冀教初中英语七下《Lesson 1 A Trip to China》PPT课件 (2)

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1、1,A Trip to the Silk Road,丝绸之路,去丝绸之路的旅行,Lesson 1 A Trip to the China,New words,trip 旅行, 旅程,下一页,New words,下一页,New words,road 路,公路,lead 带路,指路,下一页,New words,note 便笺;笔记,下一页,New words,chance 机会;运气,下一页,New words,send n寄;送,下一页,New words,news 新闻,消息,下一页,New words,古代由中国经古波斯国到欧洲的通商道路,因中国以产丝绸著称,所以被称作丝绸之路,丝绸之路,感

2、受丝路,感受丝路,感受丝路,感受丝路,感受丝路,感受丝路,感受丝路,感受丝路,感受丝路,感受丝路,感受丝路,感受丝路,感受丝路,感受丝路,感受丝路,感受丝路,张骞、班超、玄奘、马可波罗,张骞开拓了丝路, 班超保障了丝路的畅通, 玄奘、马可波罗对中西方的交流做出了重要贡献,“丝绸之路”最早出现在德国历史学家李希霍芬的中国一书,经过赫尔曼所著的中国和叙利亚的古代丝路而得以确立。如今,这一美好的名称已极为普遍地用于形象地表述古代亚欧大陆上的东西交通干线。 中国古代经由中亚通往南亚、西亚以及欧洲、北非的陆上贸易交往的通道,因为大量的中国丝和丝织品经由此路西传,故此称作“丝绸之路”,简称“丝路”。,(

3、),( ),玉门关,阳关,你知道怎么走吗?,(敦煌),葱岭,河西走廊,大月氏,安息,(古罗马),(西安),长安,大秦,伊朗高原,陕甘高原,塔克拉玛干大沙漠、天山、昆仑山,帕米尔高原,乌鞘山,敦煌是中原通往西域交通要道的“咽喉之地”,是丝绸之路上的重镇。它控制着东来西往的商旅,成为东西方贸易的中心和中转站。,敦 煌,玉门关,鸣沙山,阳 关,长安,敦煌,古丝绸之路,阿富汗 法兹拉巴德,印度 巴特那,伊朗 哈马丹,土耳其埃德萨,土耳其伊斯坦布尔,意大利罗马,丝绸之路经过的地方现在属于哪些国家?,伊拉克 条支,西 方,东 方,马匹、皮毛、瓜果蔬菜、香料、药材、珠宝、音乐、舞蹈、宗教-,丝绸、瓷器、漆器

4、、铁器、冶铁技术、蚕种和养蚕技术-,丝绸之路,沟通欧亚大陆,是东西方贸易往来的重要通道;是东西方文化交流的桥梁。,友 谊 之 路,作用,Jenny: Hi, mum! Dad! Guess what! Were learning about the silk road this month in school. Mr. Smith: The silk road? Thats in China! Jenny: Yes, it is! Mum and day, may I ask you a question? Mrs. Smith: Sure, Jenny! What is it? Jenny:

5、 My school is planning a trip around china with Li Mings school. Some students from my class will go to China and travel on the silk road. May I go with them.,Mr. smith: Who will lead the trip? Jenny: Ms. Martin! Here is the note from my school. (Jennys father and mother read the note) Mrs. Smith: Y

6、es, you may go. This is a good chance for you. You will learn about China. Jenny: Really? Great! Thanks, Mum and Dad! Im so excited! I will send Li Ming an-email and tell him the good news.,Language points,May I go with them? May I ask you a question? 肯定回答:Yes, you may./ Sure. 否定回答: No, you cant. /N

7、o, you may not. 2. Here is the note from my school. There is a camel and two horses in the zoo. 3. We re learning about the Silk Road this month in school. learn about 学习,了解,获悉,得知,4. I m so excited! 表示心情的句子:主语+be +adj. I am happy/unhappy. You are interested. 5. Is the Silk Road made of silk? be made

8、 of be made from 5. I will send Li Ming an e-mail and tell him the good news. Who will lead the trip? You will leran about China.,一般将来时,时间状语:tommorrow, next week/month 陈述句:主语+will+动词原形+ 主语(I /we)+will/shall+v+ 否定句:主语+wont /shant+v+ 一般凝问句:Will +主语+v+? You will leran about China. You will not/wont ler

9、an about China. Will I leran about China? Yes,you will. / No, you wont.,1. There some news for you. A: has B: have C: is D: are 2. Will you a letter his uncle? A: send; to B: sends; for C: sends; to D: send; for 3. May I borrow you bike, please? . Here you are. A: Thats right B: Sure C:Youre welcome

10、. D: Thank you.,4. Danny likes to travel to China very much. (改为否定句) Danny to travel to China very much. 5. I want to send Li Ming an e-mail this evening.(改为一般疑问句) you to send Li Ming an e-mail this evening? 6. Jenny will tell him the good news.(对划线部分提问) Jenny tell him?,课文诵读 1、听读课文; 2、诵读课文。 处理Lets Do It 练习。,Homework,


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