六年级英语上册 unit 9 this bird is bigger than fist one.课件1 湘少版

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六年级英语上册 unit 9 this bird is bigger than fist one.课件1 湘少版_第1页
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《六年级英语上册 unit 9 this bird is bigger than fist one.课件1 湘少版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六年级英语上册 unit 9 this bird is bigger than fist one.课件1 湘少版(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、PPT模板下载:,Unit 9 This one is bigger than the first one,GOOD MORNING,Greetings,Whats the weather like today? Whats your name? What can we do with the computer? What are we going to bring for the picnic? What can we do for the old?,New lesson,We are very happy!,Today is a sunny day.,Lets go to see a cl

2、ay art show.,Clay art show陶艺展,clay黏土/kle/,catch the ghost,big大,big,bigger,biggest,dragon game 小和尚挑水,small小,small,smaller,smallest,tall高,tall,taller,tallest,short短,short,shorter,shortest,long长,long,longer,longest,big bigger biggest small smaller smallest tall taller tallest long longer longestrt shor

3、t短 shorter更短 shortest最短,Read and say,大,更大,最大,小,更小,最小,高,更高,最高,长,更长,最长,比较级:形容词+ er /,最高级:形容词+ est /ist/,形容词比较级、最高级变化基本规律,Which one is missing?,big,bigger,biggest,small,smaller,smallest,tall,taller,tallest,short,shorter,shortest,long,longer,longest,is bigger than比大,sentences,1.鸟比蚂蚁大。 Bird is bigger tha

4、n ant. 2.狗比鸟大。 Dog is bigger than bird. 3.老虎比狗大。 Tiger is bigger than dog.,is smaller than 比小,is longer than 比长,is shorter than 比短/矮,is taller than 比高, is + 比较级 + than,比小/长/短/高/大,is bigger than 比大,Trick Game,This bird is bigger than the first one.,这只鸟比第一只鸟大。,is bigger than 比大,this bird 这只鸟,the first

5、 one 第一只,1、开书找出第一只( the first one) 这组单词,2、请大家在书上做好笔记。 第一只 the first one 第二只: the second one 第三只: the third one 第四只: the fourth one 第五只 : the fifth one,Game : Chant it,自学第九单元的课文,1、课文请你尝试翻译一遍。,2、将课文读一遍,找找看有哪些单词是回家需要跟碟读会的。,3、同桌之间讨论下(1)粘土艺术共展出了几只鸟? (2)哪只鸟最小?哪只鸟 最大? 4、做创优作业P29的习题。,Revision,1、“我能做什么“用英语怎么

6、说? 2、课文中有那些人物角色? 3、角色扮演(role-play)。 4、单词词组冲关。,an old woman,help old people on the road,make tea,make cakes,clean their homes,make them happy,Review titles,Unit 1 What did you do during you holidays? Unit 2 Katie always gets up early. Unit 3 I like my computer. Unit 4 The Mid-Autumn festival is comin

7、g. Unit 5 It will be sunny and cool tomorrow. Unit 6 I will bring a big bottle of orange juice. Unit 7 What can I do? Unit 8 We shouldnt waste water. Unit 9 This bird is bigger than the first one.,你在假期做了些什么?,凯蒂总是早起。,我喜欢我的电脑。,中秋节就要来了。,明天将会是晴朗而凉爽的一天。,我会带一大瓶橙汁。,我能做些什么?,我们不应该浪费水。,这只鸟比第一只大。,TNANK YOU Bye-bye,



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