高中英语 unit1 livng well words课件 新人教版选修7

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1、Unit1 living well,Words and expressions,Try your best to remember the words and meanings (5 minutes),disability absence ambitious suitable beneficial adapt annoy conduct resign congratulate adequate access community encouragement approval dignity profit,Task1 Test your short-term memory,伤残 disabilit

2、y 有野心的 ,有雄心的 ambitious 有利的 beneficial 鼓励 encouragement,缺席 absence 合适的 suitable 惹恼,使不悦 annoy 行为 conduct,尊严 dignity 辞职 resign 祝贺 congratulate 足够的 adequate,方法 接近 access 社区 community 赞成许可 approval 利润 profit,二、单词拓展,(A)单词派生,1. _ adj. 能干的; 有能力 的;能够的 _ n. 能力;能耐 _adj. 残废的;伤残的 _n. 无力;无能;伤残,disability,able,abi

3、lity,disabled,选词填空: disability, disable, disabled, He gets money from the Government because of his _. The _ are to receive more money. An accident _ him from playing football. Many soldiers were _ in the war.,disabilities,disabled,disabled,disabled,disability既有可数又有不可数. 表示“残疾”用作可数,表示“无能,劳动能力丧失”用作不可数

4、; disable v.表“使残疾,使能力丧失” disabled adj.表示“残疾的,伤残的”,常用于the disabled 表“残疾人”,新课程P5 1. 即境活用,2. _ n. 雄心; 野心 _ adj. 有雄心的; 有野心的 3. _n. 利益; 好处vt. 有益 于;对有益vi. 受益; 得益 _adj. 有益的; 有利的,beneficial,ambition,ambitious,benefit,4. _ n.心理(学) _ adj. 心理的 _ adv. 心理上; 精神上,psychologically,psychology,psychological,5. _ vt. 鼓

5、励; 激励 _adj. 受到鼓舞的 _adj. 鼓舞人心的 _n. 鼓励; 奖励,encouragement,encourage,encouraged,encouraging,6. _ v. 祝贺;庆贺 _n. 祝贺;庆贺,congratulate,congratulations,(B) 灵活运用,1. We offered Tom our _ (congratulate) on his passing the driving test. 1. 形容词性物主代词后用名词。 2. It is known to all that a balanced diet is _ (benefit) to

6、our health. 2. 作表语用形容词。,congratulations,beneficial,3. When I am _ (psychology) healthy, I recognize my blood relationship to other people, and respect and accept them as they are. 3. 作状语用, 修饰形容词, 用副词。,psychologically,4. An _ (ambition) person is someone who has an aim in life and strives for it. 4.

7、作定语用形容词。 5. The teachers words were a great _ (encourage) to George, and he decided to work harder. 5. 作定语用形容词, 修饰名词。,encouragement,ambitious,Task 2,单词运用,Chris is so_ that nothing can stop him from realizing his dream.,ambitious,开始计时,2. The man living next door often _me by singing at midnight.,anno

8、ys,开始计时,3. Jack decided to _ because he is not fit for the job.,resign,开始计时,4. It is now well proved that marriage has a_ effect on health.,beneficial,开始计时,5. I suggested he should _himself to his new conditions.,adapt,开始计时,6. Every student has _to the library as long as they have an ID card.,access

9、,开始计时,7. The company hasnt made any _ since it is founded.,profit,开始计时,8. People _ him on being elected the next president of the country .,congratulate,开始计时,Part 2 Learning about the phrases,1. 遇到_ 2. 一切顺利_ 3. 从受益 _ 4. 换句话说_ 5. 适应 _ 6. 上气不接下_ 7. 不必担心_ 8. 取笑_,out of breath,meet with,all the best,ben

10、efit from,in other words,adapt to,never mind,make fun of,Task 1 短语记忆,9. 总而言之_ 10. 闲坐着_ 11. 切去,省略;停止_ 12.在很多方面_ 13. 和;也_,all in all,sit around,cut out,as well as,in many ways,Task 3,重点词汇,原句: Adequate access for wheelchairs. 足够的轮椅通道。(B7 P8),1. access n. (接近的)方法; 通路; 可接近性,例句: The concert hall has acces

11、s for wheelchairs. 音乐厅设有轮椅通道。,派生: accessible adj. 可到达的; 易接近的 搭配: have/get/gain access to sth. 使用;接近; 可以利用,新课程P14 7. 即境活用, There are still some children who dont have access _ education in poor areas., Medicine should not be kept where it is _ (access) to children.,to,运用, The only access _ the farmho

12、use is across the fields.,to,accessible,原句: Although some may think the cinema is noisy, it is suitable for Sallys condition. 尽管有些人认为电影很吵, 但是它却适合于萨莉的状况(听力障碍)。(B7 P1),2. suitable adj. 适合的; 适宜的,新课程P6 3. 即境活用,搭配: be suitable for. 适合,例句: What annoyed her was that her dress was not suitable for the occas

13、ion.使她心烦的是她的衣着不适合那种场合。,联想: suit vt. 适合于; 合的心意 unsuitable adj. 不适合的; 不适宜的,用下列词的变化形式完成句子。 (1) I dont think that Tony is _ (suit) for the job. (2) It is important to find a form that _ (suit) your lifestyle. (3) The loss of fun makes the program _ (suit) for kids.,unsuitable,suitable,suits,3. beneficia

14、l adj. 有益的; 受益的,例句: He finds this treatment very beneficial to his health.他发觉这种治疗方法非常有益于他的健康。,搭配,benefit sb./sth. 有益于某人/某事 benefit from从中受益 for the benefit of sb.=for sbs benefit 为了某人的利益 be beneficial (to sb.) (对某人)有益处,新课程P6 4. 即境活用,运用 用适当的词填空, 或用所给词的变化形式填空, 或完成句子。 (1) The Internet is a great invention, which is very _ (benefit) to people around the world.,beneficial,(2) The students benefited a lot _ the professors lecture. (3) Prices of medicines should be brought down _ _(为了老百姓的利益).,from,for the benefit of,ord


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