(新世纪版)一年级英语下册教案 Unit 12(4)

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1、(新世纪版)一年级英语下册教案Unit 12 I like dogs一、教材分析:本单元的重点是对句型 I like进行操练,本课的教学内容是有关训练宠物的对话。这对话是在以前学习的一些指令与一定单词积累的基础上设计了一次训狗过程,并通过对话了解掌握相应内容。本内容有利于学生结合学过的指令,在一定的情景中,用模拟的形式进行语言训练。从中让学生更懂得爱护小动物。二、教学目标:A: 基础目标:听: 1. 能听懂表达喜好的句子 I like2. 能听懂 Grand Theatre 的对话内容。说: 1. 能用 I like .表达自己的喜好。2. 能模仿课文录音的语音语调表演对话。B:发展目标:1.

2、 在了解各自的喜好的同时能对自己的喜欢的宠物发出指令。2. 用自己的语言编新对话。3. 在小组合作学习中提高协作和互助的能力。C:情感、策略、文化目标1. 情感态度:以愉快的心情体验感知语言。2. 学习策略:培养学生主动学习、合作学习的好习惯。3. 文化目标:了解动物是人类的好朋友。我们要喜爱动物。D:分层教学目标:1. 基础性目标:(B C 类学生):借助对话录音独立地掌握新对话;能正确流利地朗读对话;在老师和同学的帮助下,能编新对话并表演对话。2. 发展性目标:( A 类学生、部分 B 类学生)能够主动的帮助组内同学朗读对话和表演,能组织组内学生编新对话并表演。3. 个别教学目标:(D 类

3、学生)能够掌握新授对话,了解对话的意思。三、教学重点、难点:1. 针对 A/B 类学生能主动学习掌握对话,能流利的朗读并表演对话,以及能根据课文内容创编新的对话。2.针对 C/D 类学生能在老师和同学的帮助下学习掌握 Grand Theatre,能正确朗读并参与表演。四、课前准备:多媒体课件、头饰、录音。Teaching procedure一、Pre-task preparation1. Say the rhymes.2. Do the actions.3. Daily talk.二、While-task procedures:T: 1. Have you got a pet?Do you l

4、ike your pet?Can you play with your pet?What do you always say with your pet?Tommy has got a pet, too. His name is Spotty.Lets guess: What does Tommy say?Listen to the tape.What else can you say with Spotty?Listen to the tape: What does Tommy say?Catch the ball. Spotty. Read it.T: 2. You are so good

5、. I love you.S: Thank you.T: 3. Spotty cant say “thank you” Can you mime the dog?Is Spotty clever? Do you like Spotty?What do you say to Spotty?I love you. Good. I like you.Do you like dogs? Me, too. T: 4. Where can you see many animals? OK. Lets go to the zoo.Do you like animals? Animals are our fr

6、iends. What animal do you like? I like _. Me, too.T: 5. Please tell your friend “What animal do you like?” Say it in your group.T: Read after the tape and act the dialogue.Look at the picture and make the new dialogue.E.g.: Tom: Come here, Molly. GoodTom: Sing a song. MollyTom: Good girl. I love you.Tom: I like cats. Tony: Me, too.三、Post- task activities.T: 1. We have got many pets. Look, these are our pets.Please make a new dialogue in your group.2. Act the new dialogues.



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