2019届高三英语一轮总复习 Module 6 Animals in danger课时跟踪训练 外研版必修5

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1、Module 6 Animals in danger.单词拼写/用所给词的正确形式填空1The necklace bought yesterday is _ (值钱)$5,000.答案worth2With exam approaching, we shouldnt _ (浪费) time.答案waste3The Great Wall is one of the greatest _ (奇迹) in the world.答案wonders4The girl dressed in red soon became the _ (焦点) of the party.答案focus5The governm

2、ent _ (监测) the quality of air last year.答案monitored6The _ (danger) languages can be saved and reconnected with speech communities.答案endangered7(2016全国卷)I know you take good pictures and youve always wanted to do something for environmental _ (protect)答案protection8They made _ (reserve) at restaurants

3、 where the cost of a bottle of wine equalled a college years monthly rent.答案reservations9Yesterday at the meeting our headteacher _ (lay) stress on the importance of study.答案laid10Researches have shown that too much parental _ (involve) holds back the kids development.答案involvement.单句改错1People often

4、 say time is money, but in fact, time worth much more than money._答案worth前加is2The student lay to his teacher that he lay his mobile phone at home._答案第一个laylied,第二个laylaid3Seeing the neighbours busy with gardening, my father even thought it a waste of time._答案去掉a4Our main focus is to helping people g

5、et back into work._答案toon5The money was being kept on reserve for their retirement._答案onin.阅读理解(2017黑龙江铁岭协作体高三联考)In the Pacific Northwest there is a kind of owl (猫头鹰) that serves as a unique piece to the Northwest habitat (栖息地)the northern spotted owl.Northern spotted owls are known to be curious. W

6、hen seeing you, these owls will come down close and check you out.The northern spotted owl has been a savior of oldgrowth forests. Oldgrowth forests are forests that have been around for a long time without significant disturbances. One way the spotted owl has become a protector of oldgrowth forests

7、 is simply by being there. The northern spotted owl has become endangered, and so to protect them from dying out, the government has to protect their habitat. So now any destruction of oldgrowth forests is illegal. Another way the owls help their habitat is by eating small animals. This helps create

8、 a balance in the forest.So, if the northern spotted owl is in a habitat that is protected by laws, why are they still endangered? Unfortunately, a cousin of the northern spotted owl has moved into its neighborhood. The bigger, more aggressive“barred owl” has grown in population and due to loss of t

9、he forests they lived in on the East Coast of the United States, they have begun to move to the west coast.These owls are taking the food source and pushing northern spotted owls out of their own home. Although the barred owl is able to live in different habitats, the northern spotted owl can only l

10、ive in oldgrowth forests.Many government officials have been at a loss to find an answer to the difficult question, “What do we do with the nonnative barred owls?” Some methods include shooting them. It is a difficult problem to deal with. Can you think of any possible solutions?语篇解读:本文为一篇说明文。文章介绍了一

11、种濒危动物斑点猫头鹰,并分析了它们处于危险的原因。1The northern spotted owl _.Ais particular about its foodBhas difficulty adapting to a new habitatCseems dangerous and aggressiveDis a common bird in the USA解析推理判断题。根据第六段第二句可知斑点猫头鹰只能生活在原生森林里,它们无法适应新的栖息地。故B项正确。答案B2Oldgrowth forests seem to _.Abecome less safe for the owlsBben

12、efit from northern spotted owlsCbe in danger of dying out Dregrow at a fast speed解析细节理解题。根据第三段第一句The northern spotted owl has been a savior of oldgrowth forests.可知,斑点猫头鹰对于古老的森林是一个拯救者。斑点猫头鹰只能生活在原生林里,要保护斑点猫头鹰,人们就要保护斑点猫头鹰的栖息地。故B项正确。答案B3Northern spotted owls are in danger mainly because of _.Aillegal hu

13、nting Bthe destruction of the forestsCanother kind of owl Denvironmental pollution解析细节理解题。根据第五段可知,斑点猫头鹰的近亲横斑猫头鹰的数量增加了,它们会抢占食物来源,使得斑点猫头鹰处于危险之中。故C项正确。 答案C4The methods being used to help northern spotted owls are _.Acreative BfarsightedCunbearable Dineffective解析推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可以看出,很多政府官员对于如何保护斑点猫头鹰不知所措,

14、需要征求公众的意见。这说明原来的措施没有效果。故选D项。答案D.完形填空(2017广西桂林中学月考)In the clinic, I asked if Michael could be retested, so the specialist tested him again. To my _1_, it was the same score.Later that evening, I _2_ told Frank What I had learned that day. After talking it over, we agreed that we knew our _3_ much better than an IQ (智商) test. We _4_ that Michaels score must have been a _5_ and we should treat him _6_ as usual.We moved to Indiana in 1962 ,and Michael studied at Concordia High School in the same year. He got _7_ grades in the school, especially _8_ biology and chemistry,which was a great



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