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1、表格式教学设计模板Unit 1 Women of achievement(教学设计) Period 4 Using language1. Analysis of the teaching materialsThis period comes from Unit 1 Women of achievement, New Senior English for China Students Book 4. The topic of this unit is “women of achievement”. The brief introductions of different great women

2、in Warming up and a detailed text about Jane Goodall give students much information and encouragement. This period consists of three parts - reading, speaking and writing the emphasis will be placed on helping students to acquire information from the reading part and then use it in their speaking an

3、d writing.2. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aimsa. To Acquire information about Lin Qiaozhi from the reading.b. To Master the words and expressions using to describe a successful woman.2. Ability aimsa. To Bbe able to talk about a successful woman.b. Be able to write down a description of the woman talke

4、d about.3. Emotion aimsa. To Bbecome interested in achievements of great womenb. Be inspired by their stories.3. Teaching key points 1. Get students to read the passage and learn the structure.2. Get students to learn the words and expressions to talk about successful women.4. Teaching difficult poi

5、nts1. Develop students reading ability.2. Enable students to write down the description. 5. Analysis of the students and learning methodsSenior students are active in thinking and interested in performing. They have already got much information from the text in this unit and are familiar with some f

6、amous women. So they must be interested in talking about this subject. Whats more, on the one hand, the students have gradually developed their ability to catch information and deal with information, but they still have some difficulty thinking and expressing themselves in English; on the other hand

7、, they are always willing to take an active part in the activities. So in this class, tasks are designed in different levels to arouse their interest in learning as well as to be motivated to finish the tasks.6. Teaching methodsThe task-based teaching and learning; skimming and scanning; the autonom

8、ous learning method; pair or group work7. Teaching proceduresSteps and timeTeachers activityStudents activityDesign intention1Lead-in (5mins) Raise two questions1. Have you ever thought about what kind of major to learn in your university?2. What about the author?1Try to express their own opinions.2

9、. Guess the main idea of the text from the title and picture.With the help of two questions, lead in the text naturally.2.Reading (15mins)Task 1 skimming1. Who is the main character in the text?2. When did she live?3. What was her job?Quickly go through the text and answer the questions.To train Ss

10、skimming skill and the ability to acquire the basic information of the text.Task 2 scanningAnswer question 1 to 3 in Exercise 2 on Page 6.Scan the text for a second time and answer the questions.To train Ss ability of finding details in reading.Discuss the question “What do you think are the importa

11、nt qualities that a doctor should have?” Group work.To train Ss ability to summary and raise the awareness of teamwork.3Speaking (10mins)Encourage students to think of a special woman with a successful career and as many adjectives as possible to describe her.Brainstorm To cultivate Ss active thinki

12、ng.Make a dialogue in pairs.Pair work.To improve Ss oral English.Act out the dialogue.Role play.4.Writing (15mins)Guide students to write down the description step by step.Write down the description according to the teachers guide.To improve Ss written English.5HomeworkShare your writing with your c

13、lassmates and learn from each other. To encourage Ss to learn from each other and build up the sense of cooperation.8、教学评价及反思建议1、 教师角度本节课的课堂容量较大,重点在于指导学生通过阅读找出相关信息并能运用在口语表达中,难点在于最后让学生把自己的想法整理成书面作文形式。可从教师指令是否清晰,是否调动学生积极参与课堂讨论以及对于学生写作指导是否到位等角度进行评价及反思。2、 学生角度从学生课堂上参与程度、对文章的结构把握、对课后习题的回答情况及口语表达情况等角度进行评价及反思。3


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