三年级英语下册 unit13 lesson78教案 人教新起点

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1、Unit 13 My Home Lesson 78一、复习目标1复习本单元词汇:bedroom, study, bathroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, balcony, garage,和交际用语: There is a . in my home. Is there a .?Yes, there is. No, there isnt. 学生能够在相应的情境中,整合所学的交际用语,进行表达。2完成教材第 73课各项练习。3通过设计一系列任务型交际活动,引导学生用英语做事,体验语言学习的乐趣,逐步培养学生综合语言运用能力。二、复习重点本单元基本词句。

2、三、复习难点整合所学语言,进行真实交际。学生综合语言运用能力得到一定提高。四、教学过程1课前交流1)T: Hello, boys and girls. Im Linda. Im from Dongfang Primary School. Im an English teacher. Im very happy to be here and learn English with you. My favourite food is fish. I want to be your friend. Do you want to be my friend? If you want to be my fr

3、iend, please stand up and tell me your name, your favourite food. . 2)We have five groups in our class. At the end of our class, each group has a picture of home. If you can speak English very bravely in class, you will get a picture of your favourite room, and you can stick the picture in your home

4、. Are you clear?2教学过程1)T: Hello, my dear friends. Ss: Hello, Linda. T: In todays class, we are going to review what we have learned in Unit 13. We will also do the exercises in lesson 78. But first, lets sing the song-sweet home. 教师带领学生唱本单元提供的歌曲。2)教师引入 E项提供的复习内容。T: Look, I have some words here. Lets

5、 read them out together.T: There are two homes on the blackboard. This is a yellow home, and that is a pink home. I put the word “dog” in the yellow home, and the word “telephone” in the pink home. Please read the words and put the other words in the right home. T: You are so good; you can get a pic

6、ture of room for your group.3)教师带领学生复习房间名称词。T: Lets review the words of rooms. Please look at the pictures and guess what room they are. Lets see who is the quickest one. (学生看局部图,猜房间的名字,回答最快的同学把单词卡片贴在黑板上,以此来复习房间名称词)T: I will invite you to visit my home. Its not big, but its very lovely and beautiful

7、. There are three rooms in my home. What rooms are they? Guess, please.(1)Its a small room, and I cook in it. I prepare breakfast and supper in this room, too. What room is it? (2)Its a big room, and there is a TV and a sofa in this room. What room is it?(3)Its a small room, and there is a bed and a

8、n armchair in this room. What room is it?(4)What about your home? Do you have a living room in your home? Whats in the living room? Where do you have supper with your parents? Do you have a study? Whats in your study? What do you do in your study? (通过描述房间的特征,猜房间的名称,复习房间名称的单词)4)教师引入 A项提供的复习内容。(1)投影图片

9、,点名让个别学生描述第一组图片中的两幅图。T: Now,lets go to Yaoyaos home. Look at these two pictures, what can you see in picture one / two? (2)学生听录音两遍,完成听力练习,教师订正。T: Listen to the tape carefully, and choose the right picture. T: Now, please open your book, and turn to page 50, Part A. Look at the following pictures whi

10、le listening to the tape, and guess which picture is right according to what you hear, OK? ( 教师播放图 2至图 5的录音,让学生思考)T: Lets listen to the tape again, and tick on your book. (再次播放图 2至图 5的录音,让学生完成练习)T: Have you finished? Lets see whether youve got the right answers. Who wants to show your book? (教师带领学生订

11、正答案)5)教师引入 B项提供的复习内容。T: Now, you have visited my home and Yaoyaos home. Do you want to show your home and describe your home? Who wants to have a try? Listen to her carefully and think how to describe your home? (点名请个别学生描述自己的家)T: What did she say? How to describe our homes? (教师点名请个别学生说出主要的句子,教师板书:Th

12、is is my home. There is / are. in my. I love my home.)T: Now, lets play a game. Who wants to help me? You please, take your pictures of your home and come over to the front. (请两名学生到讲台前,展示图画,描述自己的家)Lets listen to them, and think which is the kitchen, and which is the. (此处教师应进行活动示范)T: Lets play the ga

13、me in your group. (范例完成后, 让学生进行小组活动)最后教师点名请部分学生到讲台前展示自己小组的活动过程,展示完后,评选出房间大的、漂亮的小组。 6)教师引入 C项提供的复习内容。T: Your home is so big and beautiful, but Mr. Brown has a small home. He wants to have a very big home, because his parents and his brother are coming to visit him. Do you want to help him? T: Look, t

14、his is the home Mr. Brown wants to have. Lets have a look. One, two, three, four. He wants four bedrooms in his home. What other rooms and how many rooms does Mr. Brown want to have? (点名请个别学生看图回答 , 教师将统计的结果写在黑板上贴着的卡片旁边)T: Now, Mr. Brown has three advertisements. (教师展示三条广告)Lets help him. Please read

15、and decide which is the best home for him. If you have finished, check your answer with your partner. (教师展示课本上此项中的三幅广告图,请学生判断。最后订正答案)T: We are so excellent. We have helped Mr. Brown to get a very big and beautiful home. Have you got the home of your group? How about your home? What rooms do you have

16、? (教师点名请小组成员反馈,描述自己组的新房子图)7)教师带领学生完成本课 D项提供的填空练习。T:Lets take out your exercise paper, look at the home of your group. Count and write what rooms and how many rooms you have got for your group home. 8)小结。T: In todays class, you have visited my home and Yaoyaos home. You also have helped Mr. Brown to rent a new home, and you have got a home of your group. You are so excellent and have done a very good job today. Class is over, and w


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