English book4课后翻译

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1、UNIT1Translation A1.晚上过度劳累,第二天就可能会 迟到。People are prone to be late for work when they have overworked the night before.2.玛丽感到陌生的地方难以辨别方向。Mary found it difficult to orientate herself in a strange place.3.这位工程师做了如何使用这台计算机的演示。The engineer gave a demonstration of how to use the computer.4许多大学都在开学第一天为新生开设

2、情况介绍会。Many universities provide an orientation course for freshmen at the first day of school.5推销员想尽一切可能的方法来促销公司的产品。The salesman tried every possible means to promote the sale of his companys products.6里奇教授精彩的讲座显示了他对该论题的学识。Professor Leach demonstrated his knowledge of the subject by his excellent le

3、cture.7在春天阴晴不定的天气里,小孩子更容易感冒。Children are more prone to colds in the broken weather during the spring.8如果工作出色能经常导致加薪或晋升,工人 们就会得到更大的激励。If excellent work results in frequent pay increases or promotions, the workers will have greater incentive.Translation B人们经常会认为,一个人收不收高等教育在工作能力上会有天壤之 别。其 实,这不能一概而论。道理很

4、简单,书本并非传授知识的唯一途径。历史上就有许多大人物从来没有进过大学之门。高等落榜显然不是件愉快事,但是,只要你能够以积极态度接受这个失败,那么, 这种失败定会有利于你以其他方式造就自己。重要的是要防止就此认为自己没有出息而而自暴自弃。People tend to think that university education makes a world of difference in a persons ability. This belief, however, cannot be reasonably applied to all the cases, quite simply be

5、cause books are not the only approach to knowledge. History has seen many great people without university education at all. Obviously, failure in the national matriculation is never pleasurable, but accepted positively, it will surely contribute to your personal development in some other ways. It is

6、 important to resist the natural impulse to regard yourself as a failure.UNIT2Translation A1.每天下午他要处理大量的信件。He has a great deal of correspondence to deal with every afternoon.2.我为自己在第一轮就被淘汰而感到羞愧。I am ashamed of myself for being eliminated in the first round.3.他从来不喜欢咖啡,总是更愿喝杯茶。He has never liked coffe

7、e, and (has) always had a preference for a cup of tea.4.老师叫那个学生把作文中的那些下流话全删掉。The teacher asked the pupil to eliminate all the four-letter words from his composition.5.自我形象对一个人的成就有着重要影响。Self-image has an important effect on a persons accomplishments.6.尽管他与许多世界要人通信,他 买的信封信笺却都是些便宜 货。Although he corresp

8、onded with many of the worlds very important people, his stationery and envelopes were all bought at a very low price.7.如果我来决定学英语还是日语,我会毫不犹豫的 选择后者。Were it left for me to decide whether to learn English or Japanese, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.8.其切斯特终于完成了他想完成的事业-单枪匹马环球航行。Chich

9、ester had done what he wanted to accomplish - to sail round the world single-handed.Translation B一间布置典雅的办公室一定会人个好印象。人 们往往花费许 多钱去装潢办公室,但效果却并不理想。其实,最贵最花哨的不一定是最佳装饰品。如果你自己不太懂怎样布置办公室,我劝你去请教在这方面在行的人, 这对于天天在办公室里接待客人和洽 谈生意的人尤为重要。An office decorated with much taste is bound to create a favourable impression

10、on people. In many cases, people spend a great deal of money decorating their offices, but the result can be unsatisfactory. As a matter of fact, the highest-priced or fanciest is not necessarily the best for your office. If your taste in room decoration is rather poor, I recommend that you seek the

11、 advice of a good decorator. This is especially important for those who receive their guests or do business with their customers in their offices on a daily basis.UNIT 3Translation A 1. 教科书后面附有详细的词汇表。The text-book is supplemented by an adequate glossary.2. 看看电视,打打牌,星期天就这样过去了。The Sunday passed in alt

12、ernation between watching TV and playing cards.3. 形势正朝着有利于我们的方向发展。The situation is developing in a direction favourable to us.4. 如果没有煤,就必须寻找其他的燃料 资源。It is necessary to find alternative sources of fuel when coal is not available.5. 这份杂志的圣诞增刊登载了几部完整的短篇小说。The magazine has a Christmas supplement of some

13、 complete stories.6. 业余爱好是人们在日常工作之余所从事的活动或兴趣爱好。Hobby is an activity or interest pursued outside of ones regular work.7. 所以十三个殖民州都赞成废除印花税法案。All the thirteen colonies were in favour of the repeal of the Stamp Act.8. 我父亲一生从事科学研究。My father was engaged in scientific pursuits all his life.Translation B许多人

14、把一时一事的刺激当做人生的幸福,从而以喝酒赌 博等不理智的手段追求它。结果这些人及时有了幸福生活的物质条件, 还常常会感到生活很痛苦。真正生活幸福的人有个共同之处,那就是,他们总是乐意奉献。他们所从事的社会活动不仅本身给人以兴趣,而且其 结果 还有益于公众。Many people tend to equate the excitement in one thing at a time with happiness of life, and pursue it unwisely by means of drinking or gambling, etc. Consequently, even i

15、f they have all the material conditions of happiness, they can often feel profoundly unhappy.Truly happy people have one thing in common, i.e. they always take pleasure in giving. Their social activities can not only be enjoyable on their own account, but also build up something that will benefit th

16、e public.UNIT 4 Translation A1.请不要偏离主题,所剩时间 不多了。Please dont digress from the main point , there is hardly any time left.2.信中可能有疏落不当之处,务请海涵。I must ask your kind indulgence for any inaccuracies and omissions that may possibly occur in my letter.3 许多公司被邀请参加万国博览会。Many companies were invited to participate in the international exposition.4.言归正传,让我进一步分析一下 这个句子吧。Let me cut short this digression, and make a further analysis of this sentence.5.只有在这样的场合他才开怀畅饮。It was only on an occ


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