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1、院系 班级: 姓名: 学号:_ 潍坊科技学院20102011学年第一学期期末考试五专一年级试题(适用于2110级五专学生)考试时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号IIIIIIIVV得分阅卷人一、选择(每题1分,共30分)1、Whats the matter with you?A. a,/ B. a; the C. a; a D. the; the2、Id like to invite you to dinner this afternoon, Mr. Smith . _A、Oh, no. Lets not .B、Id rather stay at home .C、Id love to ,but

2、I have other plans . D、Oh, no. Thatll be too much trouble .3、What shall we do to celebrate Teachers Day? We can make a card_buy a card for Miss Wang .A、but B、and C、or D、then4、Im going to Dalian to spend the holiday tomorrow . _.A、Congratulations B、Thats true C、Have a good time D、Thats nothing5、_driv

3、e so fast , Jack! Its very dangerous . Sorry ,I wont .A、Not B、Dont C、No D、Doesnt6、How was your weekend ?Great! We _a picnic by the lake .A、have B、are having C、had D、will have7、Im sorry I lost your pen ,Jack. _A、Great . Anything else ? B、Thats right C、It doesnt matter D、I dont know .8、John , read the

4、 text for us ,_?A、does he B、will he C、do you D、will you9、It will _you about thirteen hours to fly to England from Hong Kong .A、spend B、take C、use D、pay 10、Do you think our football team will the match ?Yes .We have better players ,so I _them to win.A、hope B、expect C、ask D、let 11、Happy birthday ,Tom

5、. _A、With pleasure B、Thanks a lot C、You ,too D、The same to you12、Is there anything wrong with my son ,doctor ? _A、Do it ,please B、I dont mindC、I dont feel very well D、Nothing serious13、Im sorry ,I _my exercise book at home . Dont forget_ it to school tomorrow , please .A、forgot; to take B、left; to b

6、ring C、forgot; to bring D、left; to take14、Would you like some more drink ,boys ? Yes , _, please .A、some oranges B、two bottles of chocolates C、some cakes D、two bottles of orange15、Im glad I _ with my best friend in the same school next year .A、 study B、will study C、have studied D、studied 16、I have _

7、the word in several dictionaries , but I cant _how to use the word correctly .A、looked in; find out B、looked up; find out C、looked up; find D、looked for; find17、He will _from the school in May .A、graduation B、graduate C、continue D、continuous18、Tim and tide_ no man .A、wait for B、wait to C、send for D、

8、send to19、_do you like the food ?Its delicious .A、What B、How C、Where D、Which 20、Thanks for the lovely party and the delicious food ._A、My pleasure B、No, thanks C、Never mind D、All right21、You _the English exam if you dont work hard .A、wont pass B、will pass C、fail D、is going to 22、My mother said she w

9、ould come _Saturday morning .A、in a B、to C、 on D、 with23、It _Saturday tomorrow .A、will to be B、is C、is going to D、is going24、They _apples on a farm next month .A、pick B、is picking C、are going to pick D、picked25、Thanks for _us to your welcome party and we will arrive on time .A、ask B、invite C、invitat

10、ion D、inviting26、I have invite my good friends _a dinner party .A、have B、to have C、having D、had 27、I _a gift on my birthday ,but I didnt _it .A、received , accept B、accepted , receiveC、receive ,accepted D、accept ,receive28、Would you love_ to the movies with us ?A、comes B、to come C、came D、is coming29、

11、If you _difficulties ,you can make a phone call .A、do having B、do have C、do to have D、have do 30、I look forward to _you in Beijing .A、see B、saw C、seeing D、sawing二、阅读理解(每题2分,共30分)Text 1 One day Tom and Bill went out for a walk .On the road they saw a lot of people and went up and had a look .Oh, dear

12、! There was a cow in the middle of the road .It would not move .The cars and buses could not get past .Then a policeman came .“Whose cow is this?” he asked . “Its mine ,”said a farmer . “But I cant move it.”The policeman and the farmer tried but it could not move . Tom and Bill laughed, but the driv

13、ers of cars and buses were worried. “We cant move the cow,”The farmer and the policeman said, “What shall we do?”“Give him a cabbage!”Tom said. “Thats a good idea.”Said the farmer. Soon he found a cabbage and showed it to the cow. When the cow saw the cabbage, it walked after the farmer at once. All the cars and buses could get past at last.31. Tom went out for a walk _.A. with a group of people B. with BillC. by himself D. with a farmer32. Tom and Bill saw a cow was _.A. on the way to work .B. the stronge



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