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1、烟台大学 硕士学位论文 商品房预售合同中预售方的瑕疵担保责任 姓名:张琳 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:民商法学 指导教师:郭明瑞 20100312 I 摘 要 商品房预售是一种法律关系复杂的交易行为。 预售合同成立时, 预售方并不立即交付房 屋而预购方需要缴付全部或部分房款, 从合同成立到期房交付又需要历经很长期间, 预购方 的利益存在很大风险。 而预售合同又多以格式合同的形式签订, 预售方的地位处于明显优势。 在实践中涉及商品房预售的纠纷日渐升级,研究预售方的瑕疵担保责任就具有了现实价值。 在理论上,我国合同法并没有关于瑕疵担保责任的独立规定,本文在我国现行法的基础 上探讨在商品房预售合同中出

2、卖人的瑕疵担保责任,为预购方提供权利救济的途径。 商品房预售中存在很多不明确的因素, 有很大风险性, 国家对预售制度也进行了较大力 度的干涉。但由于预售制度在我国运行过程不完善,对买受人即预购者的保护并不到位。追 究预售方的责任预购方多主张违约责任。 若依瑕疵担保责任寻求救济, 则必须从法律上对瑕 疵担保责任的内容和救济方式进行规范, 使权利救济有法可依。 为了更明确预售方应当承担 的责任, 首先应对商品房预售中存在的物的瑕疵和权利的瑕疵加以界定和列举, 其次在瑕疵 存在并造成法定后果的情况下, 在我国预售制度的发展现状和法律适用的情况下确定预售方 的责任内容。本文共分为三大部分: 第一部分是

3、物的瑕疵认定标准及物的瑕疵担保责任的构成要件。 我国瑕疵的认定标准分 为法定与约定标准, 法定标准即在合同法中具体指出我国认定瑕疵的的四重标准, 并采用明 示标准与默示标准。约定标准由双方约定,在符合法定的情况下优先适用。在界定了瑕疵标 准的前提下, 具体说明在商品房预售合同中存在的应当追究责任的瑕疵, 并确定责任期间应 在交付商品房时就存在的, 预售方善意无过失三个条件都满足的情况下, 物的瑕疵担保责任 才成立。 第二部分是权利瑕疵担保责任的法定情形和构成要件。无论合同标的物是物还是权利, 在合同中存在的权利瑕疵往往是侵犯了买受人的所有权,债权,及他人的知识产权。在存在 权利瑕疵的前提下,对

4、商品房预售合同中的权利瑕疵做细致分析。 第三部分是瑕疵担保责任的适用, 责任承担方式以及抗辩和免责事由。 分析我国是否存 在瑕疵担保责任,指出瑕疵担保责任是一种特殊的违约责任,但并非与违约责任完全契合。 瑕疵担保责任是相对独立存在于我国合同法, 其性质是一种债务不履行责任, 有其独特的制 度价值。在预售合同中的瑕疵可采用减少价款,继续履行,修理、重做、更换,解除合同, II 赔偿损失等各种权利救济方式, 并细致分析在预售合同中是否适用双倍赔偿, 以及如何适用 的问题。在符合抗辩和免责事由时,出卖人可免于承担瑕疵担保责任。本章主要分析在商品 房预售合同中情势变更原则是否是预售人的抗辩事由,何种情

5、况下预售人可以免责的问题。 关键词关键词:物的瑕疵担保责任;权利瑕疵担保责任;瑕疵担保责任;违约责任 III Abstract The pre-sale of commercial housing is a complex legal relationship transaction. When the pre-sale contract was established, pre-party is not an immediate delivery of housing and the pre-parties are required to pay all or part of paying

6、back the principal. It is a long period from the contract establishment to the delivery of the Forward House, there is a big risk of the interest to the futures side. The pre-sale contract is signed in the form of multi-contract, the status of pre-parties at a distinct advantage. In practice, disput

7、es involved in the sale of commercial housing escalated, to study the pre-party warranty responsibility with real value. In theory, Chinas “Contract Law“ own Warranty liability independent requirements. In this paper, on the basis of Chinas current law, to explore the responsibility of the sellers w

8、arranty in the pre-sale of commercial housing contract, to provide the buyer relief to the right way. There are many uncertainties and significant risks in pre-sale of commercial housing. Countries also carried out pre-sale system a larger intervention force. However, pre-sales system in China is ru

9、nning perfect, for the protection of the buyer that the futures are not in place. Be held responsible for pre-sale Pre-party multi-party breach of contract claim. If things had gone Warranty responsibility to seek relief, it must be from a legal liability on the warranty to regulate the content and

10、manner of relief, so that the right to a legal basis for relief. In order to assume the responsibility of the pre-sale party more clearly, first of all to define and list flaws and defects in the right that exist in commercial housing sale. Second, in our pre-development of the system status and the

11、 law applicable to determine responsibility for the content of pre-party, if the defect caused by the legal consequences of the existence and circumstances. This paper is divided into three parts: The first part is the standard of material flaws and identified flaws in the security responsibility of

12、 transitive constituent elements. Chinas flaws identified standards are divided into legal and agreed standards, legal standards of contract law that is pointed out that the flaws identified four of Chinas heavy standard specifically. And using standards of explicit criteria and implicit. Agreed sta

13、ndards agreed upon by both parties, priority applies to the case of compliance with the statutory. In the premise of defining the standard of the flaws, specify flaws that exist in the commercial housing pre-sale contract. And to determine responsibility should be there during the period of the deli

14、very of IV commercial housing, the case pre-party in good faith the no-fault three conditions are met, compounds was the responsibility of the establishment of a security flaw. The second part is the responsibility of the statutory warranty rights situation and constitutive requirements. No matter t

15、he subject matter of the contract is a matter or right, it is a violation exist in the contracts of the buyer is often flawed ownership, claims, and intellectual property rights of others. In the premise of flaws exist in the contract, to do a detailed analysis of defects on the sale of commercial h

16、ousing rights of the contract. The third part is the responsibility of the applicable warranty, responsibility patterns and defenses and exemptions. Analysis of our existence of the responsibility of Warranty, Pointed out that the Warranty liability is a special for breach of responsibility, but not completely fit with the breach of contract. Warranty liability is relatively independent existence in our countrys contract law, the nature is a debt default, has a unique system of values.



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