2019届九年级英语全册 Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious

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《2019届九年级英语全册 Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019届九年级英语全册 Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2I think that mooncakes are delicious!Section B(1a-2e).单项选择( D )1.William Shakespeare for 400 years,but his works still have great influence today.A.died B.was dyingC.has died D.has been dead( D )2.The teacher warned the students in exams.A.dont cheatB.to not cheatC.didnt cheatD.not to cheat( B

2、 )3.Parn treats everyone,so you can see people are always around him.A.friendlyB.nicelyC.livelyD.loudly( C )4.Every time she went shopping,she ended up lots of things she didnt need.A.buy B.boughtC.buyingD.to buy( A )5.The thief often things from this factory.A.stealsB.treatsC.punishesD.spreads.根据汉语

3、提示完成句子6.孩子们喜欢装扮成士兵做游戏。Children likedressing up as soldiers to play games.7.那个孩子经常捉弄别人。The boy oftenplays tricks on others.8.他只关心能否挣到更多的钱。He just cares aboutwhether he can make more money .9.不要忘了提醒我日期和地点。Dont forget to remind me of the date and place.10.我以前醒得很早。I used towake up early.短文填空根据短文内容及首字母提示

4、完成单词。Halloween is a strange holiday.It started several centuries ago in Europe.It began as “Hallow Evening” which 11.means “holy night(圣夜)”.At that time November 1st was 12.called “All Saints Day(万圣日)” and people honored all the saints(圣徒) who did not have their own special day.People believed that

5、the spirits of 13.dead people were active on the night of October 31st.So people would play all kinds of 14.tricks on each other.Black is one of the traditional Halloween colors,probably because Halloween festivals and 15.traditions took place at night.Pumpkins are a symbol of Halloween,so orange ha

6、s become the other traditional Halloween color.Making 16.lanterns out of pumpkins is a Halloween custom. Halloween is great fun for children.They 17.dress up as ghosts and witches(女巫).They 18.wear costumes,knock on doors,and shout,“Trick or Treat!” People almost always choose to give them candy as a

7、 19.treat,instead of choosing to receive a trick from the children.Adults sometimes “trick or treat” their friends,too.Usually the “treat” is a glass of wine or some small 20.gifts.时文阅读主题“替代妈妈”核心素养关爱留守儿童建议用时8分钟实际用时The China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation(中国扶贫基金会) has started a program to hire an

8、d train 100 local women as substitute mothers (替代妈妈) to take care of left-behind children.The three-year program will select 100 villages across Sichuan Province and hire one woman in each village.“It is a model to solve the problem of left-behind children,” said Liu Wenkui,secretary of the foundati

9、on.The “substitute mothers” will do parents job,finding out what the children need and helping them with problems.Each substitute mother will take care of about 300 to 500 children.There will be a “childrens home” in each village to be the mothers office and childrens playing space.Their job is to p

10、rovide quick service and discover the childrens problems.The program hopes to hire women aged 19 to 55 years old from the villages.“We want to hire full-time mothers to make sure they wont think about other work,” Liu said.“We want local women because they understand local languages and cultures.” T

11、he program in Sichuan is an experiment,and Liu said,“If it is a successful model,we will start it in the whole country.”“If parents are forced to leave home to earn a living and unable to take their children with them,we are looking for a transitional(过渡的) way to solve the problem,” he added.( A )21

12、.What does the underlined word “left-behind” mean in Paragraph 1?A.留守B.遗弃C.辍学D.单身( C )22.How long will the program last?A.Three months.B.One year.C.Three years.D.Ten years.( D )23.Who is possible to be a substitute mother?A.A girl at the age of 18.B.A woman with a part-time job.C.A man from the loca

13、l village.D.A woman who knows local language.( D )24.Which is NOT true according to the passage?A.A substitute mother plays a role of parents.B.Each substitute mother will take care of about 300 to 500 children.C.Each village will have a “childrens home”.D.The childrens parents will pay the substitu

14、te mother.( B )25.Whats the best title for the passage?A.Left-behind Childrens ProblemsB.Substitute Mothers in VillagesC.Left-behind Womens ProblemsD.Substitute Children in Villages积累小筏:1.left-behind children留守儿童2.take care of照顾3.full-time “mothers”全职“妈妈”4.think about考虑5.find out 弄清旅游经济价值的大小很大程度上取决于它们与旅游消费市场经济发达地区的距离,经济距离越长,旅游者对旅游目的地的需求越低;靠近发达地区的旅游资源,其开发价值要优于远离发达区的旅游资源。5



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