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1、广西师范大学 硕士学位论文 江西诗派唱和活动研究 姓名:李鸿雁 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:古代文学 指导教师:王德明 20080401 I 江西诗派唱和活动研究江西诗派唱和活动研究 研究生姓名:李鸿雁 指导老师:王德明教授 专业:古代文学 方向:宋代文学 内容提要 内容提要 两宋堪称“举世重交游”的时代,宋代文人对于唱和交游的喜好显得比前代文人更为 强烈。唱和诗创作主体之间一种以诗歌为交际媒介的文学交往活动。在唱和活动中,文人 们赋诗咏对,从而使得自身交流的需求得到了满足。此外,唱和活动的开展,有利于使人 们展开诗歌技艺的切磋,文章句法的揣摩,使诗歌创作在文人之间形成了竞相追逐显示才 华的大好

2、机会,故而唱和向来都是历代文人青睐的交游活动。纵观北宋诗坛,我们可以发 现,诗人的唱和活动在北宋的初、中、晚各时期都十分活跃。其中历来倍受瞩目的唱和活 动要数李昉、李至兄弟,西昆诗人和苏轼、苏辙兄弟的唱和。这些唱和集中于北宋初期和 中期。事实上,在北宋与南宋交替的时期,江西诗派诗人的唱和活动也是十分活跃的。但 这一现象人们关注的比较少。因此,本文即针对江西诗派的唱和活动展开论述,主要章节 和内容如下: 第一章:首先在第一节中介绍江西诗派唱和活动的普遍性。笔者通过统计和列表的方 式,说明江西诗派唱和诗占诗派现存诗歌的三分之一,由唱和诗的客观数量说明江西诗派 诗人喜好唱和;其次,笔者对诗派诗人的唱

3、和对象做了统计,发现诗派诗人的交游涉及官 宦、僧人等不同身份的人物,而且他们与这些对象之间往来的诗作亦多为唱和之作,足见 诗派诗人的交游广泛,唱和的普遍。第二节中,笔者通过考察诗派诗人的生活经历,发现 诗派成员多有着或仕途不顺、或终身布衣、或隐居山林的相近的生活经历。同时结合历代 文人因唱和的强大交际功能而形成唱和的风气来说明江西诗派的唱和原因。 第二章:本章结合江西诗派成员的生长之地及活动地域范围的考察,发现这个诗派的 唱和是具有很强的地域性特点的,他们的活动主要集中的江西、湖北、河南汴京三地。不 仅如此,他们还在这些地方以结社、同题赋咏等方式频繁地开展唱和活动,使得诗派成员 的唱和诗创作甚

4、为繁荣。 第三章:这一章主要从诗派的唱和诗作入手,通过剖析诗作所蕴含的友情闲情、品格 追求及感怀身世等各种感情,说明江西诗派的唱和诗趋于内敛,诗人尤其注重个人化的情 感挖掘。 第四章:江西诗派的唱和活动对前代唱和活动多有继承,但因其唱和诗创作趋于个人 又不失饱满的情感,故又显出了与前代唱和诗的不同之处。本章中,先以江西诗派唱和诗 的内容与二李及二苏的唱和诗内容进行一番比较,其结论是江西诗派的唱和诗比二李的唱 和诗在情感层面上更真切;但由于江西诗派的避祸心里,当世之志在唱和诗的缺失使得他 们的唱和诗略逊于二苏。然而不管怎样,江西诗派的唱和活动是值得肯定的。它不仅集合 II 的北宋末南宋初最优秀的

5、诗人,还因这些诗人与黄庭坚的密切关系,使得江西诗派有了具 有号召力的宗主及一批忠实的追随者。又因为诗派成员好学黄庭坚,他们的唱和活动又多 以讨论庭坚诗法为内容,从而使得“学黄”成为这个诗派共同的审美趋向。 关键词关键词:江西诗派 唱和活动 唱和诗 III ABSTRACT Song is known as the “world-Making Friends“ era of the Song Dynasty scholar chimed Travels preferences than the previous generation writers seem more intense. Poet

6、ry chimed in between a main communication medium for poetry to the literary exchanges. Chimed in the activities of the people intonation of poems Yong-right, thus enabling the exchange of their own needs have been met. In addition, chimed in activities that helps people start poetry skills and learn

7、 from, the article tried to figure out the syntax, the literati in Poetry formed between the competing chasing an excellent opportunity to display his talent, and therefore has always chimed in favor Travels ancient literati activities . Throughout the Northern Song Dynasty poetry, we find that, the

8、 poet chimed activities in the early Northern Song Dynasty, in the late period are very active. Which has been much attention to the activities chimed in a few Fang Li, Li brothers, and the poet Su Shi Xikun, the brothers chimed Su Che. These concentrated in the Northern Song Dynasty chimed in the e

9、arly and mid-term. In fact, in the turn of the Southern Song Dynasty and the Northern Song period, Jiangxi Poetry poets chimed in activities are also very active. However, the phenomenon of relatively little concern to the people. Therefore, this paper, Jiangxi Poetry chimed activities of the exposi

10、tion, and the main sections as follows: Chapter 1: First introduced in the first quarter of Jiangxi chimed in the School of the universality of activities. Statistics and the author through the list of ways that chimed in Jiangxi Poetry poems Poems of the School of the existing one-third, chimed in

11、poetry from the objective quantitative chimed in Jiangxi Poetry poet preferences; Secondly, the author of the School of poets chimed target do the statistics, found that the School of poets Travels Guanhuan involved, the identity of monks and other people, and between them and the target for the exc

12、hange poems 亦多 chimed for the well demonstrated extensive communication between the School of poets, chimed in general. Section II, the study by the School of the poet author of the life experience, have found or more members of the School of career is unsound, or life commoner, or live in seclusion

13、 in the mountains of similar life experiences. At the same time the literati because of the previous IV chimed in with the powerful communication functions chimed formed to illustrate the atmosphere of the School of Jiangxi chimed reasons. Chapter 2: This chapter with members of the School of Jiangx

14、i to the growth and activities of the geographical scope of the study, found that the Poetry chimed is a strong regional characteristics, and their activities are mainly concentrated in Jiangxi, Hubei, Henan Bianjing three places. Not only that, they have also to the local association, the same way

15、that Fu Yong, and other activities frequently chimed in, making members of the School of Poetry even chimed in for prosperity. Chapter 3: This chapter chimed in, mainly from the School of the poems start with, through analyzing the poetry behind the leisures of friendship, integrity and the pursuit

16、of various origins Reflections feelings of the School of the Jiangxi chimed poetry tends to cooperate with particular emphasis on personal poet Emotional Mining. Chapter IV: The Poetry of Jiangxi chimed activities on the previous generation inherited many activities chimed in, but because of antiphony Poetry tends to personal-afternoon full of emotion, it also shows that chimed with the previous generation poetry is different. This chapter, the first in the School of Jiangxi chimed in with t


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