2018年高考英语一轮复习话题语篇专攻练31 政治经济(一)外研版

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《2018年高考英语一轮复习话题语篇专攻练31 政治经济(一)外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018年高考英语一轮复习话题语篇专攻练31 政治经济(一)外研版(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、话题语篇专攻练31政治经济(一)(建议用时40分钟). 阅读理解ASan Francisco, a city by the bay, is named after St. Francis who had a deep belief in the connection and brotherhood of man, and I am pretty sure he meant the relationship between everyone not just some. But too often the most predominant problems of San Francisco do

2、nt reflect St. Francisvision but a growing gap between those who have and those who dont have. Unfortunately, the gap separates rather than unites people. Whats worse is that there is a percentage of people with growing wealth who show little respect for the poor. I heard just this morning about a t

3、ech executive who said“I make so much money I can afford to step over the homeless in this city. ”Local headlines over the past year have captured similar unhealthy attitudes. I believe that most people here truly care but dont know how to offer their help and that they dont understand the problem.

4、I believe that they dont even consider the possible challenges to ending it up. Therefore, I think they are paralyzed. Even we, after working in this field for two more years, are often puzzled when we wonder why solutions arent more actionable. But just as things start to feel hopeless, we are enco

5、uraged by the simple acts of grace we see every day like the countless emails we get from people who believe in what we are doing and offer their time, money or other resources to help, or like the support we get from partners who remind us that together every life we touch is left a little brighter

6、 and a little stronger because we care. Perhaps St. Francis would instantly see the good that still shapes this city. Id like to think that what he stood for, what San Francisco is named for, is unshakable here regardless of any incarnation(典型人物)the city takes. 【文章大意】本文是一篇议论文, 旧金山倡导人与人之间的平等的兄弟姐妹关系,

7、然而, 目前出现了贫富分化后的社会歧视。作者在文章阐述了自己对此现象的见解。1. Why is the attitude of the tech executive unhealthy? A. He prefers to show his wealth to the public. B. He doesnt make a contribution to charity. C. He doesnt make his efforts to help other people. D. He is a member of those who ignore the homeless. 【解析】选D。细节

8、理解题。从第二段的“I make so much money I can afford to step over the homeless. . . unhealthy attitudes”可知, 那位高管自恃收入高, 瞧不起无家可归之人, 这种态度是不健康的。故答案选D项。2. The purpose of the fourth paragraph is to show that_. A. the author and his colleagues intend to continue their careerB. more encouragement is needed to promot

9、e the authors careerC. the authors career should be more beneficial to other peopleD. its a relief for the author to hear his clients become stronger【解析】选A。推理判断题。从第四段的内容可知, 尽管旧金山的一些现象让作者很失望, 但还有一些很暖心的事情让作者有了坚持下去的理由。故答案选A项。3. The underlined sentence in the last paragraph implies that_. A. San Francis

10、co is a city filled with goodness and evil as wellB. the author is grateful for the contribution made by St. FrancisC. most people in San Francisco live up to the spirits of their cityD. people have different attitudes toward the spirits of San Francisco【解析】选C。句意理解题。从句意可知, 尽管旧金山有各种典型人物, 但其城市的灵魂却是不可动

11、摇的。言外之意, 大部分旧金山人都是遵行旧金山精神的。故答案选C项。4. Whats the main idea of this passage? A. Relationships between people in San Francisco should be improved. B. People in San Francisco should be called on to help the homeless. C. Nobody in San Francisco can live well without good spirits. D. There are more advanta

12、ges than disadvantages in San Francisco. 【解析】选D。主旨大意题。从文章的内容可知, 尽管旧金山出现了一些瑕疵, 但其本身的精髓依旧不可撼动。故答案选D项。B(2017郑州模拟)How can you avoid running out of money in retirement? Our 15-Minute Retirement Plan can help you get started on a successful path. Compared to the length of retirement, 15 minutes is no time

13、 at all. But thats all you need to learn the basics of developing a plan to make your savings last as long as you need them. Still, many investors(投资者)dont take this timetherefore putting their retirement in trouble. Investorsbiggest mistakes often occur long before any buying or selling takes place

14、. They tend to have no real sense of how long they need the money to last and dont quite understand that any investment has risks and needs to be considered again. To start, ask yourself how long youll need your retirement savings. Most investors need their savings to last as long as they dosometime

15、s longer if theyd like their investment to support a younger couple, children or charity after theyre gone. So exactly how long that could be for you isnt black and white. To get a better idea, consider your familys history of health and life length. Be sure to consider advances in health care and t

16、echnology. That only your father died at 70 doesnt mean youll do the same. Most people outlive their ancestors, therefore rising average life length. Planning early for a longer life is smart. You could also be under estimating the amount of cash flow youll need after retirement. Keeping your lifestyle becomes much more costly if your expenses heavily rely on goods or s


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