高中英语 5.4 grammar课件 外研版选修8

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1、名词性从句分为:主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句 表一 名词性从句的引导词,Period Four Grammar,名词性从句,注意: 1连接代词和连接副词引导的从句不用倒装语序。 2连接代词和连接副词在句中担任句子成分。 3连接词whether,if 以及that在句中只起连接作用,不 担任句子成分。,表二 主语从句,表三 宾语从句,表四 表语从句,表五 同位语从句,表六 几个区别,用适当的连词填空 Isnt it amazing _so many passengers were unhurt in the accident? This is _our problem lies. T

2、hat is _he didnt come to the meeting. It looks _it is going to rain. _hell attend the meeting isnt clear. 答案 that where why as if Whether,根据下列内容以Chinese Space Exploration为题,写一篇描写太空探索的文章。 1中国人的飞天梦想由来已久; 219992002年成功发射三艘无人飞船; 320022005年先后成功发射并回收“神舟、神舟和神舟”,完成了多项科学实验; 42003年神舟V第一次载人飞行成功,实现了飞天梦想;,过程描述类记叙

3、文,52008年9月25号至9月28号,神舟VII实现了太空行走,并成功返回,为登月做好准备; 6中国人有能力进行太空探索。 注意:1.词数:120左右; 2参考词汇:manned 载人的;spacecraft飞船; launch 发射。 【写作分析】 第一步:认真审题 一审体裁:本文要求介绍中国航天事业的发展过程,属于记叙文写作范畴。,二审格式:本文按照记叙文要求即可。时态用过去时,用第三人称较合适。 三审结构:首先概述中国航天事业的基本情况,然后详细介绍具体航天事件,最后阐述自己的观点。 第二步:提炼要点 1dreaming of doing sth 2succeed in launchi

4、ng and regaining spaceship 3come true 第三步:扩点成句 1Chinese have been dreaming of going to space for a long time.,2Between 2002 and 2005,China succeeded in launching and regaining Shenzhou ,and ,finishing many scientific experiments. 3This success is to make preparations for manned landing on the moon i

5、n the future. 4All of the success shows that our Chinese are able to explore and study space independently.,【品味佳作】 Chinese Space Exploration Chinese have been dreaming of going to space for a long time.From 1999 to 2002 China had launched three unmanned spacecraft successfully.Between 2002 and 2005,

6、China succeeded in launching and regaining Shenzhou ,and ,finishing many scientific experiments. In 2003,the first manned spacecraft,Shenzhou ,was sent into space successfully,Chinese dream coming,true.Another big success that China succeeded in launching and regaining Shenzhou VII on September 25th

7、,2008 made the world a shock.And China realized walking in space during this flight.This success is to make preparations for manned landing on the moon in the future. All of the success shows that our Chinese are able to explore and study space independently.,【名师点津】 1文章符合新闻报道的结构和要求,新闻报道的四个主要组成部分:标题、

8、导语、正文和结束语齐全,语言表达多样化,句式变化丰富,内容表述条理清晰,适当地变换句型结构和所用词汇,尽量避免重复和单调,很好地完成了这次的写作任务。 2亮点句式回放: In 2003,the first manned spacecraft,Shenzhou ,was sent into space successfully,Chinese dream coming true.(独立主格结构) Another big success that China succeeded in launching and regaining Shenzhou VII on September 25th,20

9、08 made the world a shock.(抽象名词具体化),【写作模板】 Chinese have been dreaming of _(写作的主题)From 1999 to 2002 China had launched three unmanned spacecraft successfully.Between 2002 and 2005,China succeeded in _(成果),finishing _(成就) In 2003,the first manned spacecraft,Shenzhou V,_(具体事件一)Another big success_(具体事件

10、二)made _(意义)And China realized _(成就)This success is to make preparations for _(意义) All of the success shows that our Chinese are able to _(评价)independently.,一、在定语从句中加了多余的宾语。如: 1误:Some of the boys I invited them didnt come. 正:Some of the boys I invited didnt come. 2误:The book that you need it is in t

11、he library. 正:The book that you need is in the library.,定语从句易犯错误,二、把定语从句谓语动词的单、复数弄错。如: 1误:Anyone who break the law will be punished. 正:Anyone who breaks the law will be punished. 2误:Those who has finished may go home. 正:Those who have finished may go home. 3误:He is the only one of the teachers who k

12、now French in our school. 正:He is the only one of the teachers who knows French in our school. 4误:This is one of the rooms that is free now. 正:This is one of the rooms that are free now.,三、误省略了定语从句中作主语的关系代词。如: 1误:Children eat a lot of sugar often have bad teeth. 正:Children who/that eat a lot of suga

13、r often have bad teeth. 2误:The key opens the bike is missing. 正:The key that/which opens the bike is missing.,四、定语从句中加了多余的关系副词或介词。如: 1误:The house where he lives in needs repairing. 正:The house where he lives needs repairing. 或:The house he lives in needs repairing. 2误:I still remember the day on whe

14、n I first came to Beijing. 正:I still remember the day when I first came to Beijing. 或:I still remember the day on which I first came to Beijing.,五、在作先行词的时间名词或地点名词后错用了关系代词或关系副词。 1误:I still remember the day when we spent together. 正:I still remember the day that/which we spent together. 2误:This is the

15、 house where we lived in last year. 正:This is the house which/that we lived in last year.,六、在先行词reason后错用关系副词why。如: 1误:Have you asked her for the reason why may explain her absence? 正:Have you asked her for the reason that/which may explain her absence? 2误:I dont believe the reason why he has given for his being late. 正:I dont believe the reason that/which he has given for his being late.,七、误将强调句型当定语从句。如: 1误:It was in the kitchen where the fire broke out. 正:It was in the kitchen that the fire broke out. 2误:Was it because it snowed last night when you didnt come? 正:Was it because it



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