2018秋九年级英语全册 Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are Period 4教案 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms areTeaching contentUnit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 课 时 安 排共五课时主备教师第四课时授课人Knowledge aims1.掌握本课时的单词、短语。2.提高学生的听力水平。Ability aims1.学生能用本课时的生词描述一些地方。2.听录音完成相关练习。Emotion能很好地评价一个地方。Key points听录音并理解。Difficult points如何正确地获取所需信息。Teac

2、hing methodsListen Discuss Practice Teaching tools PPTTeaching proceduresTeaching steps:Step I: Review 1.Greeting and daily report. 2. Do the following exercises.( )1.How noisy the room is ! There are so many people_in it. A.sing B.to sing C.singing D.song( )2.Do you know_? A.what he happened B.what

3、 the matter is with him C.what happened to him D.what did he happened( )3.Central Park is a good place_. Lets go there this weekend. A.for have fun B. have fun C. having fun D.to have fun( )4. I love the mall. Theres always something _. A. happened B. happening C. happens D. happen( )5.I dont want t

4、o go inside the waiting hall; Its too_. I prefer_ outside though its a little cold. A.boring; to be B.crowded; being C.late; wait D.early; waiting( )6.-Could you tell me_? -Sorry, I dont know. I was not at the meeting. A. what the teacher says at the meeting B. what the teacher said at the meeting C

5、. what does the teacher say at the meeting D. what did the teacher say at the meetingStep II :New lesson1.Presentation:What do you think of these places ? If you go to these places, what qualities are important for each place ?PlacesQualitiesRestroomMuseumRestaurantParkSubwayMall2. Show the learning

6、 aims, and check the new words.convenient adj.便利的;方便的 mall n. 商场;购物中心 clerk n. 职员 corner n. 拐角;角落 polite adj. 有礼貌的;3.Communication.1)Speaking practice. Use the words above to talk about a place like this:I think clean is the most important for the toilet.I think safe is the most important for the sc

7、hool kids.I think uncrowded is the most important for the zoo.2)Communicate with partner.4.Listening1)Listen to the tape and finish 1c.2)Listen again and check the answers in 1c.3)Read the listening materials.Underline the important expressions. Theres a good place to eat. What kind of food are you

8、looking for? Id like fresh vegetables. at the corner of Im too old for a childrens museum. Why dont we go to an art museum? You can learn all about the history of computers, as well as learn about science.4)Recite the expressions.5)Pair work.6)Role-play the conversations between the clerk and the to

9、urists.Step III:PracticeFill in the blanks with the right words.1.Our hometown is small,but it is very c .2.Have you ever been to the m to buy clothes3.His father works as a bank c in Sunville.4.We should be p when we speak to the old.5.Did you see the white dog at that c just now ?Step IV:Summary1.

10、 convenient adj. 便利的;方便的;就近的。常见结构有:it be convenient for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做某事是方便的. be convenient to / for . 对来说是方便的 / 近便的2. 形容词与副词的相互转变:a. 在形容词词尾直接加-ly,构成副词。如 usualusually, badbadly 等。注:不是所有以-ly结尾的单词都是副词,某些名词后加-ly可以转化为形容词。如sisterly, brotherly, friendly, lovely,deadly,lonely, likely, silly, timely等。b. 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的单词,变y为i,再加-ly,如heavy-heavily, happy-happily等,并且要注意这些单词的变化:polite-politely, true-truly, terrible-terribly等。Step V:Homework Preview the article in 2b and finish the task in 2d .教后感悟旅游经济价值的大小很大程度上取决于它们与旅游消费市场经济发达地区的距离,经济距离越长,旅游者对旅游目的地的需求越低;靠近发达地区的旅游资源,其开发价值要优于远离发达区的旅游资源。3


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