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1、太原理工大学 硕士学位论文 对任务型大学英语视听说教学的实证型研究 姓名:王虹亮 申请学位级别:硕士 专业: 指导教师: 20090501 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 iii 对任务型大学英语视听说教学的实证型研究 摘 要 本文采用定性分析辅以定量分析的方法主要研究在大学英语视听说教学中任务 型教学法与形成性评估对学生听力口语能力及情感层面产生的影响 这篇论文由六章组成第一章简单描述目前我国大学生的听力口语状况指出在大 学英语视听说教学中应用任务教学法来提高学生英语听力口语能力的必要性并介绍全 文的布局第二章回顾任务教学法理论的相关文献介绍了任务教学法的定义类型 构成评估方法并讨论了 Wi

2、llis 和 Skehan 提出的两个理论框架论述了任务型教学 方法的理论基础总结了近年来国内外学者在该领域的研究第三章描述了实验设计与 实验方法第四章论述了大学英语视听说教学中任务教学法的实践描述了任务教学法 在大学英语视听说课堂中的具体实施步骤及如何对学生进行评估第五章论述实验结 果并分析产生此结果的可能原因第六章总结全文提出此项研究的对教学实践的启 示并指出该研究的不足之处以及对未来研究的建议 为了对比任务型教学和传统教学作者在两个大班中进行了为期四个月的课堂教学 实验对照班采用 3P 传统教学法与终结性评估实验班采用任务型教学法与形成性评 估来自三个不同专业的 168 个大学生参加了这

3、项研究在此期间作者通过形成性评估 及任务型教学法帮助实验班学生提高其听力口语能力并比较了两种不同的教学方法和 测试方法对学生听力口语水平课堂气氛以及学生在兴趣与自信心等情感层面产生的 影响 实验结果对比显示了试验组与对照组的差异具体表现在以下两方面第一在教 学方法上首先任务教学法可以在短期内提高学生的听力水平其次任务教学法可 以创造愉快的可课堂气氛再次任务教学法能够激发学生学习英语的兴趣与自信心 第二在测试方法上首先形成性评估能够比终结性评估提供更加快速有效全面 的反馈其次形成性评估比终结性评估更促进学生听力能力的快速提高再次形成 性评估在情感方面能够比终结性评估给学生带来更多的积极反馈 实验

4、结果同时显示任务教学法与形成性评估均难以让学生短期内在口语水平上有 快速的提高这一方面是由于四个月的试验期不够长另一方面是由于学生在口语存在 大量问题但在口语练习上投入时间太少 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 iv 当然此项研究亦有其不足之处如实验期只有四个月这可能会影响研究结果再 如实验样本是方便样本而非随意样本亦会对实验结果有所影响但本文作者还是尝试 从一个新的角度研究任务型英语教学并积极探索任务型大学英语视听说教学的可行性 希望此项研究给语言教师和学习者以启发并在任务教学法领域引发更多研究 关键词任务型教学法形成性评估大学英语视听说课程情感因素 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 i AN

5、EMPIRICAL STUDY ON TASK-BASED APPROACHES TO COLLEGE ENGLISH VIDEO COURSE TEACHING Abstract Based on the qualitative analysis and supplemented by the quantitative analysis, the current study is undertaken to investigate the effect of task-based approaches to College English Video Course through forma

6、tive assessment. The thesis is composed of six chapters. Chapter One gives an overview of the whole study from the research background and the rational of the current research. Chapter Two introduces the background, definition and theoretical bases of task-based approaches together with the review o

7、f the recent research on task-based approaches in China and abroad. Chapter Three describes the research design and methodology. Chapter Four presents the application of task-based approaches in College English Video Course. Chapter Five reports the results of the research questions and explains the

8、 possible reasons for the findings. Chapter Six is the conclusion of the thesis, which summarizes the major findings, implication for pedagogy, and points out limitations, along with recommendations for future research. In order to compare and contrast the effect of different teaching approaches and

9、 assessment on students, an experiment is carried out in two natural classes. The task-based approach and formative assessment are used in the experiment group while the traditional 3P Model and summative assessment are used in the control group. 168 college students across three majors participate

10、in this research. The experiment lasts for four months. The author has been engaged in a process of teaching and research, facilitating the students in the experiment group to improve their listening and speaking proficiency through formative assessment using task-based approaches. The purpose of th

11、e experiment is to compare and contrast students listening and speaking proficiency, the class atmosphere, students affective factors of language learning such as interest and confidence respectively in the experiment and control 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 ii group. The study reveals the efficiency of task-bas

12、ed approaches and the formative assessment to College English Video Course. Firstly, on the whole, the task-based approach is effective in three aspects: it can improve students listening proficiency in a short period of time; it can create a joyful and positive class atmosphere; and it can stimulat

13、e students interest and confidence in leaning English. Secondly, formative assessment brings more benefits compared to more conventional summative assessment in three aspects: it gives a more rapid, useful and overall feedback than summative assessment; it leads to a more rapid growth in students li

14、stening proficiency; and it benefits students in affective factors. In contrast, both the task-based approach and formative assessment do not bring significant difference in improving students speaking proficiency. This may be on account of a short period of four months and also due to students havi

15、ng a lot of problems in oral English, especially spending little time practicing oral English after class. Unquestionably, there are some limitations in this research, for instance, the experiment only lasts for four months, which may influence the result of the research; and the sample is not rando

16、mly selected. Nevertheless the author tries to investigate the effect of task-based approaches from a new perspective and explore the feasibility of the implementation of task-based approaches. It is hoped that this study can benefit language teachers and learners to a certain extent and spark more research in this area in the future. KEY WORDS: Task-based Approaches, Formative Assessment, College English Video Course, Affective Factors 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 1 Chapter One Introduction



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