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1、U2 What time do you go to school?(你几点去上学)Section A1. What time do you go to school?你几点去上学? At seven 七点 What time 只就具体点钟进行提问 When 可以就任何时间进行提问 eg: When do you play soccer?你什么时候踢足球? After school. 放学后2. get up 对应短语: go to bed 3. get dressed dress sb.oneself 给某人自己穿衣服(oneself的人称和数与主语保持一致) eg: my sister is

2、 too young and she cant dress herself , so I must dress her.我妹妹太小还不会给自己穿衣服,所以我必须给她穿衣服4.tooth teeth(pl.)牙; foot feet(pl.)脚; goose geese(pl.)鹅 5. take a shower take a walk rest trip go for a walk去散步6. exercise (2d/P8) v. 锻炼 eg: Do you usually exercise ?你通常锻炼吗? n. 意为“练习,习题,体操”时为可数名词(c.) eg: I often do

3、my exercises after dinner.我经常在晚餐后做习题。morning exercises 早操 eye exercises 眼操 意为“锻炼”时为不可数名词(u.) eg: Oh!you need to do some exercise .哦!你需要做些锻炼了。6. alwaysusually oftensometimesseldom never总是 通常 经常 偶尔 很少 从不频度副词,常用于be动词,情态动词,助动词后,实义动词这前。(2d/P8)eg: Jane is never late for school .简上学从不迟到。(never和always可以进行同义

4、或反义转换) 同义句: 反义句: He doesnt usually watch TV after school .放学后他通常不看电视。lisa usually gets up at six in the morning.莉萨通常在早上六点钟起床。8. job 工作 为可数名词(n.)强调职业,也有零活的意思。work n. (u.)v. 工作 做名词时为不可数名词 强调是日常生活的工作。两者有时可以通用。eg: His job work is a teacher .但有时不能通用.eg:My sister has a good job. My father has much work to

5、 do every day .9. at a radio station 10. at night ; 在早晨下午晚上 11. at aboutaround ten twenty 大约在十点二十分(2d/P8)12. Thats a funny time for breakfast! (2d/P8)那个时间吃早餐很有趣。time for + = time to do sth.做某事的时间eg: It s a good time for reading books .这是读书的好时间 = 13. early adj. 早的 early bus 早班车 adv. 早早地 get up early

6、14. oclock 用于整点后 at ten oclock 15. so 这么,那么,如此,所以 当“所以”讲与 because 不能同时用于一个句子中,只能用其一。eg: Peter is ill(生病), so he cant go to school.= 16. be late for +n.pron.v.-ing 做某事迟到 eg :Jane is never late for schoolit going to school. (adj.)= Jane never goes to school late .(adv.) 简上学从不迟到17. in our group 在我们组(3c

7、p9)Section B18. on school day 在校庆日 on school days 在上学日19. best 最好 adj. adv.eg: You are my best friend (adj.) I like English best . (adv.)20. a quarter 一刻钟(十五分),四分之一 a quarter to +基数词 “差一刻钟到点” 六点四十五 21. do ones homework(u.) 做作业 (ones的人称和数与主语保持一致) eg: I want to do my homework.22. clean v. 打扫 eg: lets

8、clean the classroom. adj. 干净的 eg: Our classroom is clean now.23. quickly adv. 很快地 ,用于动词后修饰动词 eg : He runs very quicly.他跑地飞快.quick adj. 快的eg :He eats a quick breakfast .= 24. half 一半 half a year 半年 半小时 half past +基数词,意思为“.点半” 十点半 25.first adj. 第一 常用于名词前 adv. “首先” 常用于句末 I always do my homework first我总

9、是先做作业26. eitheror ,或者或者 ,连接两个主语时,谓语动词与最近的一个主语在人称和数上保持一致。(主谓一致原则中的就近原则)eg :I either watch TV or play computer games. = Either you or he is a winner(胜利者,赢家) .(就近原则)27. eat a good breakfast 吃营养的早餐(2bp11)28. lots of a lot of 很多,大量的,用于肯定句中,既可以修饰可数名词又可以修饰不可数名词;在疑问及否定句常用many 或much 替换。 eg: I have a lot of l

10、ots of good friends. 改为 否定句 There is a lot oflots of milk in the glass.杯子里有很多牛奶。改为一般疑问句 29. be good for ,对有好处(2bp11) eg: Healthy eating habits are good for us.好的饮食习惯对我们是有好处的。30. taste v. 感观动词 品尝(做谓语) ,尝起来(做连系动词)(2bp11) n. 味道 当“尝起来”讲时,为连系动词,后接形容词,构成系表结构。 eg: Can I taste the dish .我能尝尝这道菜吗?(做谓语) Oh!it

11、 tastes greatgood(连系动词) 相同用法的词: 31. life 生活,一生,生命 复数(pl.) lives(生命)32. Here +be +n. 这是 here are your photos.这是你的相片。 Here +pron+be .在这 here they are 他们在这。33. 时间的表达法:方法一: 时+分 5:15 five fifteen (此时fifteen不能用a quarter 替代) 5:45 five forty- five方法二:(注意时在后,分在前,从后向前进行翻译) 情况1. 半点之前包括半点:分+past+ 时(past 译为“过”) 5:15 fifteena quarter past five 五点过十五分 6:30 thirty half past six 情况2. 半点后:(60-分)+ to + (时+1) (to译为“差”) 5:45 fifteen a quarter to six 六点差一刻(十五分) (60-45) (5+1)34.make breakfast lunch dinner 做早饭午饭晚饭


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