2019年高考英语一轮精选练 Unit 1 Art(含解析)新人教版选修6

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1、Unit 1 Art李仕才一、阅读理解。(2018河南郑州高三质量预测)At 23, my career got going. I was midway through a masters degree at the London School of Economics and Political Science and had been hired as a parttime reporter for a finance website. I got a great onemonth review and my boss asked if I was interested in stayin

2、g at the company after graduation.However, balancing graduate studies with work was challenging. To deal with it, I checked my real self at my office door. I came in to work, greeted my colleagues and listened more than I contributed in each morning meeting. The small team I worked with often seemed

3、 busy, so rather than giving ideas that might get turned down, I stayed back.After four months, my boss called me into his office. The meeting was going well until he told me that despite the great work I had produced, the team had held a meeting and decided, “We dont think its the right fit.”I must

4、 have looked confused. “Youre ambitious, intelligent and will be very successful,” my boss said. “But you havent made enough effort to join the team. You lost the enthusiasm you showed in your interview. That wont work long term, and if I could give you one piece of advice, it would be to get your g

5、uard down.” I couldnt believe that performing well at my job wasnt enough to keep it. But I knew my boss was right. They knew that when they hired me, I had no experience in finance reporting, yet they took a chance on me. In meetings I usually contributed last, after I had heard everyone elses sugg

6、estions. I did it to show that I was a listener, but also to hide my fears. They liked the person who walked into the interview, and they didnt respect me when I hid that person from them.“Dont leave before you leave.” That advice is essential for women at all stages of our careers. Because we work

7、so hard for success, we dont like to think that we hurt ourselves sometimes. But each of us must change when necessary. In trying to earn a fulltime job, I “leaned back” in order not to show too much of myself or my lack of expertise(专门知识). I learned that the hard way wasnt the way to achieve our go

8、als.【解题导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。“我”在公司工作,在团队里,“我”辛苦勤奋,所在的团队也紧张忙碌,但是“我”害怕表达自己的主张和建议。老板在肯定了“我”的成绩的同时,建议“我”勇于表达自己的主张,分享个人的建议。1.Why was the author offered a job at the company at first?A.She just got her masters degree in finance.B.She greatly impressed her boss in her first month.C.She had quite a lot of experien

9、ce in finance reporting.D.She showed her special financial talent while working there.B解析:细节理解题。根据第一段第三句可知,在第一个月的工作中,“我”获得了很高的评价,给老板留下了深刻的印象,故老板决定聘用“我”。故B项正确。2.During her next four months at the company, the author_.A.performed well enough to earn the teams respectB.didnt balance her graduate studie

10、s with work very wellC.was a good listener and contributed a lot in the meetingsD.was afraid to offer her ideas because of her lack of confidenceD解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第四句并结合第四段倒数第二句可知,“我”工作所在的团队常常看起来很忙碌,“我”担心自己的建议或想法遭到拒绝,所以只愿做一个倾听者。据此可知,由于缺乏自信,“我”害怕表达自己的想法,故D项正确。3.What does the author intend to tell us in

11、the passage?A.We should always keep up our enthusiasm at work.B.Expertise and experience are greatly valued in the workplace.C.We should not shy away from sharing our ideas when working in a team.D.Its unwise of women to show themselves off when they are taking part in teamwork.C解析:写作意图题。文章第二段描述了“我”

12、辛苦勤奋,所在的团队紧张忙碌,第三、四段讲述老板对“我”工作的评价:虽然辛苦努力,但是“我”缺乏在团队中建言献策的自信和勇气,并不能赢得团队的尊敬。据此可以判断,本文旨在告诉读者在团队工作中不要畏惧表达自己的观点,故C项正确。二、单句语法填空1The local government has taken some effective measures, _ (aim) at cutting down the cost during the tough economy.答案:aimed/aiming2The present situation is very complex, so I thin

13、k it will take me some time to figure_ its reality.答案:out3Im writing a letter, expecting your newspaper to appeal to the public _ (pay) more attention to environmental protection.答案:to pay4The boys made an attempt _ (leave) for camping but were stopped by their parents.答案:to leave5The book written b

14、y Mr. Jackson appealed to people in all walks of life, _ (make) it the bestseller in England.答案:making6Without your timely help, I couldnt _ (finish) the task ahead of time.答案:have finished7On the one hand, I am dying for the job; _ the other hand, I am not willing to give up my present one.答案:on8My

15、 father smokes heavily; as _ consequence, he coughs frequently, which makes the whole family worried.答案:a9In the far south _ (lie) Stewart Island, the largest of New Zealands many smaller islands.答案:lies10My father encouraged me in painting, but he never loved to see any of my works _ (exhibit) in public.答案:exhibited三、完形填空。(2018济南市高三针对性训练)A taxi driver taught me a lesson in customer satisfaction and expectations.Inspiring speakers 1 thousands of dollars to give this kind of training to corporate directors and staff.It cost me o


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