2)interests 3)sandwiches 4)overweight 5)beloved 6)boarded 7)workaholic 8)compete 9)finally 10)precisely 11)corona

6、ry 12)acquaintances 13)survived 14)inquiring 15)deceasedTranslationHe died. He worked himself to death, finally and precisely, at 3:00 a.m. Sunday morning, on his day off.his friends and acquaintances not really surprised. To them, He was a perfect Type A, a workaholic, a classic.He worked six days

7、a week, five of them until eight or nine at night, during a time when his own company had begun the four-day week for everyone but the executives. He played a golf game every month but it was work. Other than this, he had no outside “extracurricular interests”.His survivors included his wife Helen a

8、nd three children. Helen, forty-eight years old had given up trying to compete with his work years ago. Among his “beloved” children, the eldest son didnt know him well, and the daughter had no shared topics with him. Only the youngest son who was twenty, tried to grab at his father and tried to mea

9、n enough to him to keep the man at home.At the funeral, deceased had meant much to the company and would be missed. The sixty-year-old company president told the forty-eight-year-old widow that the fifty-one-year-old and would be hard to replace. By 5:00 p.m. the afternoon of the funeral, the compan

10、y president had begun to make inquiries about his replacement.二单元:1) ill-fitting2) stain3) devoured4) rotting5) cracked6) chronic7) dripping8) sore9) enslaved10) corrective2. 1) wears away/eats away2) come off3) help out4) eats away5) going up6) at best7) off and onIncreasing Your Word Power1. 1) Wh

11、at tortured me was that I could do nothing but see people die in flames helplessly.2) After spilling the whole shame of failure, the little girl cried bitterly into her mothers arms.3) Finally I was able to see that it was my distrust that destroyed my marriage.4) The train had left when I arrived a

12、t the station, and there were even no g00dbyes between us.5) More than 30 of those arrested were released from jail for lack of evidence, hut the rest remained behind the bars of their prison. 6) Some teenagers are likely to turn to the freedom of alcohol or drugs when they are not properly cared fo

13、r.7) The thought of having to beg for her forgiveness ate away his last bit of pride.8) 1 have come out of my despair, ready to win the next game.Cloze1) smell 2) marriage 3) chronic 4) smelly 5) unemployment 6) mattress 7) cornbread 8)malnutrition 9) cracked 10) luxuries 11) insects 12) diapers 13)

14、 future 14) alcohol 15) barsTRANSLATIONWhat is poverty? Read the story of a single mother of three, and you will understand what it means.She was married once, but later her husband lost his job and life became increasingly difficult. After giving birth to the last baby, her marriage came to an end.

15、In order to save her children from suffering, she summoned up her courage and went to ask for help.She got seventy-eight dollars a month for the four of them. After the rent, most of the rest went for food. There was no money left to get the refrigerator fixed and the milk went sour; no money for ho

16、t water, and even in winter she had to do washing in icy cold water. She had chronic anemia caused from poor diet, a bad case of worms, and needed a corrective operation, but there was no money for iron pills, or better food, or worm medicine, to say nothing of having an operation. She had no money for grannies; no money for paper handkerchiefs and her child



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