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1、信息与计算科学专业本科教学计划Undergraduate Program For Information and Computing Science Major一、学制与学位Length of Schooling and Degree学制:四年Length of Schooling: Four Years学位:理学学士学位Academic Degree: Bachelor of Science二、培养目标Educational Objectives本专业培养具有良好的数学基础和数学思维能力,掌握信息与计算科学的基础理论、方法与技能,受到科学研究的训练,具有解决信息技术和科学与工程计算的实际问题

2、能力的高级专门人才。毕业生能在科技、教育、信息产业、经济金融等部门从事研究、教育、应用开发和管理工作。Students of this specialty will be educated to have a solid foundation of mathematics and a mathematical mind. They will master the primary theories of information and computing science and its research approaches and techniques. After a systematic

3、training of scientific research, the graduates will become well-educated professional personnel and can solve those practical problems in IT enterprises and scientific and engineering calculations. They can be engaged in those relevant jobs of science and technology, IT enterprises and financial man

4、agement. 三、专业培养基本要求 Skills Profile1具有扎实的数学基础,掌握信息科学和计算科学的基本理论和基本方法;2具有熟练使用计算机(包括常用语言、工具及专用软件)的基本技能和较强的数学建模、算法分析与编程能力;3能运用所学的理论、方法和技能解决信息技术和科学与工程计算中的实际问题;4受到科学研究的初步训练,了解信息与计算科学理论、技术与应用的新发展,具有较强的知识更新、技术跟踪与创新能力;5掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法;6掌握一门外语,具有一定的听、说、写、译的能力,能顺利阅读本专业的外文书刊。1To have a solid foundation of mathe

5、matics, and have grasped the primary theories and approaches of IT and calculation science;2To be able to use computer skillfully (including the common computer languages and soft-wares), to make mathematical models and calculation analyses, and to design computer processes;3To be able to solve thos

6、e practical problems in IT enterprises, and scientific and engineering calculations;4To be able to renew what they have learned with the current pace of scientific development;5To have grasped the methods of the reference of professional materials and books;6To have mastered a foreign language in or

7、der to read those foreign books on this specialty.四、学时与学分Hours and Credits总学分:196Total Credits:196总学时(课内/外):2456/141Total Hours:2456/141其中 Including: (1)必修课学时/学分:1640/112 占总学分的比例:57.2%Class Hrs/Crs of Required Courses:1640/112 Percentage in Total Credits:57.2%(2)专业选修课学时/学分:624/39 占总学分的比例:19.9%Class

8、Hrs/Crs of Specialty Elective Course:624/39 Percentage in Total Credits:19.9%(3)公共选修课学时/学分:192/12 占总学分的比例:6.1%Class Hrs/Crs of Public Elective Course:192/12 Percentage in Total Credits:6.1%(4)各类实践教学环节:34周/33 占总学分的比例:16.8% Weeks/Crs of Major Practical Training:34weeks/33 Percentage in Total Credits:1

9、6.8%五、主干课程Main Courses数学分析 Mathematical Analysis、高等代数 Advanced Algebra、数值分析 Numerical Analysis、最优化方法 Optimization Methods、离散数学 Distracting Mathematics、数据结构 Data Structures、软件工程 Soft-Ware Engineering、计算机网络 Computer Networks、信息论与编码 Information and Coding、数字信号处理 Foundation of Digital Signal Processing、

10、数据分析Data Analysis、数据库原理及其应用Principles and Application of Databases六、总周数分配Arrangement of the Total Weeks总 周 数 分 配Arrangement of the Total Weeks 学期Semester教学环节Teaching Program一二三四五六七八合计理论教学 Theoretic Teaching16181917161517118复习考试 Review and Exam122222213入学教育 Enrollment Education(1)(1)军事训练 Military Tra

11、ining33综合训练 Computer Training 11226课程设计 Course Project213软件实习 Matlab Practice(2)(2)毕业实习 Graduation Practice22毕业设计 Graduation Project1616毕业教育 Graduation Education11小 计 Subtotal2020212021202119162寒 假 Winter Vacation555520暑 假 Summer Vacation66618合 计 Total2526262626262619200信息与计算科学专业必修课教学进程Table of Teac

12、hing Schedule for Required Course类 别课程编号课 程 名 称学 分总 学 时课内学时实验学时上机学时课外学时各 学 期 学 分 分 配12345678公共基础教育0810301马克思主义哲学 Marxist Philosophy3.55432223.50810501法律基础 Law Basis234241021310101信息技术基础 Information Technology Basis2.54012282.50810101毛泽东思想概论 Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought236241220810401思想道德修养 Ide

13、ology and Moral Cultivation351242731310102高级语言程序设计(C) Advanced Language Programming (C) 3.55630263.50810201邓小平理论概论 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory4.57032384.50810205政治经济学原理 Political Economics Principle2.54024162.50710001-04大学英语(1)-(4) College English (1)-(4)1625225244441210101-04体育(1)-(4) Physical Culture (1)-(4)812012022221020101-02大学物理(1)-(2) College Physics (1)-(2)6.510410442.5


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