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1、华中科技大学 博士学位论文 开放系统中自动信任建立机制研究 姓名:李开 申请学位级别:博士 专业:计算机应用技术 指导教师:卢正鼎 2010-02-09 I 华 中 科 技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论 文 摘摘 要要 适应于 Internet 的发展趋势, 跨越组织边界进行资源共享的大规模开放系统成为 越来越普遍的计算模式。与传统的分布式系统不同的是,开放系统中资源是公共可 访问的,系统的用户不再是特定群体。由于潜在用户规模巨大,而且用户与系统之 间没有预先存在的信任关系,传统的基于身份的安全机制不适用于解决开放系统中 的安全问题。自动信任协商技术以解决开放系统中自动信任建立问题为目标引起研

2、究人员的广泛关注而成为研究的热点。当前,尽管自动信任协商研究工作已经取得 了许多引人注目的成果,然而自动信任协商系统的广泛部署仍然面临一些挑战性问 题,其中包括,高效实用的信任协商机制问题,信任协商系统之间可互操作性问题, 以及信任协商中攻击与防范问题等。 在信任协商机制研究方面,分析了现有模型在证书透露过程中可能导致用户敏 感信息及访问控制策略机密信息的泄漏,以及协商协议被设计得过于复杂,使得协 商效率过于低下等不足。为增强信任协商系统的实用性,提出了一种基于代理的自 动信任协商机制(Agent-based Automated Trust Negotiation Mechanism, A2T

3、NM) 。 A2TNM 引进代理将协商过程从具体应用中剥离出来,作为一种专门的网络服务提供 给公众。同时,A2TNM 指定了元策略格式,使用这种格式灵活的信任凭证不需透露 数字证书的全部内容。A2TNM 使用高强度的非对称函数加密传输消息,能防止消息 遭受攻击。 机制中提出了一种新的协商协议来指导协商过程。 事例分析表明, A2TNM 是健全、合理的。与现有模型相比,A2TNM 在智能性、保密性和协商效率方面得到 了改进。 信任协商系统的可互操作性在于协商策略的可互操作性和协商协议的通用性。 在协商策略可互操作性研究方面,形式化定义了协商策略及策略的兼容性,给出了 策略族的定义。为了对协商策略

4、的可互操作性作形式化分析,根据协商过程中不同 信息透露对协商进程产生的影响,定义了一种透露树的缩减、扩展、否定删除和冗 余删除四种运算及透露树演化规则,证明了透露树和安全透露序列之间的映射关系, 表明了用透露树运算描述协商进程的正确性和有效性。在此基础上结合实例,由透 露树可演化性质得出策略可互操作的条件。定义了策略族的单调性,讨论了策略谨 II 华 中 科 技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论 文 慎性和可互操作性之间的关系。在协商协议通用性研究方面,提出了一种不依赖于 协商策略的信任协商协议,将协议消息划分为资源请求、信息透露和终止协商三种 类型,并定义了消息的具体格式。指定了初始化协商状态、协

5、商状态和协商结束状 态,并阐明了三种状态之间的转化关系,同时给出了协议实现算法。分析表明,该 协议支持包括多种格式信任证书在内的数字断言和以不同策略语言描述的访问控制 策略的透露,允许在一次协商过程中使用多种协商策略进行协商,满足不同应用场 景的协商需求,具有较好的通用性。 在信任协商攻击与防范研究方面,按攻击特点,对存在的各种攻击方式进行分 类,将攻击手段分为拒绝服务攻击、敏感信息的推理攻击、属性盗窃攻击、证书集 合攻击、敏感信息收集攻击、证书互斥攻击、信道传输攻击和硬件攻击等八类,在 分析这些攻击方式的同时介绍了相应的防御措施,并对其中部分防御措施进行了改 进。同时,就如何进一步完善攻击防

6、范技术研究工作,提出了“一体化”抵抗攻击 系统的开发和将防御措施融入协商策略及协商协议的思路。 关键词:关键词:开放系统, 自动信任协商, 协商策略, 协商协议, 可互操作性, 攻击与防 范, 访问控制策略 III 华 中 科 技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论 文 Abstract Due to recent Internet trends, large-scale open systems in which resources are shared across organizational boundaries are becoming ever more popular. Differin

7、g from traditional distributed systems, open systems possess resources accessible for public instead of only for a specifical group. Traditional identity-based security mechanism fails to resolve the security problems in open systems because a potentially unbounded number of users exist in systems a

8、nd there is no pre-existing trust relationship between users and systems. Aiming to help solve the problems surrounding automated trust establishment in open systems, automated trust negotiation attracts many researchers and becomes an active area of research. At present, many noticeable works have

9、been done about automated trust negotiation. However, in order to widely deploy automated trust negotiation, many challenging issues need to be addressed. These issues include effective applied trust negotiation model, the interoperability between trust negotiation systems, attacks and defenses in a

10、utomated trust negotiation, and so on. Our research spreads out in accordance with the issues above, and concrete achievements mainly involve the following aspects. On trust negotiation model, this paper analyzes the insufficiencies that the existing trust negotiation model could result in leaking u

11、sers sensitive information and confidential information about access control policy, and negotiation protocol is designed to be so complicated that negotiation works inefficient. To enhance the practicality of trust negotiation systems, an agent-based automated trust negotiation mechanism (A2TNM) is

12、 proposed. A2TNM introduces the agent to separate trust negotiation from the concrete application and supplies it for public as a network service. Meanwhile, A2TNM specifies the format of a Meta access control policy, and adopts credentials with flexible format to meet the requirements of access con

13、trol policies, instead of disclosing the whole contents of a certificate. Furthermore, A2TNM uses asymmetric functions with a high security intensity to encrypt the transmitting message, which can prevent information from being attacked. Finally, A2TNM presents a new negotiation protocol to guide th

14、e negotiation IV 华 中 科 技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论 文 process. A use case is studied to illuminate that A2TNM is sound and reasonable. Compared with existing works, the intelligence, privacy and negotiation efficiency are improved in A2TNM. The interoperability of automated trust negotiation system is in relatio

15、n to the adoption of negotiation strategy and negotiation protocol. On the interoperability of negotiation strategy, a model of trust negotiation is proposed that gives entities autonomy in choosing whatever strategies meet their requirements. Then necessary and sufficient conditions are identified

16、for a successful negotiation when two parties adopt different strategies. A set of strategies is designed and proved that two parties can always establish trust whenever their access control policies allow, if they are using any two strategies from the set. It is showed that the set of strategies provides users maximal flexibility in choosing strategies that fit their requirements for trust negotiation. On the generality of negotiation protocol, a strategy-independent trust negotiation protocol



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