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1、河北大学 硕士学位论文 居住权法律问题研究 姓名:于志华 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:法律硕士(法学) 指导教师:孙平 2011-06 摘 要 I 摘 要 居住权制度在我国物权法起草过程中经历了从有到无的曲折过程,在最终通 过的物权法中被抛弃。在物权法制定过程中,理论界进行了积极地探索,并形 成了一股讨论的热潮,而随着物权法的尘埃落定,学界对居住权制度的关注已渐渐 趋于冷淡。然而,从一系列的社会新闻及司法实践来看,居住权问题仍频频出现于媒体 和法院的判决中。继续讨论和关注居住权制度仍具有现实意义的。 在物权法制定过程中,就是否设定居住权制度进行了激烈的争论,在之前的物权 法草案(征求意见稿)中曾

2、设专章规定了约定居住权制度。不过物权法草案(征求意见 稿)仅就约定居住权进行了规定,即使获得通过,对于解决当事人基于婚姻家庭关系要 求确认居住权案件的意义也仅限于立法对于居住权这一物权类型的确认。 这也是该制度 最终没有被物权法吸纳的一个重要原因。从短期来看,要使居住权制度进入物权 法几乎是不可能的事情,现在讨论居住权问题应当更倾向于在面对现实问题时我们如 何从更全面和深层次的视角来剖析这个问题, 以求解决现实问题和为以后出台居住权制 度作一些努力。本文按一下思路进行了探析: 居住权制度源于古罗马法,后被德法美等欧美国家继承和发展。如今欧美国家的 居住权制度与古罗马法中的居住权制度已有较大的差

3、别。细究一下,我们可以发现以前 的居住权制度基本上是基于微观层面的制度设计。 如果我们从宏观角度来研究居住权制 度,不难发现,我国居住权问题一直伴随着住房政策改革这么一个重要的社会背景。从 旧体制时期到双轨制时期以及现在的货币化改革时期,住房政策改革伴随着许多问题。 因而,公民居住权问题必须通过立法方式才能解决。 就微观层面来看,公民居住权的实现,特别是离婚妇女、老年人居住权的保障问 题依然相当普遍。法律上给予的保护仅限于婚姻法相关司法解释和地方性规章制度。而 在司法实践中常常使法官陷入尴尬的境地, 如何寻求理论上和法律上的支持也是相当考 验法官办案经验和能力。不同于判例法国家,法官在司法实践

4、中可以合理的造法实现利 益平衡,达到保护当事人的权益,而我们必须通过制定良好的法律。因此,将居住权制 度上升为法律是现实状况下所必须的,也是必然的。 通过对居住权问题的背景、司法实务和立法的现状的分析,笔者提出了解决居住权 摘 要 II 的几点建议,以期居住权问题能得到一定的改善。 关键词 居住权;问题;司法实务 Abstract III Abstract Right of residence system in China “Property Law“ went through the drafting process without the twists and turns from th

5、ere to the process, the final adoption of the “Property Law “ was abandoned. In the “Property Law“ making process, theorists were active in exploration, And formed a discussion of the boom, With “Property Law“ in the dust settles, the academic focus of the residency system has gradually become cold.

6、 However, from a range of social news and judicial practice, Residency problem is still frequently appears in the media and the courts decisions. Tenure system to continue the discussion and concern still has practical significance. In Chinas property law-making process, Tenure system is set to a he

7、ated debate Prior to the draft property law in the draft, it dedicates a chapter to the provisions of the agreed tenure system. However, the draft property law draft agreement residence was provided only in respect. Even if passed, The solution required the parties recognized marriage and family rel

8、ations based on the case, the meaning of residence is limited to residence of the property for the type of legislative confirmation. This is an important reason of the end the system is not be absorbed by “property law“ .In the short term, to make the residency system into the “property law“ is almo

9、st impossible, To discuss the residency issue now, more inclined to question the reality in the face of how we are more comprehensive and in-depth perspective to analyze the problem, Order to solve practical problems and for the future to make some efforts to introduce residency system. This article

10、 was thought of by clicking: Habitation from the Roman law, and inherited and developed by Germany, France , the United States and other European countries. Today, the residence system between the United States ,Europe and Roman has been a greater difference. A closer look at what we can see that th

11、e previous residence system is basically a system based on micro-level design. If we are to study the residence from a macro perspective is not difficult to find that Issue of residency has been accompanied by reform of housing policy on such an important social background. Period to the two-track s

12、ystem from the old system and now the money during the period of reform,Housing policy reform with many problems, Has risen to institutional issues. Microscopic Residence can be protected talk about the realization of housing rights. Therefore, the system will rise to legal residence is necessary un

13、der the reality is inevitable. The other hand, the theoretical research in China, Theoretical study on the residence Abstract IV once in a relatively empty state, emphasis on the legal theory of the debate, Entangled in the “residence“ concept is bound to be difficult to introduce residency system o

14、f law. The lack of legal practice are bound to find the practical value can not Habitation. The main problem in theoretical research in these areas: lack of practical guidance; Wrong theory and judicial practice; grasp the theory of interest groups are biased.So Residence can also help solve the pro

15、blem, narrow the gap between theory and judicial practice the distance, more research practical issues On the Background of the residency issue, Problem analysis, Judicial practice and Theoretical Research, I filed a judicial, legislative and theoretical research on the views and recommendations. To

16、 the problem of residency to get some improvement. Key words residency; problem; Legal Practice 引 言 1 引 言 居住权制度没能纳入物权法中已是尘埃落定。从司法实务中看,居住权纠纷仍 然普遍存在, 在 物权法 颁布后关涉居住权纠纷的案件在法官的手中依旧是非常棘手。 在保护相关当事人居住权与缺乏判决法律依据之间,法官的选择依然进退维艰。 物权法制定过程中,关于居住权制度的设立问题进行了激烈的争论,物权法草案曾 用整章篇幅规定了居住权制度,但在最终通过的物权法中却遭遇了全盘的舍弃。回首物 权法草案,关于居住权制度也仅就约定居住权作了规定,即便通过,对于解决居住权案 件的意义也仅局限于立法对于居住权这一物权类型的确认, 对司法实践缺乏实际性的指 导作用。正所谓“塞翁失马,焉知非福” ,与其物权法中制定几条并不具实际价值的居 住权条文,还不如现在留有更多的余地供大家讨论,以期在未来的立法中制定出更具现 实意义的居住权制度。 就当前法院所受理的案件看,发生于家


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