新编大学英语 3 unit3

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1、,Unit Three Social Problems,Unit 8 Social Problems,Part I Preparation Brainstorming Describing the Pictures Part II Listening Centered Activities Part III In- Class Reading Passage Study Exercises Part IV Further Development C lass Activities1: Preventing Shoplifting A Documentary: Sweet Sue,Modules

2、,Part One,Preparation Brainstorming Describing the Pictures Possible ways to stop littering,1. Brainstorming (1),Activity 1: Directions: Work in groups quickly to collect as many words as possible and list them on paper related to social problems: CRIMES: robbery, rape, theft, bicycle-stealing, shop

3、lifting, murder, smuggling, drug taking and trafficking, corruption, bribing, juvenile delinquency (少年犯罪), drunken driving, fake products, trafficking (拐卖)of children and women, prostitution, gambling, domestic violence etc.,Brainstorming (2),SOCIAL PROBLEMS: overpopulation, bad working condition, i

4、lliteracy, racial discrimination, high divorce rate, teen-pregnancy, gambling, inflation, food shortage, child abuse, pollution, traffic jams, extinction of animal species, unemployment, homelessness, clean water supply, transportation, poverty, generation gap, beggars (children and adults), widenin

5、g gap between rich and the poor, etc.,Brainstorming (3),Activity 2: Group Discussion: a. What sort of social problems exist in China? b. What sort of social problems do you associate with foreign countries? c. What are the causes of social problems?,Brainstorming (4),Social problems in China and pos

6、sible causes: Student A: The problem of old age. Student B: Overpopulation. Student C: Impact on traditional moral standards. Student D: Public security.,10% of the population are over the age of 60. That may lead to serious consequences.,With the ever-increasing burden of the population, the countr

7、y may suffer from shortages of food, energy and deterioration of the environment.,Material wealth is value by many as the bottom line. Hence a degradation in ethics. People are more self-centered. Even college students have bad manners. For example, in dining halls students do not wait in lines. On

8、buses the youth dont give their seats to the old.,With the development of economy, there has been a flow of population from less wealthy regions to the more prosperous areas. As a result, high crime rate is a problem that we are all concerned about.,Brainstorming (5),Social problems associated with

9、foreign countries (esp. in the West) and their possible causes & dangers Student A: Drug abuse. Student B: Racial discrimination. Student C: Unemployment. Student D: Single-parent families.,With it are other problems such as crime, prostitution and the spread of AIDS. The fast pace of life and the s

10、tress for it may be one of the causes.,Due to racial discrimination and deeply rooted prejudice against minority groups, there is still inequality among races. This may also lead to the instability of a nation, racial conflicts, and even wars.,High technology does create new jobs. But on the other h

11、and, it has made many manual workers obsolete. In times of economic recession, the problem of unemployment gets even worse.,It has been reported that in the U.S., about one marriage in two ends in divorce. And many teenage girls give birth to babies before they get married. Children from single-pare

12、nt families are more likely to be ill-treated, to take drugs, and commit crimes.,Crimes 犯罪,1. killing: murder谋杀 manslaughter 杀人 massacre 屠杀 homicide 杀人罪 assassination 暗杀; 2. theft 偷窃: robbery抢劫 looting洗劫 pickpocket 扒窃 burglary入室偷窃 fraud 欺诈 cutpurse 小偷、 割钱包者 stealing偷盗 swindle欺骗 shop lifting偷窃 商店的东西

13、3. misdeed不端行为: offense犯法 misconduct不端 行为 misdemeanor 轻罪,violation 犯法 wrong 做错事,Words Related to Law & Crime,Causes of Crime 犯罪原因,1. economic: unemployment失业, poverty贫穷, greed 贪婪 jobless失业, lack 缺乏, desire欲望, lay-off暂时失业, failure失败, hunger饥饿, idleness无事可做, scarcity不足, lust贪婪, irrational social distr

14、ibution 社会分配不公; 2. psychological: envy妒嫉,resentfulness厌恶,mistrust不信任,jealousy妒嫉,suspicion怀疑,revenge报仇, possessive-ness占有欲,insecurity不安全,childhood experience童年经历; 3. others: overcome a political / business obstacle 克服 政治/生意障碍, competition竞争, opposition 对立, rivalry竞争, 对抗, low quality of education教育素质低

15、, low moral standard 道德败坏,Words Related to Law & Crime,Legal Actions 法律行动,1. sue 控告,打官司 prosecute 起诉 take to court 起诉,打官司 file suit 控告,打官司 claim damages 要求赔偿 charge 指控 accuse 控告,指控 2. try 审判,审问 judge 判决,审判 examine审问, hear听证,审理 find guilty (innocent) of 判定犯罪(无罪);sentence 判决, 课刑, 宣判; convict 定罪 3. imp

16、rison 监禁 put in prison 监禁 lockup 监禁 deprive of liberty 剥夺自由 jail 监禁 home arrest 软 禁 reform 改造,Words Related to Law & Crime,Measures Taken 采取的措施,legal education 法制教育 police patrol 警察巡逻 watching-eye-neighborhood 邻里关照 reinforcement of police 加强警力 emergency system 报警系统 security devices 保安设备,Words Related to Law & Crime,Legal Quotations for Fun,1. I havent committed a crime. What I did was fail to comply with the law. 2. The Law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich,



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