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1、语境中词语默写手册第 1 页 共 13 页Module 3Unit 1 The world of our senses一、单词情景默写(注意单词适当形式的变化) (每小题 2 分,共 40 分)1. I am _(使迷惑)by so many people talking to me at the same time.2. Let us now _(分析)the different classes in Chinese society.3. His _(听力,听觉)was impaired after the explosion.4. The sudden sound of _(脚步声)in

2、silence made her blood run cold.5. She _(迟疑)for a moment, and then went on.6. The sailors took in sail when they saw the storm _(接近).7. Before he reached the top, he was already _(出汗) and panting.8. No one who _(忽视) the law call themselves a good citizen.9. Lets go back to that _(十字路口)and turn the o

3、ther way.10. The number of tigers has _(减少)sharply in the last fifty years.11. His parents _(雇)a tutor to teach him mathematics.12. What are those two _(小声说)to each other about?13. _(自愿)helps others, but it can also help you, too.14. He _(抱有希望地)waited for the advantages which would attach to wealth.

4、15. _(相反的)to popular belief, many cats dislike milk.16. Tomorrow is going to be fine according to the f_.17. I am extremely g_ to all the teachers for their help.18. His d_ prevented him from going to college.19. The original of this picture was n_ to be found.20. As evening came the coastline faded

5、 into d_.二、词形变化填空(用所给单词的适当形式) (每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)1. _ ( raise) Bread, common in Europe and the US, is usually made of wheat or rye.2. Their unexpected arrival threw our plan into _ (confuse).3. _ (observe) our faults in others is sometimes improper for our case.4. After some _ (hesitate), she came ou

6、t with the whole truth.5. The official statistics have to _ (analyze) with care.6. He didnt want to _ (recognize), so he traveled without revealing his identity.7. The problems cannot _ (ignore) or washed away.8. Please do not send your resume by _ (attach).9. _ (bite) by a dog, the little boy did n

7、ot dare to play with dogs again.10. I _ (panic) when I saw smoke coming out of the engine.三、短语情景默写(根据语境补充句子) (每小题 3 分,共 45 分)1. I found him in the garden, dreaming away _ _(象往常一样).2. She wore so much jewelry that she seemed to _ _ _(被包裹)gold.3. Phil decided to go into town and _ _ _(其余的)us followed

8、suit.4. The land came _ _(看得到,在视力范围内) after we had sailed for ten days.语境中词语默写手册第 2 页 共 13 页5. If you want to catch that train wed better _ _(动身,出发)for the station immediately.6. I shall have written the letter _ _ _(到的时候)she comes back.7. She was beside herself with fear _ _ _ _(一见到)the snake.8. _

9、yourself _(不要动)for a moment while I take your photograph.9. Do _ _ _(当心)spelling mistakes when you check your work.10. Human biological rhythms _ _ _(与有关)the natural cycle of day and night.11. He thought he was _ _ better _ _(能够,有能力)perform this experiment.12. It is generally accepted that wages sho

10、uld _ _ _(与有联系)prices.13. The manager had _ _(制定,想出)a scheme for not paying the tax.14. It is natural for people to _ _ _(被吸引) beautiful things.15. We have no idea how the birds _ _ _(找到路).语境中词语默写手册第 3 页 共 13 页Module 3Unit 2 Language一、单词情景默写(注意单词适当形式的变化) (每小题 2 分,共 40 分)1. His time is fully _(占用)wit

11、h three children.2. These cars are worn-out and must be _(替换).3. It is important to learn large numbers of _(词组,短语)by heart.4. He was often made fun of for his strong _(口音).5. There are many _(拼写)mistakes; even so its quite a good essay.6. Let me see all the _(正式的)documents concerning the sale of th

12、is land.7. All the places and _(人物)in my novel are entirely fictitious.8. Would you mind my _(打断)you for a while?9. Patience _(与 结合)with diligence is necessary to success.10. The whole scheme began to take on a more _(实用的) aspect.11. John blew his top when his team was _(击败)in the match.12. Mabel wa

13、s frightened when the _(叫)dog ran at her.13. There was something _(独特的)about the new theories.14. He also taught us how to read technical _(图纸).15. How many people have _(进入)your homepage by now?16. The v_ used in the course book is printed at the back.17. China ought to make a greater c_ to humanit

14、y.18. If Im not m_, thats the man we saw on the bus.19. We have a growing population and t_ we need more food.20. Compared to other vehicles, cars are really quite c_.二、词形变化填空(用所给单词的适当形式) (每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)1. The school, _ (occupy) 88 mu, is surrounded by the streets.2. I listened to his excuse with a _ (mix) of amusement and disbelief.3. The open fields around the city have now been _ (entire)



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