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1、,口语大比拼 比赛流程 一、热身篇 二、你来描述,我来猜 1.名词篇 2.动词短语篇 3.形容词篇 4.用完整句子回答问题 5.人物篇 三、抢答篇 1.看图说短语 2.看图说句子 3.看图回答问题 八、口头作文 九、辩论赛,口语大比拼 You are the best! 热身篇,You describe, I guess! 你来描述,我来猜。 noun 名词篇,1,2,bank,street,hotel,restaurant,bus stop,dining hall,pancake,green tea,fish,hamburger,bread,beef,carrot,subway,bus,pa

2、nda,giraffe,koala,pay phone,hospital,post office,police station,hallway,s,bus station,onion,porridge,dumplings,noodles,mutton 羊肉,potatoe,cabbage,train,bike/ bicycle,tiger,lion,elephant,You describe, I guess! 你来描述,我来猜。 verb 动词短语篇,1,2,fight,with sb.,draw,ride a horse,milk a cow,feed chickens,get up,ge

3、t dressed,go to school,help mom make breakfast/lunch/dinner,clean his room,see friends,sing,swim,listen to,music,speak English,Hi, Im ,take some photos,go for a walk,talk with a farmer,go out,practice the guitar,do/wash the dishes,brush teeth,eat breakfast,take a shower,You describe, I guess! 你来描述,我

4、来猜。 adjective 形容词篇,1,2,cold,dry,sunny,terrible,noisy,hot,warm,windy,snowy,strict,dirty,You describe, I guess! 你来描述,我来猜。 用完整句子回答问题,1,2,What is she doing?,She is singing.,What is he doing?,He is playing basketball.,-What is he doing? -He is making soup.,make,making,-What is he doing? -He is reading a

5、newspaper .,read,reading,-What is she doing? -She is watching TV and talking on the telephone.,talk,talking,watch,watching,He went boating.,What did he do?,They went fishing.,What did they do?,What is he doing?,He is brushing his teeth.,-What is he doing? -He is washing the dishes.,wash,washing,-Wha

6、t is he doing? -He is cleaning the room.,clean,cleaning,-What is she doing? -She is exercising.,exercise,exercising,What did he do?,He played badminton.,He went to the cinema.,What did he do?,You describe, I guess! 你来描述,我来猜。 人物篇,1,2,Quick Response. 比比谁的反应快! 抢答篇,Dont fight.,看图说句子,Dont listen to music

7、 in class.,Dont arrive late for class.,Dont eat in the classroom.,What is she/he doing? What are they doing?,看图回答问题,小组合作,一人一句 口头作文,1,2,3,Talk about your last weekend.,Talk about Toms daily routine.,Tom usually gets up at seven oclock. Tom exercises at,always/ usually/ often/ sometimes/ never,辩论赛Debate 正方论点: We should study during the summer vacation. 反方论点: We should play during the summer vacation.,


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