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1、三年级英语下册期中考试姓名 班级 分数 听力部分(每小题读两遍,计 40 分)一、听音,选出你所听到的单词。10 分( ) 1. A. food B. four ( ) 2. A. cup B.cat( ) 3.A.plate B. please ( ) 4.A. television B.telephone( ) 5.A. what B.white ( ) 6. A.three B.green( ) 7. A. six B.sixteen ( ) 8. A. fine B.five( ) 9. A.count B.bind ( ) 10. A. yellow B.rose二、听音,写出你所听

2、到的英文数字。10 分1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9. _10_三、听音,给下列句子排顺序。10 分( ) Please count the rulers.( ) How many rulers are there?( ) This is my school bag.( ) Is he a nurse?( ) You can type on me.四、听音,根据你所听到的句子,选择正确的答语。10 分( )1. A. Yes, it isnt . B. No, it isnt.( )2. A. Im fine. B.Im nine.( )3. A. A Im sick. B

3、. He is sick. ( )4. A. Good-bye. B. OK. ( )5. A. Its a clock. B. Its white. 笔试部分(计 60 分)五、找出下面不同类的单词,把字母代号填入题前的括号中。10 分( )1. A. red B.colour C. blue( )2. A. two B. three C. green( )3. A. cloud B.day C. night( )4. A. ruler B.banana C.apple( )5. A. circle B. pen C.eraser六、将下列单词或词组与其对应的汉语意思连线。10 分well

4、球 pink 喜欢very 好 like 粉红色open 非常 leaf 机器人number 打开 robot 叶子ball 数字 eleven 十一七、单项选择,将正确答案的代号填入题前的括号内。10 分( )1.How many _.are there?A. star B. stars C. stares( )2. There_twelve orangesA. is. B. are. C. am( )3. _have funA. Let B. Lets C. Lets( )4. _your leg.A.Touching B.Touch C. Touched( )5. Happy birth

5、ady_.you!A.are B. to C.with八、找出句子中的一处错误,画出来并改正。8 分1.-How are he? -He is sick._2. Im fine , thank. _3.My number are five. _4.What colours is this balloon? _九. 把下面的句子翻译成汉语。14 分1. How old are you? _2.How about you? _3.Come in, please. _4.Look at the clock, please. _5.Whats the time? _6.There are twenty

6、 books. _7.Whats your name? _十、按照字母格式,正确抄写下列句子。注意大小写和标点符号。8分1. A computer is your friend.-2. You can see things on me.-3. Whats this?-4. Can you help me?-听力材料一、听音,选出你所听到的单词。10 分1. food 2. cup 3. plate 4. telephone 5. white 6. three 7. sixteen 8. five 9.count 10. yellow 二、听音,写出你所听到的英文数字。10 分seven two

7、 three six five eight one four nine ten三、听音,给下列句子排顺序.。10 分1Is he a nurse?2How many rulers are there?3You can type on me.4This is my school bag.5Please count the rulers.四、听音,根据你所听到的句子,选择正确的答语。10 分1. Is this an apple?2. How old are?3. How is he? 4. Good-bye. 5.Whats the time? 考试答案I 听力部分一、 AAABBAAA二、seven two three six five eight one four nine ten三、52413四、BBBAABBII 笔试部分五、BCAAA六略七、BBBBB八、1.are-is 2.thank-thanks 3. are-is 4. colours- colour九、1. 你多大了?2.你呢?3.请进。4.请看钟。5.几点了?6.这有 20 本书。7.你叫什么名字?十略



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