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1、必修二 Module 6 Films and TV Programmes,语言点用法过关 1.interest vt.使感兴趣 n.兴趣;利益;利息 教材原句 Unusually,it is the female characters that interest us most.不同寻常的是, 女性角色最令我们感兴趣。,语境应用 单句填空 He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them interested (interest) in his lectures. We lost our way in t

2、hat small village. Otherwise we would have visited more places (place) of interest yesterday. Then he became aware that they were regarding him with interest.,一句多译 我对这部电影的情节最感兴趣。 I am interested in the plot of the film most. What interests me most is the plot of the film. I show great interest in th

3、e plot of the film.,用法点拨 (1)interest oneself/sb. in sth. 使自己或某人对感兴趣 (2)have/show/take(an)interest in 对感兴趣 develop an interest in对产生兴趣 in the interest(s)of为了的利益 with interest有兴趣地;津津有味地 a place of interest名胜 (3)interested adj.感兴趣的 interesting adj.令人感兴趣的;有趣的 be/get interested in对感兴趣,2.occasionally adv.

4、偶尔;有时 教材原句 It has occasionally been done.这个在偶然间已经完成了。,语境应用 单句填空 Im always busy with my work, so occasions when I can spend the whole day with my kids are quite rare. The little girl is walking along the beach, happy and joyful, occasionally (occasion) bending down to pick up a beautiful seashell. Be

5、sides the occasional (occasion) hot dog, I rarely eat anything un- healthy.,完成句子 On occasion/Occasionally he went to London to spend the weekend. 有时他去伦敦度周末。 He was presented with the watch on the occasion of his retirement. 他在退休时获赠这块手表。,用法点拨 occasion n.场合;机会 occasional adj.偶尔的;有时的 on occasion=occasi

6、onally偶尔;有时 on one occasion曾经 on the occasion of 在的时候;在之际,【点津】 注意occasion用于定语从句中充当先行词,且在从句中用作时 间状语时,用关系副词when引导定语从句。 【联想】 表示“有时”的其他词语:sometimes, at times, (every) now and then, from time to time等。,3.argue v.争论;辩论 教材原句 Do you ever argue with your family about which TV programme to watch? 你曾经和你的家人就看什么

7、电视节目发生过争论吗?,语境应用 语段填空 用argue或其短语的适当形式填空。 The workers, who argued for (为而争论)their own rights, argued with (同争论)the boss for a few days, but failed to argue him into (说服他做)giving them a rise in wages because the boss argued against (反对)it and insisted that it was beyond argument (无需争论)that their pay h

8、ad already been OK.,一句多译 最终我说服了他戒掉吸烟。 I argued him out of smoking eventually .(argue) I persuaded him out of smoking/to give up smoking eventually . (persuade) I convinced him to give up smoking eventually .(convince),写作微练 我主张每个人都应该为保护环境做贡献。 I argue that everyone(should)make contributions to protect

9、ing the envi- Ronment.,用法点拨 (1)argue with sb. about/over sth. 与某人争辩某事 argue for/against sth. 为支持/反对某事而辩论 argue that.(should)do sth. 主张 argue sb. into/out of doing sth. 说服某人做/不做某事 (2)argument n. 争论;争辩;论点 beyond argument 无需争论,4.entertaining adj.有趣的;令人愉快的 教材原句 Do you agree or disagree that advertisemen

10、ts are entertaining?你同意还是 不同意广告是有趣的?,语境应用 单句填空 On behalf of everyone here, Id like to thank our special guest for his entertaining (entertain) speech. As a mother of two young boys, she knows the difficulties of keeping kids entertained (entertain). Our friends entertained us to dinner last night. T

11、o my great entertainment (entertain), he told many interesting stories at the party.,用法点拨 (1)entertain vt.使娱乐,使快乐;招待,款待 entertain sb. to.用招待/款待某人 entertain sb. with.用使某人快乐 (2)entertainment n.娱乐,文娱节目;招待,款待 much to the entertainment of sb. =to ones great entertainment令某人非常高兴的是 (3)entertaining adj.令人愉快

12、的,e out出版;显露;披露;(花)开放;(太阳等)出现;(消息)传出;结果是 教材原句 When did it come out ?它是什么时候出版的?,语境应用 赏句猜义 根据语境猜测come out的意思。 The truth is beginning to come out about what happened. 显露;披露 The gardener went into his garden to see if the flowers had come out. (花)开放 The sun had come out and the wind had died down. (太阳等)

13、出现 I am confident that everything will come out right in time. 结果是,短语填空 Is this your necklace, Mary? I came across it when I was cleaning the bathroom this morning. It was the muddy narrow roads that caused the traffic accident to come about. When it comes to speaking in public, no one can match him

14、. Scientists have many theories about how the universe came into being.,用法点拨 come about发生,产生 come across偶遇,碰到 come to 共计,达到;苏醒过来,恢复 come to oneself苏醒过来 come up with 想出;做出(反应);提出(主意、计划) when it comes to. 当涉及;谈及 come into being 产生;形成,2.to ones surprise 令某人吃惊的是 教材原句 Now, to everyones surprise ,.a marti

15、al arts film called Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.现在,令每个人都吃惊的是一部被称为卧虎藏龙 的武术电影。,语境应用 单句填空 It seems that living green is surprisingly (surprise) easy and affordable. A small step makes a big difference. Surprised (surprise) and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize. We had a surprising (surpris

16、e) amount in common. She was surprised to find (find) the fridge empty;the child had eaten ev- erything! It comes as a surprise that the dream of space travel will soon come true.,用法点拨 (1) (2) (3)surprising adj.令人惊讶的;意外的 surprisingly adv.惊人地,出人意料地,【点津】to ones+n.“让某人的是”。该结构中的名词常常是表 示喜、怒、哀、乐等的情感名词,常见的有joy,delight,anger,pleasure,re- gret,disappointment,sorrow,relief,horror等。,3.care about 关心;顾虑;在乎 教材原句 Brave,good


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