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1、沈阳师范大学 硕士学位论文 国家与社会关系变迁基于P市一个农贸市场的调查研究 姓名:张姝 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:社会学 指导教师:秦海霞 20090301 国家与社会关系变迁 基于 P 市一个农贸市场的调查研究 中 文 摘 要 国家与社会理论是宏大开放性的理论, 国家与社会两个概念及各自对应的实 体十分繁杂。以国家与社会作为理论框架研究时,如何选择合适、具有实体形态 的研究对象,成为了首要解决的问题。农贸市场作为居民交易产品,获取生活资 料和生产资料的场所,在我国的发展历经曲折与磨难,经济发展的不同时期曾被 限制,排斥以至取缔。改革开放以来,它以星火燎原之势迅速扩延发展,在活跃 城乡商品流

2、通, 方便人民生活, 增加地方财政收入等方面发挥着不可替代的作用, 农贸市场的发展过程有着明显的国家与社会双面特征。因此,本文选取了辽宁省 P 市的 DF 市场,探究了在 DF 市场的整个发展过程中国家与社会关系的演变。 本文以 DF 市场的发展过程为基本视点, 将 DF 市场的发展过程划分为三个阶 段,以国家与社会理论作为研究框架,以国家权力作为理论关照的维度,描述和 分析了国家与社会的关系。文章主要分为三大部分,第一部分是文章的引言和第 一章。引言部分主要介绍了研究的缘起、意义、研究方法、文章框架以及 DF 市 场的发展概况。第一章则主要介绍了有关国家和社会的相关内容,包括了国家和 社会的

3、基本概念、研究框架的兴起以及相关研究现状的回顾。第二部分是文章的 第二章,分析了 DF 市场的整个发展过程,分为起步、发展、衰退三个阶段,通 过对这三个阶段的描述,使 DF 市场的发展过程得以清晰呈现。第三部分是文章 的第三章和结语,主要分析了在 DF 市场的整个发展过程中国家与社会之间的关 系,国家权力在 DF 市场的发展中起到了怎样的作用,以及在国家权力不断变化 的背景下,国家与社会之间的关系如何,二者之间是如何互动进而促进 DF 市场 发展。 本文在对农贸市场整体发展过程的分析中, 探讨了每个阶段中国家与社会的 关系,国家没有成功的覆盖社会,国家政策的执行者与商贩之间存在着巨大的张 力,

4、这种张力充分体现出了国家与社会之间关系的混合与互融,农贸市场发展过 程中的每一阶段,国家与社会关系的变化都会影响农贸市场的发展。 关键词:国家,社会,农贸市场,发展历程 The Relational Changes between State and Society Base on the Survey of the Farmers Market In the City of P Abstract State and social theory is a vast open theoretical concept, and the state, society and their entity

5、 are complicated. It is the first problem to solve how to choose suitable study objects with entities form, when you use state and social theory as your research framework. The farmers market is the place that the residents trade the products and gain means of subsistence and means of production. Th

6、e development of the farmer market in our country was difficult, which was been restricted at different stages of economic development. Sometimes it was been repelled and banned. Since reform and open the farmers market has rapidly expanded. It played an irreplaceable role in the active city and cou

7、ntryside circulation of commodities, at the same time it provided convenience for peoples lives .It also played an important role in increasing the local finance income. The development process of the farmers market has the two-side characteristics of state and society. Therefore, this paper has sel

8、ected DF market in the city of P, which belongs to Liaoning province, and explores the relational changes between state and society in the development process of DF market. This paper takes the development process of DF market as the basic viewpoint, dividing the development process into three stage

9、s. Using state and social theory, I will descript and analyze the relationship between state and society from state power. This paper mainly divides into three major parts: the first part is the preface and the first chapter, the preface mainly introduces the research origin, the significance, the r

10、esearch technique, the article frame as well as the development overview of DF market. The first chapter mainly introduces the related content of state and society, including the basic concept of state and society, research frame starting as well as the related research review. The second part is th

11、e second chapter,has analyzed the entire development process of DF market, dividing into three stages starting, development and recession. Through the description of the three stages, enables the development process of DF market clear present. The third part is the third chapter and conclusion, has

12、mainly analyzed the relationship between state and society in the development process of DF market, How the state power to affect the DF market development. With the change of state power, how state and society to vary their relationship, how state and society interact then to promote the market dev

13、elopment. In this paper, through the analysis of the development process has discussed the relationship between state and society in each stage. The state did not succeed in coverage society completely. There are huge tensions between national policies agencies and traders. The tensions give full ex

14、pression to mixing and inosculation of the state and social forces. In the each stage of the development process, the changes of the relationship between state and society can bring certain influence to the development of the farmers market. Key words: state, society, the farmers market, the develop

15、ment process 学位论文独创性声明 本人所呈交的学位论文是在导师的指导下取得的研究成果。 据我 所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含其他个人已经发 表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体, 均已在文中作了明确说明并表示了谢意。 作者签名: 日期: 学位论文使用授权声明 本人授权沈阳师范大学研究生处, 将本人硕士学位论文的全部或 部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索; 有权保留学位论文并向国家主管 部门或其指定机构送交论文的电子版和纸质版, 允许论文被查阅和借 阅; 有权可以采用影印、 缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、 汇编学位论文。 保密的学位论文在解密后适用本规定

16、。 作者签名: 日期: 国家与社会关系变迁基于 P 市一个农贸市场的调查研究 - 1 - 引 言 一、研究缘起 新中国成立后,国家和社会形态皆发生了深刻长远的变化,诸多学者采用国 家社会理论对中国国家与社会关系演变做出了分析和解释,并取得丰硕的研 究成果。国家与社会理论是个宏大的开放性理论概念,国家与社会两个概念及各 自对应的实体十分繁杂。 “国家”可划分为权力机关、行政机关和司法机关等, 而其中的每一种又包含着诸多因素。同样,社会也是个模糊的概念,混杂着各种 要素,如家庭、经济组织、自愿团体等。因此,国家与社会的关系就可以在各个 层次、各个面相、各个主体以及各个事件中表现出来,在具体研究时,如何选择 一个合适的角度切入,成为首先需要解决的问题。 本文选取 DF 市场的发展过程来反映国家与社会的关系变迁,实属偶然。在 我国农贸市场作为居民交易产品, 获取生活资料和生产资料的场所, 不仅具有经 济功能,还具有政治功能、社会文化功能,囊括人们社会生活的各个方面。然而 在我国农贸市场的发展却不是



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