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1、中南民族大学 硕士学位论文 泰山生命崇拜研究 姓名:王明 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:民俗学 指导教师:向柏松 2011-05-20 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 I 摘 要 泰山文化源远流长,自古以来便在华夏文化中一枝独秀,甚至有的学者将泰 山看作是中华历史和文明的局部缩影。 泰山信仰文化是泰山文化的重要组成部分, 在泰山文化中占有重要的地位,历来为人们所称道。东岳大帝、碧霞元君、泰山 石敢当等依托于泰山之上的神灵神力非凡,长久以来,其信众之多,流传范围之 广为人们所瞩目。泰山信仰是一个信仰的结合体,并不仅仅是对某个或某几个神 灵的信仰,既包括对天地、山川、日月等自然神的较原始的信仰,也包括对以上

2、 提及的东岳大帝、碧霞元君、泰山石敢当等人神的信仰,还包括许多其他的信仰 内容,比如对生殖的崇拜、对鬼神的崇拜等等。因此,要研究泰山信仰要将这所 有的信仰内容规整在一起进行研究,通过梳理泰山信仰的发生、发展以及演变的 规律和特点,可以更好的理解泰山信仰文化,重塑泰山信仰文化在现代和谐社会 下所体现出的特殊意义。 论文在将泰山崇拜的多重信仰内容进行综合的考察之后,发现有一条主线始 终贯穿在泰山崇拜发展和演变的各个历史阶段。这条主线就是泰山崇拜中所体现 出来的生命意识,包括对新生命的渴望,对生命长寿的渴望以及对生命再生的渴 望。论文将泰山崇拜中的生命意识作为研究的的突破口,将泰山崇拜中的生命意 识

3、归纳为生命诞生意识、生命长寿意识、生命再生意识三个方面。泰山主万物生 发,在人们的崇拜观念中,一个新的朝代的诞生与新的生命的诞生都与泰山发生 联系。泰山崇拜中的生命诞生意识也从这两方面得到很好的体现。泰山主宰人们 寿命的长短,于是,泰山封禅就有了求仙和求长寿的意味。同时,护佑生命,保 护人们生命的健康与长寿也是泰山崇拜的重要内容。在灵魂不灭的思维方式下, 灵魂不灭是生命再生的基础,泰山是人死后灵魂的归属地,泰山神是灵魂的主宰 者。 这种魂归泰山的观念体现了泰山崇拜中的生命再生意识,与泰山崇拜相关的太 阳崇拜也是生命再生意识的具体体现。 随着当今文明的发展,泰山崇拜逐渐失去了以往应有的色彩,人们

4、渐渐不再 去特别的关注这种信仰,去信仰这种信仰,甚至有人认为这是过时的、不合时宜 的文化,应该被当做糟粕剔除掉。但是,作为一个民俗的爱好者,我要说的是, 泰山生命崇拜研究 II 这是我们老祖宗给我们留下的宝贵遗产,它流传了几千年的时间,饱经历史沧桑 的洗涤依然绽放着夺目的光彩, 其中蕴含的无比智慧与财富更是难以道尽。 因此, 研究、保护我们的文化和遗产,使它们更好的为现代社会服务,为现代社会的人 们服务,并且将它们发扬光大,使它们更好的传承下去是刻不容缓的,是必要的, 也是必须的。 关键词:泰山崇拜;生命意识;诞生意识;长寿意识;再生意识 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 III Abstract T

5、he culture of Mount Tai has a long history; it outshines others since ancient times. And some scholars even regard Mount Tai as a partial miniature. The religious culture of Mount Tai has always been praised for people; it plays an important role in culture of Mount Tai. Relying on the extraordinary

6、 divine gods, the god of mount Tai, Bixiayuanjun and Shigandang of Mt. Tai have had many believers with widely spread of range. The worship of Mount. Tai is not just a faith in one or a few gods, but a combination of different beliefs. It includes the belief in natural gods such as heaven, earth, mo

7、untains, lakes, sun, moon and the belief in personal gods such as the god of mount Tai, Bixiayuanjun and Shigandang of Mt. Tai. It also includes many other beliefs, such as the worship of the reproduction and spirits, etc. Therefore, its necessary to study the belief of Mount. Tai with all those bel

8、iefs. Clearly collate the characteristics of occurrence, development and evolution of Mount. Tais religion, its easier to understand the culture of Mount. Tais religion and reshape the special significance in harmonious society. After a comprehensive observation of multiple beliefs of Mount. Tai , i

9、t can be found that there is a main line runs through each historical period in the development and evolution of Mount. Tais religion, which is the worship of life,includes the longing for new life, the pursuit of longevity and desire for regeneration of life. The paper selected the worship of life

10、as the breakthrough points, divided the belief of Mount. Tai into three parts, those are the concept of birth, concept of longevity and concept of regeneration. Mount. Tai is the cradle of everything, in peoples opinion, the birth of a new dynasty and new life are always connected with Mount.Tai. Th

11、ose two aspects are embodied in the worship of life of Mount. Tai. Mount. Tai dominates the length of life, hence, the grand ceremony of Mount. Tai possesses the concept of praying for immortality and longevity. Besides, protecting lives, health and longevity is an important part of Mount. Tais beli

12、ef. Under the thoughts of immortality, immortality is the basis for regeneration of life, Mount. Tai is the attribution of the soul after death, the god of Mount. Tai is the master of the soul. The concept of attribution reveals the idea of regeneration of life in Mount. Tais belief, the worship of

13、sun which connected with the worship of Mount. Tai also embodies the concept of regeneration 泰山生命崇拜研究 IV for life. With the development of civilization, the worship of Mount. Tai has lost its deserved status gradually, people no longer pay special attention to this belief, and some even think that t

14、his belief is outdated culture which should be removed as dross. However, as a folk fan, I would say that the belief of Mount.Tai is a precious legacy from our ancestor; it spreads a few thousand years with incomparable wisdom and wealth. Consequently, its necessary to research and protect our cultu

15、re and heritage, make them provide better service to people and society with further develop and inheritance. Key words: the worship of Mount. Tai,the concept of birth, the concept of longevity, the concept of regeneration 中南民族大学中南民族大学 学位论文原创性声明学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所 取得的研究成果。除了文中特别

16、加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任 何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡 献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的 法律后果由本人承担。 作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 学位论文版权使用授权书学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意 学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文 被查阅和借阅。本人授权中南民族大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内 容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存 和汇编本学位论文。 本学位论文属于 1、保密,在_年解密后适用本授权书。 2、不保密。 (请在以上相应方框内打“” ) 作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 导师签名: 日期: 年 月 日 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 1 第一章 绪 论 一、选题缘由 泰山, 又称岱宗、 岱岳、 东岳等, 几千年来, 泰山一直是中国人心目中的 “神 山”、“圣山”。历代帝王的封禅祭天、数千年精神文化的渗透和渲染以及人



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