综合英语1 unit_10_review

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1、Vocabulary Revision,alien faded heritage gruffness dazed extraordinary desperate somber despise hypocrisy render veranda immense sentimental indecision heed linger inestimable mouth indefatigable isolate obligation,国外的 传统 头昏的 不顾一切的 瞧不起 给予 巨大 优柔寡断 逗留 信口开河 隔离,褪色的 粗鲁 特别的 暗淡的 伪善 阳台 多愁善感 注意 无法估计的 不知疲倦的 责

2、任,国外的 传统 头昏的 不顾一切的 瞧不起 给予 巨大 优柔寡断 逗留 信口开河 隔离,褪色的 粗鲁 特别的 暗淡的 伪善 阳台 多愁善感 注意 无法估计的 不知疲倦的 责任,alien faded heritage gruffness dazed extraordinary desperate somber despise hypocrisy render veranda immense sentimental indecision heed linger inestimable mouth indefatigable isolate obligation,Unit 10 Text I A

3、 Debt to Dickens,At 20 years old he was not as strong, as fast, as a_as he is now. We must take care to preserve our national h_. She was d_ by a blow on the head. Now more and more people are s_ into big cities. At the moment of i_, we helped them make up their minds. He is 74 years old but still f

4、ull of z_.,agile,heritage,dazed,streaming,indecision,zest,They are living in w_ poverty. He grows up in a male-only h_. Joseph Smith was a v_book collector. The task requires e_patience and endurance. Many of the refugee villages are in i_areas. A lot of people were in the water, swimming or simply

5、s_ about. Country f_ can tell you that there are certain places which animals avoid. He was ashamed. That feeling l_, and he was never comfortable in church after that. A f_ yellow light denotes caution,wretched,household,voracious,extraordinary,isolated,splashing,folk,lingered,flashing,His evenings

6、 were spent in s_ drinking. Our parents fulfilled their o_ to support us. The value of that antique is i_. Customers are welcome to l_over coffee until around midnight. He lit a cigarette and p_on the corner of the desk. The book p_ the world of the future. She r_(that) she would never speak to him

7、again. Her mother was a p_ Christian. He d_ himself for being so cowardly.,solitary,obligation,inestimable,linger,perched,pictured,resolved,pious,despised,我亏欠了一个英国人的恩情,很久以前在中国,他为一个美国小女孩提供了无价的帮助。,My debt is to an Englishman, who long ago in China rendered an inestimable service to a small American ch

8、ild.,Translation,Translation,. She lingered beside villages of boat folk, and saw them live, the babies tied to a rope and splashing in the shallower waters. Translation: 她流连于渔民聚集的村落,观看他们的生活,许多婴儿都用绳子系着在浅滩里戏水。 她在小渔村边闲逛,看村民们怎么生活,看着一群小孩子拴着根绳子在浅水中玩耍。,. She wandered small and alien among the farm folk .

9、Translation: 她,一个外国小孩,漫无目标地游走在村民中。 她小小的身影,一个外国人,在村民们的土屋中走来走去。,. bearing with shy, painful smiles their kind teasing laughter at her yellow curls and unfortunate blue eyes, 带着害羞而受伤的微笑,忍受着他们善意地取笑自己金黄色的卷发和令人遗憾的蓝色眼睛,Translation,. However kindly the people about her might be, and they were much more ofte

10、n kind than not, she knew that she was foreign to them. Translation: 无论周围的人们对她多友善,他们通常对她的确相当的友善,她知道自己对于他们仍是外国人。,. they were too busy to pay much heed to her and so she wandered about a great deal, seeing and learning all sorts of things. Translation: 他们太忙以至于不能很好地关心她,因此她常常四处徘徊,观看和学习各种各样的事物。,. She lon

11、ged very much, I can remember, to have some of them to play with. But she never had them. Translation: 我记得她很渴望能和一群像她一样的孩子游戏,但她确从来没有这样的玩伴。,. and in great peril descended, and stopping in the pantry for a pocket full of peanuts, she made off to a secret corner of the veranda into which only a small, a

12、gile child could squeeze, 她极其危险地爬下来;在经过食品室时停下来抓了一口袋花生,就匆忙跑开到走廊上一个不为人知、只有身材娇小灵活的孩子才挤得进去的角落。,Translation, and after that I still kept a Dickens book on hand, so to speak, to dip into and feel myself at home again. A 从那以后,我仍然将一本狄更斯的书带在身边,可以说,这让我沉浸在一种身处家乡的舒适感受中。 B 从那以后,我仍然将一本狄更斯的书带在身边,可谓可以随便翻翻,这能让我沉浸在一种

13、身处家乡的舒适感受中。 C.此后,我手头依然总放着一本狄更新的书,可以这么说,是为了不时拿出来翻阅,令自己感觉舒适自在。,. He taught me to hate hypocrisy and pious mouthing of unctuous words. Translation: 他教会我憎恨虚假伪善、口蜜腹剑。,. If he saw everything black and white, it was because life rushed out of him strong and clear, full of love and hate. 如果说他看到的都是黑白分明的,那是因为

14、生活的热情从他身上滚滚涌出,强烈而清晰,充满了爱与恨。,. If he saw everything black and white, it was because life rushed out of him strong and clear, full of love and hate. 如果说他看到的都是黑白分明的,那是因为生活的热情从他身上滚滚涌出,强烈而清晰,充满了爱与恨。,. He gave me that zest, that immense joy in life and in people, and in their variety. 他给了我这种热情,让我从生活、人和丰富多

15、彩的人生中体会到了巨大的快乐。,.Translation: 犹豫不决真让我苦恼。 I was wretched with indecision.,Translation,Translation: 对于读书,她的贪婪令人难以置信。 She was an impossibly voracious reader.,债务通常是负担,但这是一种没有负担的特殊债务,如果她的感激之情没有表达出来,可能在她心里她会感到很忧郁 Debts are usually burdens, but this is no ordinary debt, and it is no burden, except as the feeling of warm gr



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