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1、必修五 Module 5 The Great Sports Personality,语言点用法过关 pete v.比赛,竞争 教材原句 He decided to launch a new brand of sportswear, competing with global gi- ants like Nike and Adidas.他决定推出一个新牌子的运动衫,与像耐克、 阿迪达斯这样的世界大品牌竞争。,语境应用 单句填空 All these countries competed in this trade of human beings. Runners from many countri

2、es are competing for the international prize. We cannot hope to compete with/against so experienced a team. There seems to be a strong competition (compete)in China for senior high students to enter universities. There is no student as competitive (compete) as a student who trusts his own abilities.

3、,用法点拨 (1)compete with/against与竞争 compete for为了竞争 compete in参加比赛 (2)competitive adj.好强的;好竞争的 a competitive student 一个有竞争力的学生 (3)competition n.竞争;比赛 (4)competitor n.竞争者,2.advantage n.优势;有利条件;益处 教材原句 Li Ning s designs were attractive,and they had a major advantage over their better-known rivalsthey wer

4、e cheaper.李宁运动服的设计很吸引 人,而且它们比更出名的竞争对手有一个重要优势它们更便宜。,语境应用 完成句子 West hasn t tested his idea on larger blocks, but he thinks rolling has clear advantage over sliding.West并没有把他的想法在更大的石头上做 测试,但是他认为滚动要比滑动有明显的优势。 How could he turn the situation to his advantage ?他该如何扭转局面对 自己有利呢? After balancing the advantag

5、es and disadvantages , he accepted the task. 在权衡了利弊之后,他接受了这项任务。,用法点拨 (1)have advantage over. 比有优势 take advantage of 利用的优势 to one s advantage 对某人有利 (2)advantages and disadvantages 利弊;利害得失 (3)strengths and weaknesses 优势和劣势,3.guarantee v.担保 教材原句 Success for Li Ning was guaranteed,and it came quickly.李宁

6、的成功是注 定的,而且来得还很快。,语境应用 完成句子 It is to our advantage that the car is under guarantee and the 4S Car Store has guaranteed to repair it free of charge.这辆车还在保修期内并且那家汽 车4S店保证免费给维修,这对我们是有利的。 Working hard is not only a guarantee of success, but also it is among the essential requirements.努力学习/工作不仅仅是成功的保证,也是

7、成功必 不可少的要求。 I can guarantee that our machines are second to none in the world.我可以 保证我们的机器在世界上是首屈一指的。,用法点拨 (1)guarantee sb. sth. 保证某人得到某物 guarantee sb./sth. against/from 保证不受;免遭 guarantee to do sth. 保证做某事 guarantee that 保证 (2)give sb. a guarantee 给某人一个保证 be under guarantee 在保修期内,4.declare v.宣布;声明;表明;

8、宣称 教材原句 The Americans protested and in the end the American runner was declared the winner.美国人提出抗议,最后美国选手被宣布为胜利者。,语境应用 单句填空 Last week, the accused man was declared (declare)to be innocent by the court. There being no further business, the chairman declared the meeting- closed(close).,单句改错 In 1941, B

9、ritain and the United States declared war with Japan and the war started. withon/against The headmaster declared the sports meeting opened, and many balloons flew into the sky. openedopen,用法点拨 (1)declare sb./sth. (to be/as). 宣布、表明某人或某事 declare for/against 表示赞成/反对 declare war(on/against)(向)宣战 declare

10、.open/closed 宣布开始/结束 (2)declaration n.宣布;宣言 the Declaration of Independence (美国)独立宣言,1.on the increase在增加;在上升 教材原句 The number of young people with money to spend was on the increase.有 钱消费的年轻人的数量越来越多,语境应用 选词填空(increase/sale/show/duty) The technical cooperation and cultural exchanges between the two c

11、oun- tries are on the increase. The new iPhone goes on saleon Friday with a bigger screen and 4G wire- less technology. Some of his paintings are on show in the local art gallery. I was on duty yesterday so I got to the classroom earlier than usual.,用法点拨 on the increase 在增加;在上升 on the decrease 在下降;在

12、降低 on business 在出差 on duty 在值班 on sale 出售,上市;折价销售 on show 在展出 on holiday 在度假,2.rise to one s feet 站立;站起来 教材原句 As the leader comes into the stadium to run the last few metres of the 42- kilometre race,the crowd rises to its feet to shout and cheer.当跑在最前面 的选手进入体育场跑完这42千米比赛的最后路程时,观众都站起来欢呼 鼓掌。,语境应用 选词填空

13、(rise/raise/arise) Those who want to say anything more raise your hand and then rise to speak. The committee has anticipated the problems that will arise in the road construction project. When I came in, the children pretended to be reading and no one even raised their eyes. According to the report,

14、 the population of the country has risen by more than 10% in the past three years.,赏句猜义 写出下列句中画线词的含义。 Can anybody think of a way to raise money? 筹募,筹集 He was accustomed to rising early. 起床 It is said that there is a strong possibility that life can arise on other planets. 出现 The farmer prefers to ra

15、ise cattle on the farm. 饲养 Many workers demanded a rise in salary. 增加 Milton raised the glass to his lips. 举起,提起,用法点拨 (1)rise to one s feet 起立 (2)jump/leap to one s feet跳起来 struggle to one s feet挣扎着站起来 set foot in/on进入,踏上,【辨析】,1.the chances are 教材原句 If you go into a school or university anywhere, th

16、e chances are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo.如果你走进任何一个 地方的中学或大学校园,你很可能看见穿着带有那熟悉标志的李宁牌运 动装的学生们。,语境应用 完成句子 The player is under good treatment and the chances are (很可能)he will recover from his injury for the next game. I d like to take a chance (冒险)even if I will be in danger. You never know where happiness will turn up,so seize every chance (抓 住每个机会)around you. Although we have on



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