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1、北京四中20082009学年度第二学期高二年级英语期中试卷(试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟)第二部分:语言知识一、单项填空(共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。21. I love _ history because it gives us _ knowledge of the past events. A. the, a B. /,a C. /,/ D. a, the22. That art centre is _ used to be a factory, _ millions of cars were made. A. wh

2、at; where B. where; where C. what; which D. where; which23. The train _ at the present speed until it reaches the foot of the mountain at about nine oclock tonight. A. went B. is going C. goes D. will be going24. _ the fog, we should have reached our school. A. Because of B. In spite of C. In case o

3、f D. But for25. If a person has not had enough sleep, his actions will give him _ during the day. A. away B. up C. in D. back26. There is a tradition of having a family dinner at home on Chinese New Years Eve _, however, the custom has changed. A. Late B. Later C. Lately D. Latter27. The high-anxiet

4、y focus on reading score may have narrowed students _ to knowledge about the world that can improve their reading. A. idea B. aid C. belief D. access28. Being a good listener is a kind of quality and thats _ it takes to keep friendship. A. how B. what C. which D. where29. Every camera we sell comes

5、with a two-year _. A. guarantee B. safety C. confirmation D. conservation30. A university _ teachers, administrators and students. A. makes up for B. composes of C. makes up of D. consists of31. I am writing to _ you most sincerely on your appointment as Headmaster of the Grammar School. A. celebrat

6、e B. memorize C. congratulate D. welcome32. Long live our friendship means that we expect our friendship to be _. A. permanent B. priceless C. unchangeable D. precious33. Would you please tell me _ you know is good at typing? A. whom B. whomever C. whose D. whoever34. Newcastle Uniteds Kevin Nolan i

7、s desperate to _ lost time after returning from a three-match ban. A. take over B. make up for C. give away D. get a lot out of35. I would have told him the answer had it been possible, but I _ so busy then. A. had been B. were C. was D. would be二、完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 阅读下面短文,从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳答案。 I

8、was recently invited to a lecture on anxiety to several hundred mental-health professionals. My talk was scheduled to _36_ those of a number of famous psychiatrists (精神病学家). When my turn came, I was especially _37_ because the speaker before me had been particularly impressive and charming. As I app

9、roached the podium (讲台), my heart pounded and my mouth went completely _38_. What am I doing here? I asked myself. To make matters worse, my presentation partly _39_ with fear of public speaking. To _40_ myself, I tried an unusual way, I asked the audience, How many of you feel nervous _41_ you give

10、 a speech? Nearly every hand _42_. Well, thats exactly _43_ I feel right now! The audience _44_ with laughter. I relaxed and was able to get on with my _45_. _46_, we all find ourselves in a _47_ that makes us nervous. Perhaps youre afraid of saying _48_ things at a drinking party, stumbling over a

11、presentation at work or having your _49_ go blank during a test. For some of us the anxiety is so _50_ that it is personally and professionally incapacitating (使无能). _51_ the years, my work with hundreds of patients had taught me that _52_ can increase his or her social _53_, even in the most stress

12、ful situations. And I have a few simple but helpful _54_, such as tacking your fears one step at a time; focusing on others; _55_ anxiety into energy and stopping comparing yourself, which I think are of great value to us in our work.36. A. take B. follow C. observe D. learn37. A. worried B. eager C

13、. nervous D. anxious38. A. sweet B. wet C. bad D. dry39. A. dealt B. went C. stayed D. left40. A. comfort B. calm C. enjoy D. delight41. A. during B. while C. before D. when42. A. went up B. raised C. lifted D. brought up43. A. what B. how C. when D. why44. A. shouted B. cried C. responded D. answered45. A. job B. idea C. speech D. nervousness46. A. At times B. At any time C. All the time D. At one time47. A. state B. condition C. situation D. po


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