九年级英语下册 unit 8 culture shapes us lesson 48 supper with the bradshaws课件 冀教版

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1、Lesson 48 Supper with the Bradshaws,课前自主预习,课堂互动探究,Unit 8 Culture Shapes Us,课前自主预习,chalk,officer,gun,传统,reaction,反应,洋娃娃;玩偶,Lesson 48 Supper with the Bradshaws,police officer,in good Chinese tradition,at the end of,do with,Lesson 48 Supper with the Bradshaws,忍不住做某事,忙于,改变某人的主意,梦想,Lesson 48 Supper with

2、the Bradshaws,At the end of,tasted like,do with them,what,Lesson 48 Supper with the Bradshaws,busy with,couldnt help but laugh,manners,especially,could,Lesson 48 Supper with the Bradshaws,dreams of being,for,bought,Lesson 48 Supper with the Bradshaws,had a lot of fun,during,another trip,Lesson 48 Su

3、pper with the Bradshaws,词汇点睛,课堂互动探究, chalk n. 粉笔,观察The cookie tasted like chalk to me! 对我来说,这种饼干尝起来就像粉笔! The teacher wrote on the blackboard with a piece of chalk. 老师用一支粉笔在黑板上写字。,Lesson 48 Supper with the Bradshaws,探究 chalk作 “粉笔”讲时, 一般用作_(可数/不可数)名词,但若表示“各种颜色的粉笔”时, 则为_名词。常用短语:a piece of chalk _; two

4、pieces of chalk _; a box of chalk _; a box of coloured chalks _。,两支粉笔,不可数,可数,一支粉笔,一盒彩色粉笔,一盒粉笔,Lesson 48 Supper with the Bradshaws,活学活用,那位老师每天都要用将近一盒粉笔。 The teacher uses nearly_ _ _ _ every day.,a box of chalk,Lesson 48 Supper with the Bradshaws,句型透视,1 At the end of the meal, Mr. Bradshaw opened a bo

5、x of cookies he had brought from home. 在用餐结束时,布拉德肖先生把他从家里带来的一盒饼干打开了。,探究 at the end of意为“在末尾”,用于表示时间,强调一段时间的结束点;还可以用于表示处所,意为“在的尽头”,指某段路程的终止处。 At the end of this street, youll find a bookshop. 在这条街的尽头,你会发现一家书店。,Lesson 48 Supper with the Bradshaws,拓展 the end of意为“到末为止”,后面可接表示过去的时间,与过去完成时连用;也可接表示将来的时间,与

6、将来时连用。 The world population had passed six billion by the end of the twentieth century.到20世纪末,世界人口已经超过了六十亿。,Lesson 48 Supper with the Bradshaws,活学活用,1(1)Jims father will come to our city _ the month. Ain the end Bby the end Cat the end of Dto the end,C,Lesson 48 Supper with the Bradshaws,【解析】根据句意可知应

7、是“这个月底”吉姆的爸爸要来“我们”城市,四个选项中只有C项可以表示在一段时间的结束点。故选C。,(2)2018自贡 How is your work going? It will be finished _ the end of this week. We must be on time. Aat Bin Con,A,Lesson 48 Supper with the Bradshaws,【解析】考查介词词义辨析。句意:“你们的工作进展如何?”“这周末将会完成。我们一定按时。”固定短语at the end of意为“在末尾”;in the end of指“在的最后或结束部分”;on没有和en

8、d搭配的用法。根据句意指的是在这周末。故选A。,2 The cookie tasted like chalk to me! 对我来说,这种饼干尝起来就像粉笔!,探究 其taste 是感官动词,意为“_”,后接介词like,意为“_”,其后接名词。,尝起来像,尝起来,Lesson 48 Supper with the Bradshaws,拓展 类似的感官动词有smell, sound, look等。其后接like分别译为“闻起来像”,“听起来像”,“看起来像”。,22018黔南 The soup would _ better with more salt. Aeat Bsound Ctaste

9、Dfeel,C,Lesson 48 Supper with the Bradshaws,【解析】考查动词的用法辨析。句意:这碗汤如果再多加些盐尝起来会更美味。eat意为“吃”,是实义动词,后面不能跟形容词作表语;sound意为“听起来”;taste意为“尝起来”;feel意为“摸起来”。结合句意可知空格处应填taste。故选C。,3 I dont know what well do with them. 我不知道我们将怎样处理它们。,探究 do with意为“对待;处理;利用”,常与what连用。,Lesson 48 Supper with the Bradshaws,拓展 deal with

10、也译为“对待;处理;利用”,常与how连用。do with与deal with同义。 Im sorry I dont know how to deal with the problem. 抱歉我不知道怎么处理这个问题。,3It took me almost a whole day to _ so many emails. Adeal with Bcut in Ccheer for Drun out,A,Lesson 48 Supper with the Bradshaws,【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:_如此多的邮件花了我差不多一整天的时间。deal with意为“处理”;cut in意为“

11、插队”;cheer for意为“为欢呼”;run out意为“用完”。由句意可知用deal with。故选A。,4 I am so busy with Christmas these days. 这些天我忙着过圣诞节。,探究 be busy with sth.意为“_”,相当于be busy doing sth.。,忙于某事,Lesson 48 Supper with the Bradshaws,4The term will be over soon. She must _ her exam. Abe busy with Btake care of Cget on with Dbe proud

12、 of,A,Lesson 48 Supper with the Bradshaws,5 I couldnt help but laugh when I read your email. 当我读你的电子邮件时,忍不住笑了。,探究 cant help but do sth. 意为“_”。 I cant help but laugh every time I see that funny man. 每次看见那个滑稽的人,我都忍不住大笑。,忍不住做某事,Lesson 48 Supper with the Bradshaws,拓展 cant help doing sth.意为“情不自禁地做某事”。 Wh

13、enever I hear the story, I cannot help crying. 每当我听到这个故事时,就情不自禁地哭了。,5Seeing the old lady, I couldnt help but _ my seat to her. Agive Bto give Cgiving Dgives,A,【解析】cant help but do sth.意为“忍不住做某事”。,Lesson 48 Supper with the Bradshaws,6 Debbie dreams of being a police officer. 黛比梦想成为一名警官。,探究 dream作动词,意

14、为“梦;梦见”,常构成短语dream of/about, 意为“梦想”。,Lesson 48 Supper with the Bradshaws,拓展 dream作可数名词,意为“梦;梦想;理想”。表示“实现梦想”用realize ones dream或make ones dream come true。,6Whenever I see the birds, Ill _flying in the sky. Athink up Bdream of Cwork on Dpick up,B,Lesson 48 Supper with the Bradshaws,7 She once said that she hoped to have a toy gun as a Christmas gift, so I bought one for her. 她曾经说过她希望收到一把玩具枪作为圣诞礼物,因此我给她买了一把。,探究 buy为动词,意为“买”,后面可接双宾语结构,即buy sb.sth.,相当于_。,buy sth. for sb.,Lesson 48 Supper with the Bradshaws,拓展


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