2019秋九年级英语全册 unit 1 how can we become good learners tuesday复现式周周练课件 新人教版

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1、Unit 1 How can we become good learners?,Tuesday 星期二(Section A 3a3b),一、核心词汇 expression,discover,secret,grammar,(Section A 3a3b),二、重点短语 be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事; because of sth. 因为; fall in love with sth. /sb. 爱上某物/某人; as well也; look up 查阅,抬头看,(Section A 3a3b),三、经典句子 1. I was afraid to ask questions

2、 because of my poor pronunciation. 由于我的发音很糟糕,所以我害怕提问题。,(Section A 3a3b),2. Although I could not understand everything the characters said,their body language and the expressions on their faces helped me to get the meaning. 尽管我并不理解人物所说的一切,但他们的肢体语言和面部表情帮助我理解了意思。,(Section A 3a3b),3. I discovered that l

3、istening to something interesting is the secret to language learning. 我发现听一些有趣的东西是语言学习的秘诀。,(Section A 3a3b),四、基础复现天天练:Jessica 爱上英语了,(Section A 3a3b),Jessica is one of my best friends. She was afraid to have English class in Grade Seven and Grade Eight because of the difficult grammar. Every class wa

4、s like1. _ bad dream to her. The teacher spoke too 2. _ for her to understand. She was not brave enough to ask questions,(Section A 3a3b),because 3. _ her poor pronunciation. She just hid herself behind her textbook, trying to prevent herself from being discovered by the teacher and said 4. _. She w

5、as quiet all the time.,(Section A 3a3b),Then in Grade Nine,an American lady 5. _ Benny became her English teacher. In Bennys class,the students could enjoy English movies,sing English songs,share funny stories and play all 6. _ of games as well. Time flew quickly and happily while having Bennys clas

6、s.,(Section A 3a3b),Jessica became more and 7. _ interested in English. One day she decided to ask Benny how she could 8. _ her English. Benny was patient to tell her the secret tolanguage learning. She told Jessica to watch lots of English movies to improve her listening and pronunciation.,(Section

7、 A 3a3b),It did not matter 9. _ she could understand everything the characters said or not. She could get the meaning by listening for just the key words. Also the expressions on the characters 10. _ and their body language could help her get the meaning.,(Section A 3a3b),Jessica found it interestin

8、g and useful to learn English by watching movies. Now Jessica has fallen in love with English. She wants to be an English teacher in the future so that she can help more students like her.,(Section A 3a3b),1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._,a,quickly/fast,of,nothing,called/named,kinds,more,improve,whether,faces,(Section A 3a3b),(Section A 3a3b),(Section A 3a3b),谢 谢 观 看 !,


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