核按钮2017版高考英语一轮复习 专题四 学会使用复杂结构进行写作考点突破课件 新人教版必修4

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核按钮2017版高考英语一轮复习 专题四 学会使用复杂结构进行写作考点突破课件 新人教版必修4_第1页
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《核按钮2017版高考英语一轮复习 专题四 学会使用复杂结构进行写作考点突破课件 新人教版必修4》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《核按钮2017版高考英语一轮复习 专题四 学会使用复杂结构进行写作考点突破课件 新人教版必修4(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、专题四 学会使用复杂结构进行写作,在现在的高考考试说明中,关于高考英语书面表达评分标准第五档(很好)中有这样一段话:“应用了较多的语法结构和词汇;语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,但是为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致。”这就是说,学生仅运用基础的词汇和基本的句型,并不能体现出较强的语言运用能力,在这种情况下即使书面表达无语法错误,也不能得高分;相反在书面表达中有意识地使用复杂结构或较高级词汇,即使会出现一些错误,也不扣分,仍属于写作最高档。这是评分原则所体现的对考生的宽容态度,旨在鼓励考生在写作中有意识地尝试呈现几处高级语法结构,如省略句、强调句、倒装句、感叹句、虚拟句等。这样就能使短文出彩,

2、让阅卷者心动,从而提高书面表达的分数。,但要注意:使用复杂结构写作时,要把握好尺度,合理运用,切莫堆砌,避免矫揉造作、无病呻吟。 一般来说,使用如下复杂结构能增强表达效果,提升短文评分档次。 一、强调句。可对时间、地点、原因、方式等状语进行强调,以突出重点。对谓语动词也可通过增加助动词的形式来进行语意强调。 二、倒装句。合理改变句子的正常语序,并使句子在意义、程度或语气上发生变化,从而体现修辞效果,以吸引读者的好奇心和注意力。 三、感叹句。多用于文章的开头或结尾,能充分、生动地传达作者的思想感情,渲染文章的情感因素,活跃文章的气氛。 四、省略句。能突出重点信息,缩小交流间隔,简化表达程序,简洁

3、、明快、直接,穿透力强,从而增加语言表达效果。 五、替代词。往往能使行文简洁流畅,避免重复啰嗦。,六、进行时态。进行时态与always连用时往往表示说话人强烈的爱憎等感情色彩。 七、被动句。有时候使用被动句更符合语意表达需要。 八、否定句。许多时候否定句或双重否定句比肯定句更能体现写作者的观点和态度等,尤其在一些特定句型中。 九、插入语。合理的使用可调整句子结构,能增加句式的灵活性,增强表达的准确性。 十、虚拟语气。表达写作者的愿望、假设、怀疑、猜疑、建议等内心丰富情感,具有感染力。 十一、比喻、拟人等修辞手法。修辞能给读者留下鲜活深刻的印象,具有强大的感染力,起到说理透彻、入木,说事生动、鲜

4、活的作用。,请阅读下面几组例句,试分析使用复杂结构或句型所能增强的表达效果。 1. In the eighteenth century Alexander Pope wrote the finest poetry in England. (一般结构) In the eighteenth century it was Alexander Pope who wrote the finest poetry in England. (强调句) 2. We can save the earth only by changing the way we live.(一般结构) Only by changin

5、g the way we live can we save the earth.(倒装句) 3. Oceans are able to clean themselves, but certain seas are not able to clean themselves.(一般结构) Oceans are able to clean themselves, but certain seas are not able to do so.(省略句),4. I am very glad to hear from you again.(一般结构) How nice to hear from you a

6、gain!(感叹句) 5. I quite agree with you.(一般结构) I cant agree with you more.(否定句) 6. This is the best hotel you can find here.(一般结构) You cant find a better hotel here.(否定句) Nowhere else can you find a better hotel.(倒装句),1. 请使用不同的句式改写下列句子。 I hope to have more time to study in the present working condition

7、. 感叹句:_ 虚拟句:_ 强调句(what句式):_ He didnt realize his foolishness until he returned home. 强调句:_ He is very clever, but he works without much achievement because of his laziness. 倒装句:_ The work was very appealing to me, but it was very boring to my husband. 排比、省略句:_ The single mother works in the garden e

8、very dawn. 拟人句:_,Key: 1. 感叹句:How I hope to have more time to study in the present working condition! 虚拟句:If only I had more time to study in the present working condition. 强调句:What I hope is to have more time to study in the present working condition. 强调句:Not until he returned home did he realize hi

9、s foolishness./It was not until he returned home that he realized his foolishness. 倒装句:Clever as he is, he works without much achievement because of his laziness. 排比、省略句: To me, the working is appealing, but to my husband very boring. 拟人句:Every dawn sees the single mother working in the garden.,The

10、excited children rushed into the hall after building the snow-man, and their faces were red with cold. with复合结构:_ 独立结构:_ He had just lost his way when it began to rain, which made the matter worse. 插入语:_ He loves his daughter very much. 比喻句:_ Many of us allow our children to do junk things, includin

11、g eating, watching, listening, talking and playing etc. and then we are surprised to see them grow into helpless citizens. 排比句:_ He heard a smokers cough when he turned around the corner. 拟人句:_,Key: with 复合结构:The excited children rushed into the hall after building the snow-man with red faces. 独立结构:

12、The excited children rushed into the hall after building the snow-man, faces red. 插入语:He lost his way. To make the matter worse, it began to rain. 比喻句: His daughter is the apple of his eye. 排比句:Many of us allow our children to eat junk, watch junk, listen to junk, talk junk, play with junk, and then

13、 we are surprised when they turn out to be social junkies. 拟人句:A smokers cough greeted his ears when he turned around the corner.,2. 请根据汉语提示,用复杂结构完成下列句子。 _(疲劳又乏味), they left the cinema when the film started for only half an hour. _(不想把衣服撕破), the naughty boy gave up climbing the tree. In fact, he was

14、 a man of wisdom, _(尤其是一个富于想象力的人) _(在我看来), students in primary school should place their safety, health above other things. _(不知不觉中), we had to say goodbye to the workers, leaving much regret there.,Key: 2. Tired and bored Not wanting to tear the clothes especially a man full of imagination It is my opinion that/In my opinion Before we knew it,_(过去是操场的



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