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1、新东方在线 2011职称英语网络课堂电子教材系列 全真模拟试题全国职称英语等级考试全真模拟试题_综合类_A级(三)第一部分:词汇选项 (第115题,每题1分,共15分)下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与划线部分意义最相近的词或短语。答案一律涂在答题卡相应的位置上。1The firm of Bonnin and Morris in Philadelphia was probably the first American company to manufacture porcelain.A silverwareB crystalC

2、 chinaD linen2The major portion of writer Benjamin Brawleys work was in social criticism.A goalB subjectC partD publisher3People have always been both fascinated by the spectacle of volcanic eruptions and terrified of their power.A magicB forceC displayD purpose4Tung oil is a powerful drying agent u

3、sed in varnishes and paints.A pureB potentC poisonousD permanent5In the 1870s Alexander Graham Bell developed the first practicable telephone.A feasibleB functionalC applicableD rational6The first watermill was horizontal and resembled a rudimentary turbine.A a flatB a rustyC an unconventionalD an u

4、nsophisticated7Eyespots, the most rudimentary eyes, are found in protozoan flagellates, flatworms, and segmented worms.A hostile lookingB perceptiveC primitiveD strangely formed 8Extending from Quebec to Alabama, the Appalachian Mountain region is extensive and very scenic.A vastB rusticC fertileD p

5、icturesque9In times of economic difficulty, corporate budgets for research and development are often slashed before any others.A shiftedB cutC examinedD presented10Hoof and mouth disease was eliminated in the United States by slaughtering affected herds of cattle.A isolatingB testingC vaccinatingD k

6、illing11Would you bring me some up to date catalogues?A currentB well documented C lavishD hostile12William Faulkners stories reflect his Mississippi upbringing.A educationB cousinsC visitsD accent13According to the American Red Cross, blood and plasma donors are urgently needed after natural disast

7、ers or other catastrophes.A typicallyB conceivablyC tentativelyD desperately14Age is one of the variables which seems to determine the attitude of an older person toward conformity.A sectionsB factorsC resultsD stimuli15After listening to the testimony, the members of the jury delivered their verdic

8、t.A sentenceB decisionC cross examinationD foreman第二部分:阅读判断 (第1622题,每题1分,共7分)阅读下面这篇短文,短文后列出7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断。如果该句提供的是正确信息,请在答题卡上把A涂黑;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请在答题卡上把B涂黑;如果该句的信息在文章中没有提及,请在答题卡上把C涂黑。The Enormous EggDr. Ziemer arrived while we were still staring at the thing in the nest. He jumped out his car

9、and came running out to in the backyard. He was wearing a red coat over his pajamas, and he looked pretty excited.He ran up to the nest and looked in. His eyes opened up wide and he knelt down on the ground and stared and stared. After long while he said softly, “Thats it. By George, thats just what

10、 it is.” Then he stared for another long time and finally he shook his head and said, “It cant be true, but there it is.”He got up off his knees and looked around at us. His eyes were just sparking, he was so excited. He put his hand on my shoulder, and I could feel he was quivering. “An amazing thi

11、ngs happened, ”he said, in a kind of whisper. “I dont know how to account for it. It must be some sort of freak biological mixup that might happen once a thousand years.”“But what is it?” I asked.Dr. Ziemer turned and pointed a trembling finger at the nest. “Believe it or not, you people have hatche

12、d out a dinosaur.(恐龙)”We just looked at him.“Sounds incredible, I know,” he said, “and I cant explain it, but there it is. Ive seen too many Triceratops (三角恐龙)skulls to be mistaken about this one.”“Butbut how could it be a dinosaur?” pop asked.“Goodness gracious!” Mom spluttered. “And right here in

13、our backyard. It doesnt seem hardly right. And on a Sunday, too.”Cynthia was pretty interested by now, and kept pecking into the nest and making faces, the way she did when Pop brought a bowl of frogs legs into the kitchen one time. I guess girls just naturally dont like crawly things too much. To t

14、ell the truth, I dont either sometimes but this thing that had just hatched out looked kind of cute to me. Maybe that was because I had taken care of the egg so long. I felt as if the little dinosaur was almost one of the family.We stood around for a long while looking at the strange new thing on th

15、e nest, trying to let the idea soak in that we had a dinosaur. After Dr. Ziemer calmed down a little he and Pop tightened up the chicken wire to make sure the little animal wasnt going to crawl out. Dr. Ziemer watched if perhaps she ought not to be taken out before she went out of her mind. Pop figured that it might be a god idea and he picked her up and cut her outside the pen. She acted a little dazed at first, but pretty soon she followed the other hens and began pen. She acted a


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