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1、Unit 3 How do you get to school? Section A (Grammar Focus3c),考点 live v. 居住;生活 *He lives about five kilometers from school. 他住在离学校大约五千米远的地方。(教材P15) *Mike and his parents live in China now. 迈克和他父母现在在中国居住。,*The old people live a happy life in the village. 这些老人们在村子里过着幸福的生活。 *Cows live on grass. 牛以草为生。,【

2、自主归纳】live的用法,【即学活用】 (2016重庆中考B卷)Jim lives _a small village and the air there is very fresh. A. on B. in C. under D. from,【解析】选B。考查介词辨析。on在上;in在里;under在下;from来自。live in 意为“居住在”符合语境, 故选B。,老虎和狮子以肉为生。 Tigers and lions _ _meat. 很多年轻人不喜欢和家人同住。 Many young people dont like to _ _their family.,live on,live w

3、ith,how引导的特殊疑问句及交通方式的表达 【新知导引】 根据要求补全下列句子, 体会句中疑问词how, how long, how far, how much的用法、区别以及交通方式的表达。,玛丽如何去上学? 她通常乘地铁。 _does Mary get to school? She usually _the subway.,How,takes,你到家要用多长时间? 乘公共汽车大约20分钟。 _ _does it take you to get home? About 20 minutes _ _.,How long,by bus,从你家到彼得家有多远? 仅有大约两千米。 _ _is i

4、t from your home to Peters home? _only about two kilometers.,How far,Its,你的新电动车多少钱? 四百美元。 _ _is your new e-bike? _ four hundred dollars.,How much,Its,【知识详解】 (一)how引导的特殊疑问句 1. 直接由how引导的特殊疑问句,How is your grandpa? 你爷爷身体好吗? How do you get to school? 你如何去上学? I take the school bus. 我乘校车。 Hows the weather

5、in Jinan now? 现在济南的天气怎么样? Hows your school trip going? 你的学校旅行怎么样?,2. 由“how +形容词/副词”引导的特殊疑问句,How long does it take you to get to Jinan by train? 你乘火车到济南要花费多长时间? How long is the ruler? 这把尺子有多长? How far is it from the bus station to the hotel? 从公共汽车站到旅馆有多远? How old are you? 你多大了?,How many storybooks do

6、 you have? 你有多少本故事书? How much milk does mom need? 妈妈要多少牛奶? How much is your aunts new car? 你姑姑的新汽车多少钱?,(二)交通方式的表达,【解题技巧】 1. 分析句子结构, 确定是用动词还是介词。 2. 根据语境确定词义, 从而确定是用动词take, walk, ride还是drive;或者是用介词by, in还是on。,【即学活用】 . 填入适当的疑问词完成句子 1. _does your cousin get to school? He usually takes the bus. 2. _ _is

7、it from your home to the bookstore? Its only one kilometer.,How,How far,3. _ _is your baby sister? Shes only two years old. 4. _ _is that guitar? Its five hundred yuan.,How old,How much,5. _ _clubs are there in your school? There are ten clubs. 6. _ _does it take to get to the Childrens Center? Its

8、about half an hour.,How many,How long,. 把下列句子改为同义句 1. They usually get to work by subway. They usually _ _ _to work. 2. My uncle usually drives his car to work. My uncle usually _ to work _ _ _.,take the subway,goes,in his car,3. Peter likes to go to his grandpas home by bike. Peter likes to _ _ _to his grandpas home. 4. I sometimes go to school on foot in the morning. I sometimes _ _ _in the morning. 5. Mr Smith usually takes the train to Hangzhou. Mr Smith usually _to Hangzhou _ _.,ride his bike,walk to school,goes,by train,


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