math sentence by famous people

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1、Mathematics is the Queen of the Sciences,and Arithmetic the Queen of Mathematics数学是科学的女王,而数论是数学的女王。 高斯The science of mathematics presents the most brilliant example of how pure reason may successfully enlarge its domain without the aid of experience.数学科学呈现出一个最辉煌的例子,表明不用借助实验,纯粹的推理能成功地扩大人们的认知领域。康德Pure

2、 mathematics is, in its way,the poetry of logical ideas纯粹数学,就其本质而言,是逻辑思想的诗篇。爱因斯坦But there is another reason for the hign repute of mathematics:it is mathematics that offers the exact natural sciences a certain measure of security which,without mathematics,they could not attain数学受到高度尊崇的另一个原因在于:恰恰是数学,

3、给精密的自然科学提供了无可置疑的可靠保证,没有数学,它们无法达到这样的可靠程度。爱因斯坦Mathematics is the tool specially suited for dealing with abstract concepts of any kind and there is no limit to its power in this fieldFor this reason a book on the new physics,if not purely descriptive of experimental work,must be essentially mathematica

4、l.数学是一项工具,特别适合于处理任何一类抽象概念,而且,它在这方面的作用是无止境的。因此,一本论述新物理学的书,如果不是单纯地描述实验工作的,其本质上,必定是一本数学书。狄拉克Natures great book is written in mathematical symbol.自然这一巨著是用数学符号写成的。 伽里略Mathematics is a creative art because mathematicians create beautiful new concepts;it is a creative art because mathematicians live,act,an

5、d think live artists; and it is a creative art because mathematicians regard it so数学是创造性的艺术,因为数学家创造了美好的新概念;数学是创造性的艺术,因为数学家的生活、言行如同艺术家一样;数学是创造性的艺术,因为数学家就是这样认为的。哈尔莫斯The essence of mathematics lies in its freedom数学的本质在于它的自由。康托尔Histories make men wise;poems nitty;the mathematics subtile;natural philosop

6、hy deep;moral grave;logic and rhetoric able to contend历史使人明智,诗歌使人聪慧,数学使人精密,哲理使人深刻,伦理学使人有修养,逻辑与修辞使人善辩。培根The advancement and perfection of mathematics are intimately connected with the prosperity of the State数学的发展与完善和国家的繁荣昌盛息息相关。拿破仑Mathematics is the most powerful technique for the understanding of pa

7、ttern,and for the analysis of the relation of patternsIf civilization continues to advance in the next two thousant years , the overwhelming novelty in human thought will be the dominance of mathematical understanding数学是理解模式与分析模式关系的最有威力的工具只要在今后的两千年里,文明继续进步,人类思想中压倒一切的新事物,将是数学理智的统治。怀德海Mathematics is a

8、 crucial component of our culture. It can and should make a signal educational contribution.数学是我们文化中极为重要的一个组成部分。它能够也必将作出显著的教育上的贡献。谢尼泽For me the attraction of turning to mathematics is that in mathematics it is possible to actually make progress in a train of thought.吸引我转向数学的原因在于数学能够在思想的训练方面实际地作出贡献。苏

9、利文Algebra is generous,she often gives more than is asked of her.代数学是慷慨大方的,它给予人的往往比人们对她所要求的还要多。达朗贝尔Like it or not, mathematics opens career doors,so its downright practical to be prepared.不管你喜欢与否,数学为你打开求职的大门,因此,它是需要加以准备的真正实用的课程。波雅妮Yet the part which mathematics plays in meteorology increases every ye

10、ar,and seems defined to increase.此外,数学在气象学方面所起的作用在逐年增大,而且,似乎还在不断地继续增大。史密斯More recent advances in the mathematical sciences have helped improve our ability to predict the weather ,to measure the effects of environmental hazards,to study the origin of the the universe,and to project the outcomes of el

11、ections,Mathematical methods have become indispensable to the proper functioning of our technological society.数学科学最近的进步帮助我们提高预测气象的能力,估计环境危险的影响的能力, 研究宇宙起源的能力,以及筹划选举结果的能力。数学方法对于我们这个技术社会真正发生效能已经变得不可缺少了。哈尔莫斯Number rules the universe.数统治着宇宙毕达哥拉斯The mathematical method is the essence of mathematics. He wh

12、o fully comprehends the method is a mathematicianMusic has much resemblance to algebra.Pure mathematics is real magicians wand.The real mathematician is an enthusiast person;without enthusiasm,no mathematics.One may be a mathematician of the first rank without being able to compute,it is possible to

13、 be a great computer without having the slightest idea of mathematics.What logarithms are to mathematics,that mathematics are to the other sciences.数学方法是数学的本质。数学家是能完全领悟数学方法的人。音乐与代数很类似。纯数学是真正的魔术师的魔杖。真正的数学家,其本质是一个热情洋溢的人,没有热情就没有数学。一个不擅于计算的人,有可能成为一个第一流的数学家,而一个没有丝毫数学观念的人,充其量只能成为一个大计算家。对数之于数学,恰如数学之于其它科学。

14、哈登伯格It is the man not the method that solves the problem.解决问题的是人,而不是方法。 马斯科Mathematics possesses an aesthetic value as clearly defined as that of music or poetry.数学如同音乐或诗一样显然地确实具有美学价值The great Architect of the Universe now begins to appear as a pure mathematician.宇宙的伟大建筑师现在开始以纯粹数学家的身份出现。 吉恩斯The grea

15、test mathematicians, as Archimedes,Newton and Gauss,always united theory and application in equal measure.如阿基米德、牛顿与高斯这样的最伟大的数学家,总是不偏不倚地把理论与应用结合起来。克莱因A mathematician, who is not also some thing of a poet,will never be a complete mathematician.没有一些诗人气质的数学家绝不是一位完全的数学家。魏尔斯特拉斯The essence of mathematics is the perception of logical relationships between seemingly disparate ideas;the most successful mathematicians are those whose range is widest and whose ability to see analogies and connect id


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