2018年高考英语一轮复习话题语篇专攻练2 人际关系(二)外研版

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《2018年高考英语一轮复习话题语篇专攻练2 人际关系(二)外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018年高考英语一轮复习话题语篇专攻练2 人际关系(二)外研版(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、话题语篇专攻练 2人际关系(二)(建议用时35分钟). 阅读理解ATo be successful in any aspect of life, you need to know when to use the carrot or the stick. Here are a few tips to help you decide whether its better to use the carrot or the stick. With the kidsThe carrotWhen it comes to raising a kid, the carrot or the stick dile

2、mma is quickly disappearing as too many parents take the carrot approach to the extreme. In child raising, the carrot should never be materialistic(物质的)things. If you want to ask for good behavior with a reward, it should be with something that cant be bought, say, trust. The stickNowadays, no one l

3、ikes to use the stick any more, or in my fathers case, the belt. Im not overlooking child abuse, if you ever want to call it that, but I am encouraging parents to toughen up a bit. You dont want your kid to test your limits only to find out he can get away with it. If you want to raise a kid, raise

4、the hand and let him know it comes down on the second offense. At the officeThe carrotPeople need encouragement and motivation to perform well. However, the carrot only really works well with employees who have already proved themselves. If youve got someone who cant show up at the office before noo

5、n, the promise of a raise isnt going to do much. On the contrary, if theres a guy with a good work moral, hell thrive(grow stronger)when you add a promotion to the picture. The stickWhen considering the carrot or the stick in the office, remember that, overall, the stick is the most practical method

6、 in the office. A wise man, who just happened to be an Italian, once said “Its best to be both loved and feared. ”Its nice to have everyone love you, but running a business isnt like running a family. You need to have the stick constantly raised. With the wifeThe carrotWhen it comes to marriage, som

7、e always use the carrot. Ive had a lovely marriage for many years, and Ive always stuck to the carrot approach. Sometimes you catch more flies with honey, and sometimes its the crack of a whip(鞭子)that gets the horse moving. Try not to use too many sticks at home; the carrot is much more fun. 【文章大意】对

8、于孩子、办公室员工和妻子, 在不同方面我们应该用什么方式区别对待呢? 1. What is the best title of this passage? A. The Carrot or the Stick? B. The Introduction to the Carrot and the StickC. Tips in the Daily LifeD. The Advantages of the Carrot and the Stick【解析】选A。主旨大意题。文章主要讲述对于孩子、办公室员工和妻子, 我们应该用“胡萝卜”还是“棍棒”呢? “胡萝卜”和“棍棒”代表着不同的对待方式。故答案

9、为A项。2. In kids raising, the author prefers_. A. the carrot approachB. the stick approachC. both the carrot approach and the stick approachD. neither the carrot approach nor the stick approach【解析】选B。细节理解题。从文中“Im not overlooking child abuse. . . encouraging parents to toughen up a bit”可知, 作者更喜欢用“棍棒政策”

10、来教育孩子, 故选B项。3. Which do you think is the best to be a good boss at the office? A. Always using carrots. B. Eating a lot of carrots. C. Being both loved and feared. D. Using too many sticks. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。作者引用一位意大利人的话说明: 让你的下属敬畏和感到关爱才是最好的老板, 故选C项。4. Which is NOT true according to the passage? A. The a

11、uthor often gives more carrots to his wife to eat at home. B. The carrot is much more fun when it comes to marriage. C. On different occasions, the carrot or the stick is effective. D. You need the stick to get your horses to move faster occasionally. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。文章的最后一句是说: 维持好的婚姻关系, 丈夫要会哄妻子, 而不是说作

12、者在家经常给妻子吃胡萝卜, 故选A项。BOne summer day, I went to shopping. I love fresh produce, and not just for the amazing palette of colors provided by summers bounty or the chance to marvel over exotic new choices. Its also because I just love watching people pick their produce. The first thing I notice is a shop

13、pers concentration as they sift through abundant sections of vegetables and fruits, touching every last piece to find just the right one. The day I was there I found a woman in her late 70s. Despite the fact that we were strangers, we began to discuss apples. “They tasted like I was eating an unripe

14、 green apple from the tree, ”she said. I wondered if this is something most of my generation can even recall doing. I surely do. I often fell prey to the green yet tempting fruit dangling from an apple tree. I can also remember when a Red Delicious was really delicious, and I mentioned how grainy th

15、eyve become. This was the spark for a series of discussions as we shopped. By this time a third woman had chimed in about a larger farmers market in Rockford, an hour or so north of us. The three of us continued along, unexpected friends, chatting about family size and the troubles a mom might have

16、serving healthful foods that please the whole family. Eventually we all went our separate ways, but in the dairy section I heard a small voice say, “I finally caught up with you. ”It was the first woman Id talked to, handing a bag of apricots to me. “I dont know if your family will eat these, ”she added, “but they have a super deal on them. ”Again I drifted back to my ch



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