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1、2011年职称英语综合类A级考试试题第一部分考题: 词汇选项1. For some obscure reason, the simple game is becoming very popular.A. unclear B. obviousC. major D. minor2. The sea turtles natural habit at has been considerably reduced.A greatly B suddenlyC generally D slightly3.I got a note from Moira urging me to get in touch.A i

2、nstructing B notifyingC pushing D inviting4.It is possible to approach the problem in a different way.A raise B poseC experience D handleApproach: start to deal with (a situation or problem) in a certain way解决问题。5.The decision to invade provoked storms of protest。A ignored B organizedC caused D rece

3、ived6.Jane said that she couldnt tolerate the long hours.A spend B takeC last D stand7. At 80,Peck was still vigorous and living in Paris.A energetic BhappyC alone D busy8.Forester stared at his car,trembling with rage.A shaking B turningC jumping Dshouting9.A young man is being hailed a hero tonigh

4、t after rescuing two children.A reported B provedCpraised D caught10.I wanted to ask her out but was scared that she might refuse.A anxious B sureC sad D afraid11.At that time, we did not fully grasp the significance of what had happened.A give B attachC lose D understand12.Anderson left the table,r

5、emarking that he had some work to do .A doubting B sayingC thinking D knowing13.He asserted that nuclear power was a safe and non-polluting energy source.A maintained B recommendedC considered D acknowledged14.The study also notes a steady decline in the number of college students taking science cou

6、rses.A relative B generalC continuous D sharp15.She always finds fault with everything,A criticizes B simplifiesC evaluates D examines 第1部分:词汇选项下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。1A【解析】题意:不知什么原因,这项简单的运动变得非常流行。划线词的词义是“不清楚的,不明了的”。A项unclear意为不清楚的;例句:Reason of attack remains unclear攻击的原因仍不清楚。B项o

7、bvious意为明显的;例句:It is obvious that she is very clever很明显,她挺聪明。C项major意为较大的,主要的;例句:The city holds the major portion of the population in the country那个城市聚集了全国大部分人口。D项minor意为较小的,不重要的。例句:We can only make minor concessions,but it might break the deadlock我们只能做些较小的让步,但这就可能打破僵局。很明显A项正确。2A【解析】题意:海龟的自然生存环境大大地恶

8、化了。划线词是副词(adv),其词义是“相当大的”。A项greatly意为大大地;例句:His writing has improve greatly in this semester这学期他的写作有了很大进步。B项suddenly意为突然地;例句:Suddenly he began to shriek loudly突然他开始大声尖叫起来。C项generally意为一般地;例句:Generally speaking,women live longer than men一般而言,女人的寿命比男人长。D项slightly意为轻微地。例句:He is slightly drunk他有些醉了。很明显A

9、项正确。3C【解析】题意:我从Moira那里得到一张便条,催促我尽快联系。urge是一个及物动词(vt),其词义是“催促”。A项instruct意为教导,指示;例句:His uncle instructed him in French他的叔叔教他法语。B项notify意为宣告,通知;例句:Please notify us of any change of address地址如有变动,请通知我们。C项push意为催促;例句:Youd better not push me for an answer to your request你最好不要催促我答复你的请求。D项invite意为邀请;例句:She

10、 showed me her gratitude by inviting me to dinner她邀请我吃晚饭以表示感谢。很明显C项正确。4D【解析】题意:完全有可能以不同的方式来处理这个问题。划线词approach的词义是“处理;对待”。A项raise意为抬起,提高;例句:He was raised to management level他被提到管理层。B项pose意为提出;例句:Allow me to pose several questions允许我提出几个问题。C项experience意为体验,经历;例句:He experienced a pang of sadness他感到一阵悲痛

11、。D项handle意为处理。例句:I was impressed by her handling of the affair我觉得她对此事的处理很了不起。很明显D项正确。5C【解析】题意:入侵的决定引起了抗议的风暴。划线词provoke是一个及物动词(vt),其词义是“引起,激发”。A项ignore意为忽视;例句:If theres one meal that is ignored nowadays,it is breakfast如果有一顿饭被忽视的话,那就是早餐。B项organize意为组织;例句:The meeting was badly organized会议组织得很糟。C项cause意

12、为引起,使发生;例句:Many diseases are caused by bacteria许多疾病是由细菌引起的。D项receive意为收到。例句:He must start to question received opinion他必须开始质疑自己已经接受的观点。很明显C项正确。6D【解析】题意:简说她无法忍受这么长时间。划线词是一个及物动词(vt)。该划线词tolerate的词义是“容忍”。A项spend意为花费;例句:You really shouldnt spend so much effort on it你真不应该在这件事上花费这么大的精力。B项take意为拿,取;例句:Plea

13、se take the trash to the garbage can请将垃圾扔到垃圾筒里去。C项last意为持续;例句:The hot weather lasted until September炎热的天气持续到九月。D项stand意为站立,忍受。例句:I dont think the chair is firm enough to stand on我觉得这椅子不够稳固,不能站人。很明显D项正确。7A【解析】题意:佩克八十岁时仍然精力旺盛地生活在巴黎。划线词的词义是“精力旺盛的”。A项energetic精力旺盛的;例句:His son is an energetic child他的儿子是个

14、精力旺盛的孩子。B项happy幸福的;例句:The old couple have a happy life那对老夫妇过着幸福的生活。C项alone单独的;例句:No one knows why he is always alone没有人知道为什么他总是一个人。D项busy繁忙的。例句:It seems that she has a busy day today好像她今天很忙。很明显A项正确。8A【解析】题意:福雷斯特盯着看他的车,气得发抖。划线词的词义是“发抖,战栗”。A项shake意为发抖;战栗,例句:His voice shook with fear他害怕得声音发抖。B项turn意为转动

15、;例句:Turning to the left of me,I glimpsed the quays,the harbor:我把头转向左方,一眼望见了港口的码头。C项jump意为跳跃;例句:Jumping and throwing have different competing arenas跳跃和投掷项目的竞技场所不同。D项shout意为呐喊。例句:He was slapped for his shouting他因大喊大叫而受到斥责。很明显A项正确。9C【解析】题意:在营救两名儿童之后,一年轻男子被欢呼拥之为英雄。划线词hail的词义是“向欢呼致贺”。A项report意为报告;例句:It is r



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