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1、VMware ESX 3 教育訓練,Agenda,ESX安裝 系統需求 安裝流程 Demo 磁區劃分建議 時區設定須知 網路設定須知 ESX 設定 Web Client & VI Client ESX Manager view Networking & Virtual Switch Storage Setting Virtual Machine Resource Pool Virtual Center 安裝 軟/硬體需求 安裝流程 Demo Virtual Center Manager view Deploying Template VI Communication Port Changer

2、License,VMotion VMotion設定 VMotion Demo Cluster & DRS & HA DRS DRS設定 HA HA設定 VM HA Demo VM Backup EsxRanger Pro 系統需求 安裝操作流程 Backup & Restore Demo Troubleshooting Tips Q & A 補充資料,ESX 安裝,系統需求,At least two processors of one of the following types: 1500MHz Intel Xeon and later, or AMD Opteron (32bit mode

3、) 1500MHz Intel Viiv or AMD A64 x2 dualcore processors 1GB RAM minimum One or more Ethernet controllers A SCSI disk, Fibre Channel LUN, or RAID LUN with unpartitioned space ESX Server 3.x Systems Compatibility Guide (PDF) ESX Server 3.x I/O Compatibility Guide (PDF) ESX Server 3.x Storage/SAN Compat

4、ibility Guide (PDF) ESX Server 3.x Backup Software Compatibility Guide (PDF),安裝流程C:Documents and SettingsAdministrator桌面VMware ESX IIIimageESX Install,磁區劃分建議,預設,建議,磁區劃分建議,網路設定須知,表示Virtual Machines可以跟Console共用同一張網卡,時區設定須知,設定時區的時候請記得取消UTC,避免日後影響到所有VM的系統時間。,ESX 設定,Web Client & VI Client,透過Web 直接管理VM,下載

5、VI client安裝程式。,透過網頁瀏覽器在網址列輸入ESX Server IP或主機名稱可得到左邊畫面,Web Client,Web Client不提供安裝VM的功能但可以對已經安裝好的VM更改硬體設定及更改VM的開關機狀態,另外也提供VM Console 管理VM的運作。,VI Client 軟/硬體需求,Windows 2000 Pro SP4, Windows 2000 Server SP4, Windows XP Professional, or Windows 2003 (except 64bit) installed. .NET framework 1.1 installed

6、(included with VI Client installer). 266MHz or faster Intel or AMD x86 processor. 256MB RAM minimum, 512MB recommended. 150MB free disk space required for basic installation. Additional storage is required if virtual machine templates are to be saved locally. 10/100 Ethernet adapter (Gigabit recomme

7、nded).,VI Client,VI Client,VI Client,ESX Server IP,預設管理者帳號:root,安裝時輸入的密碼,VI Client主管理畫面(單機版管理畫面),ESX 與 所屬的虛擬機器,ESX 的硬體資訊,ESX 已經使用的資源,ESX 可存取的儲存空間,ESX 的網路資訊 (Virtual Switch),ESX 最近執行過的任務,ESX 基本任務指令區,Virtual Machine list,VM 資源分配比例,效能圖表,ESX 相關設定,使用者帳號與群組管理,透過此介面增加ESX的使用者帳號,ESX 歷史事件檢視,使用者權限管理,主要security

8、 model: Users and Group:要給予權限的對象 Assigned Role:角色分配,ESX上預設僅有Administrator、Read-Only、No Access三種所擁有的權限也不同。 Privilege:三種角色的權力內容 Permission : UsersAssigned Role,Admin,透過Admin介面可增加更多不同權限的角色,讓安全性與便利性更完善。,ESX Security Model,Power on VM,Power on VM,Night Shift Operator,Inventory Object (Datacenter, cluster

9、, host, VM,Joe,Permission,Assigned role,User,ESX Server,Service Console,License Features C:Documents and SettingsAdministrator桌面VMware ESX IIIimageLicense Install,ESX 在沒有License 的情況下,所有的虛擬機器都是無法啟動的,License Install,Use License Server 可輸入主機名稱或IP。當License Server發生異常時,ESX Server仍可運作,但License Server需於兩週內

10、修復,Use Host license File 授權直接安裝於ESX Server,ESX Security,ESX 通訊埠架構圖,Networking,Virtual Switch & Connection Type,共有三種network connection types Service console port 讓 VI Client 存取ESX 管理虛擬機器用 VMkernel port 使用VMotion, iSCSI 或 NFS/NAS networks Virtual machine port group 虛擬機器用 在單一virtual switch中可以容納超過一種以上的c

11、onnection type,Virtual Switch,Uplink ports(與實體網卡銜接),Service Console Port,VMkernel Port,Virtual machine Port Groups,Networking Properties,Networking Properties,Networking Policies,There are four network policies VLAN Security Traffic shaping NIC teaming Policies are defined At the virtual switch leve

12、l Default policies for all the ports on the virtual switch At the port or port group level Effective policies: Policies defined at this level override the default policies set at the virtual switch level,Network policy: VLANs,Virtual switch tagging Packets leaving a VM are tagged as they pass though

13、 the virtual switch Packets are cleared (untagged) as they return to the VM Little impact on performance,Virtual Switch,VLAN B,VLAN A,Physical switch,Trunk port,Physical NIC,VM,VM,vmkernel,Network policy: Security,Administrators can configure Layer 2 Ethernet security options at the virtual switch a

14、nd at the port group There are three security policy exceptions: Promiscuous Mode : 中毒的guest所丟出的frame不是自己的就不接收 MAC Address Changes : Guest若嘗試改變自身MAC,若與VM設定檔中不同,將停止接收frame. Forged Transmits : Guest OS所送出的MAC address與網卡上設定的不同,Network policy: Traffic Shaping,Disabled by default Average bandwidth(KBps),

15、 Peak bandwidth(KBps), Burst size(KB) 受到限制的VM也許會超過average bandwidth,並spike up到peak bandwidth,不過不論如何只能傳輸所設定的burst size量. Burst Size = bandwidth x time,Burst Size = bandwidth x time,Network policy: NIC teaming,NIC Teaming settings: Load Balancing : 參考下頁 Network Failure Detection : Link status only :僅可

16、透過網卡偵測線路插拔或實體SWITCH是否掛掉,但是因為spanning tree或VLAN設定錯誤所造成的原因就沒辦法判斷. beaconing :透過beacon偵測所有網卡上網路狀態來判斷link failure,所得資訊會比link state來的多! Notify Switches : vnic剛掛接到virtual s/w,或因failover發生導至vnic被流量被導到其他pnic時,將產生通知給實體switch上的lookup table做更新. Rolling Failover : NO表示當失效之實體網卡恢復時,會重新變成active並恢復接管。YES表示不會接管,恢復後的網卡依舊保持inactive,除非其他active中的網卡失效,它才會接管。 Failover Order,Route based on the originating port ID(預設) 不需要vmkernel解析frame 用VM Po


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