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1、2009年福州市英语学科高职单招模拟试卷(四)(考试时间120分钟,满分150分)班级 _ 座号_ _ 姓名_ _ 成绩_ 第一部分:基础知识(共计50分)第一节:单词辨音从下列各题A、B、C、D、中选出一个画线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项(每小题1分,共计10分)。( )1. A. France B. banana C. answer D. carry( )2. A. live B. idea C. bike D. like( )3. A. go B. radio C. photo D. long( )4. A. moon B. room C. soon D. cook( )5. A. no

2、t B. hot C. holiday D. police( )6. A. eat B. earache C. read D. speak( )7. A. bee B. meet C. three D. sweater( )8. A. peach B. great C. clean D. please( )9. A. worker B. morning C. horse D. or( )10. A. what B. whose C. where D. which第二节:词语解释从下列各题A、B、C、D、中选出与句子画线部分意思相近的选项(每小题1分,共计15分)。( )11. Ill take

3、 time off tomorrow.A. take my time B. be free C. be able to free D. free( )12. If you try it by yourself, perhaps youll change your idea.A. also B. maybe C. and D. or( )13. I wonder whether Jim has received the letter .A. want to know B. dont knowC. understand D. dont understand( )14. Take your time

4、! We still have half an hour left.A. Dont worry B. Be quick C. Hurry up D. No hurry( )15. I saw some toys on show in the market on Childrens Day.A. on look. B. on display. C. on watch. D. on TV( )16. All of her living cost comes to 2000 yuan each month.A. is equal to B. arrives at C. gets to D. adds

5、 up to ( )17. I rang them yesterday to make clear when the meeting would begin .A. ask B. check C. decide D. find ( )18. He gave me some advice from time to time when I was doing my homework.A. now and then B. sometime C. often D. at that time ( )19. We must catch the train tomorrow no matter what h

6、appens.A. what may happen B. how what happens C. no matter anything happens D. in any case ( )20. American young people went wild for the singer .A. became very angry B. became very excited C. were too wild D. became very wild ( )21. He took the doctors advice and gave up smoking.A. carried B. follo

7、wed C. went to bring D. hear( )22. One day, youll realize that what he has done is just for you.A. some days B. the other day C. some day D. another day ( )23. The plane will take off soon.A. be taken away B. be moved out C. land at the airport D. leave the ground for flight ( )24. He is more fit fo

8、r the work than anyone else in his classA. any other one B. any other ones C. any one D. all ( )25. They went over their lessons together at nightA. crossed B. studied C. inspected D. reviewed第三节:语法知识从下列各题的A、B、C、D中选出可以添入空白处的最佳选项(每一题1分,共计25分)26. Taken away from his parents at early age, the boy had v

9、ery difficult life. A. the; / B. an; a C. /; a D. an;/27. We have sold many machines of this kind and the rest still on sale. A. are B. keep C. is D. is popular28. The joke made by Tom made us _, so our teacher couldnt make himself _. A. to laugh; hearing B. laugh; heard C. laughing; hear D. laughed

10、; heard29. If for the job, hell have to start at the beginning of next month. A. having searched B. looking C. having taken D. accepted30. 1 cant quite remember you started going out for a walk after supper. A. that it was how B. why was it that C. when it was that D. that was it since31. Youve swit

11、ched the machine off. I told you not to, ? A. didnt I B. havent you C. will you D. did I32. It is known to all that television has many advantages. It keeps us _ about the news, and also provides entertainment in the home. A. informed; latest B. to know; later C. learning; later D. to think; late33.

12、 -Thank you for your help. Its very kind of you. - _. A. Im glad that you say so. B. I like to help you C. Im glad to be of some service. D. You are most understanding34. Not only be interesting to us, but also it is of great help to us. A. the story will B. will the story C. is the storyD. the story i



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