2019年中考英语二轮复习阅读理解基础优题(9) 人教新目标版

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1、2019年中考(人教)英语:阅读理解基础优题(九)【实战训练】 A(2019中考选练)What a father had done now has been redone by his son. US video game magnate(大亨) Richard Garriott headed into space aboard a Russian rocket watched by his father, a NASA astronaut who went into space at the height of the Cold War.The Russian Soyuz TMA13 spa

2、cecraft lifted off in clear weather from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on the Kazakh steppe(大草原) just after 1 pm local time.A video game developer from Texas, Garriott paid $ 30 million to fly into space alongside US astronaut Michael Fincke and Russian cosmonaut Yury Lonchakov.Garriotts father, Owen, wat

3、ched the launch through telescopes on an observation platform and Garriotts girlfriend, Kelly Miller, burst into tears. “I am very happy for him. It is one of the things he really wanted to do,” Miller said as others opened champagne to celebrate the successful launch.“I can see he is really enjoyin

4、g it like a little kid in the candy shop , ” Miller said. Space officials said the Soyuz rocket had reached orbisafely and would dock with the International Space Station (ISS) in about two days.“He made it; he made it into orbit. It is marvelous,” said Owen Garriott, a physicist who was selected as

5、 an astronaut by NASA for his scientific background. He spent 60 days in space in 1973 and another 10 days in 1983. After 12 days in space Garriott will return to earth with the ISSs former crew on Soyuz , a three person reentry capsule(返回舱) which has broken down on its last two flights back to eart

6、h.1. Who are the passengers except Richard Garriott in the spacecraft?Owen GarriottMichael Fincke Yury LonchakovKelly Miller AB C D2. What was the reason for Richard Garriotts space travel?A. His father used to be an excellent astronaut.B. He planned to explore a game about the space.C. He wanted to

7、 make his dream come true.D. He got too much expectation from his father.3. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “dock” ?A. join together B. fly togetherC. explore together D. run together4. Which of the following about the Soyuz spacecraft is TRUE?A. It has been launc

8、hed into space with Richard Garriott successfully.B. Owen Garriott once was brought into the space by this spacecraft.C. The Soyuz reentry capsule has not made a mistake until this flight.D. Garriott made a second attempt to fly back to earth on Soyuz.5. In which part of the newspaper will you proba

9、bly find this passage?A. Travel. B. Education. C. Science. D. Business.参考答案BCAAA【实战训练】 BMarch 16th is World Sleep Day. This years slogan (标语) is “Breathe (呼吸) Easily, Sleep Well”. Its aim is to celebrate the benefits (好处) of good and healthy sleep.Sleep is like food for the brain. Enough sleep helps

10、 the body and brain grow and develop. According to the National Sleep Foundation in the US, adults need seven to nine hours of sleep every night. For students aged 10 to 17, a healthy amount is about eight to nine hours per night.But many students dont get enough sleep because of early school start

11、times and heavy homework. About 80 percent of middle school students dont get enough sleep, the China Youth and Children Research Center reported. For some students, they want to sleep early, but they keep worrying about their schoolwork and cant fall asleep quickly. For others, they may even have i

12、nsomnia which might keep them awake all night.These sleeping problems greatly affect peoples lives. Experts have shown that lack of sleep for teenagers leads to poor grades. Students without enough sleep cannot pay attention in class or do well in sports. Also, the lack of sleep may make them depres

13、sed (沮丧的).Luckily, with good sleep habits, it is easier to fall asleep. Some of these good habits include avoiding drinks that make people excited late in the day, going to sleep at the same time each night, and sleeping in a comfortable place that is dark, quiet, and neither too warm nor too cold.5

14、9. If Li Hong is 15years old, how much sleep does she need every night? A. 10-12 hours. B. 8-9 hours. C. 7 hours. D. Less than 7 hours.60. What might happen if teens dont get enough sleep?A. They might do well in sports.B. Their bodies and brains might grow better.C. They might feel depressed.D. The

15、y might not be able to finish their schoolwork.61. The underlined word “insomnia” means “_” in Chinese.A. 健忘症 B. 肥胖症 C. 多动症 D. 失眠症62. Which is NOT a reason why so many students dont get enough sleep?A. They cannot pay attention in class. B. They have too much homework to do.C. They have sleeping problems.D. They have to get up very early to go to school.参考答案5962 BCDA【实战训练】 CScientists have discovered coal in Antarctica (南极洲). This leads them to believe that Antarctica at one time was a land of forests. Heat and wet must have kept the trees in the forests alive.Find


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