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1、Iidle money (n) money that is not circulated or invested and does not earn interest 闲置资金image (n.) view or opinion that people have about a company or product 印象,形象例 Corporate image is important to a company.impact (n.) a strong effect 冲击例 The ad had tremendous impact.同义词 collisionimplement (v.) put

2、 into action 执行例 All the prevailing regulations should be implemented in our practice. 同义词 execute, carry outimplementation (n.) putting into action 执行incentive (n.) something which motivates 激励例 We need to offer incentives to people joining the company.同义词 inducement, motivationincome (n.) 1.wages

3、and salary 工资例 Employees expect their incomes to be maintained and carry on received through operations or investment 收入earned income money earned through work 劳动收入unearned income money received from investments 非劳动收入,投资收入increment (n.) a regular increase 增加例 The demand is on the incr

4、ement.同义词 increase, additionincur (v.) become liable for, have to pay 招致例 We have incurred heavy debts.indemnity (n.) a promise to compensate for damage or loss 补偿,赔偿例 This would involve an indemnity of &1,000.同义词 compensation, insuranceindex (n.) statistical figure showing relative increase or decr

5、ease 指数retail price index indicator of the rate of inflation 零售价格指数indicator (n.) something which is significant 指标例 A key indicator is the inflation rate.industrial (adj.) referring to manufacturing work 实业的例 Industrial marketing is very different from consumer marketing.industrial action (n.) stri

6、ke(罢工等)劳工行动industrial relations (n.) relations between management and workers 劳资关系inefficiency (n.) inability to produce good results quickly 无效率例 A third problem area is the organizational stress and inefficiency usually associated with conflict.inflate (v.) increase artificially, without reason(通货

7、)膨胀例 The local currency inflates in the money market but the government cant find out the reason.inflate the economy activate the economy by increasing the money supply 通过通货膨胀刺激经济inflation (n.) state of rising prices 通货膨胀例 Inflation is the cause of this economic recession.inflationary (adj.) resulti

8、ng in an increase in inflation 通货膨胀的例 These wage demands will be inflationary.infringe (v.) to break a law or regulation 违反例 They infringe upon the regulations.同义词 violate, break, disobeyinfringement (n.) the breaking of a law or regulation 违反例 Their infringements on the law result in committing cri

9、me.同义词 violation, contraventioninfrastructure (n.) the basic facilities, services, and installations needed for the functioning of a community or society 基础设施例 The government are planning to invest in the infrastructure heavily this year.initiate (v.) start 开办 例 The business was initiated by the fam

10、ily a hundred years ago.innovate (v.) to develop a new idea or product 创新例 They decided to innovate a new kind of product.innovation (n.) a new idea or product 创新例 All the senior managers agreed to make an innovation in the company.同义词 alteration, modernisminput (n.) work which goes into a system 投入

11、例 Land and capital belong to inputs.insider (n.)one who has special knowledge or access to confidential information 业内人士,内线insider dealing (n.) illegally using inside information to buy and sell shares (often before a takeover deal)(股票)内部交易例 Insider dealing will do great harm to a companys benefits.

12、insolvent (adj.) not able to pay debts 破产的例 The company will soon be insolvent.同义词 bankruptinstalment (n.) any one of the parts of a payment spread over a period of time 分期付款(一期款项)例 Were paying for the telly by monthly instalments.同义词 part-paymentinsure (v.) protect against loss, injury or death by

13、paying a sum of money 投保例 insure ones house against fire同义词 guarantee, warrantinsurance (n.) protection against loss, damage, injury or death by paying a sum of money 保险例 In modern society, the concept of insurance is widely accepted and many people will pay a lot for their insurance annually.intera

14、ctive (adj.) acting or capable of acting on each other 互动式的 例 an interactive traininginterest (n.) a percentage of the capital paid by a borrower to a lender 利息例 As the borrower company is full of potentials, so the interest for lending money to it is highly secured.interest rate (n.) percentage cha

15、rge to be paid on money borrowed 利率interim (n.) half or part of the total period 中期的例 the interim report (6-monthly)interior decoration 内部装潢interview1.(n.) meeting to decide if a person is suitable for a job 面试例 Before closing a job interview it is useful for the interviewer to summarise the key poi

16、nts an issues.2. (v.) talk to a person applying for a job 面试interviewee (n.) person who is interviewed 被面试者interviewer (n.) person who leads the interview 面试官例 In practice the interviewer should greet the candidate by name, and introduce himself.introduce1.(v.) launch 投放(市场)例 introduce a product on the market2.(v)To



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