上海新世纪版二年级英语上册教案 Unit 4

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1、新世纪版二年级英语上册教案Unit 4 Which Room?Education Objectives1.通过教学让学生学会关心帮助他人,做懂文明礼仪的好孩子。2.在学习的过程中,培养学生虚心好问的好品质。Knowledge ObjectivesBasic AimsLanguage focusWords and expressionsFrom the Wonderland From the Farmland From the Grand TheatreClass 1Book 2BGrade 3Building 4which *may*comewrongwith*fineclinicteache

2、rs officenext doorRoom 103Class / next door : Where is Class 1? Its next door. 一班在哪儿?它在隔壁。Book 2B/ which: Which book is it? Its Book 2B. 这是哪本书? 这是第二册 B。Grade 3: Which Grade are you in? Im in Grade 3. 你在哪个年级?我在三年级。Building 4: Tom is in Building 4. 汤姆在 4号楼。wrong/ with / clinic: Whats wrong with you? 你

3、怎么啦?Im ill. 我生病了。Lets go to the clinic. 让我们去医护室吧。teachers office/ Room 103: Where is teachers office? 老师办公室在哪儿?It is in Room 103. 它在 103房间。Sentence PatternsFrom the Farmland From the Grand TheatreWhich? May I ? Yes, please.Whats wrong with you? Im .*Wheres ? Which eraser do you like? 哪块橡皮你喜欢?I like

4、the yellow one. 我喜欢这块黄色的橡皮。2May I come in? 我能进来吗?Yes, please. 请进。3Whats wrong with you? 你有什么不舒服吗?Im fine. 我很好。Sports Club听懂 “骑自行车” “去溜冰”两句指令,感知 go+doing构成的固定搭配。看图片能用英语正确表达这两个动作。Music Box通过朗读单词,感知字母“d”的发音/d/ 。Disneyland通过学唱歌曲“Our School Will Shine Today” ,在优美的音乐中感悟学习带来的乐趣。Difficult Points让学生认知各种编号,并学

5、会正确得读出编号。如:Room 103 读作“Room one oh one” 。理解 Which的含义,并能用它询问,得到想要的信息。学会用 Whats wrong with you?询问他人的身体状况。Developing Aims在模仿和表演 Grand Theatre的基础上,创设情景,进行角色替换练习。学习其它日常生活中的编号。如:Bus No.332 (332 路公共汽车)。 Suggestions for Teaching课时安排:4 课时教材处理:第一课时:Wonderland & Farmland第二课时:Grand Theatre & Music Box第三课时:Sport

6、s Club & Disneyland 第四课时:Revision & Practice3教学媒体:pictures, recorder, tape, etc.4教学方法词汇教学任务一:复习基数词(从 010) 。任务二:把 Class, Book, Grade, Building, Room 与不同的基数词组合,让学生操练。句型教学活动:完成调查表。Name(姓名) Grade(年级) Class(班级) Building(幢号)Room(房间号)让学生相互间学会用“Which?”句型和“名词基数词”来询问并回答表格内几方面信息,完成表格。课文教学方法一:教师利用幻灯或图片,讲述课文中的故事

7、。方法二:教师编一段新故事(Linda is a new girl. Its lunch time. But she cant find the dining room. So, She is not happy. Who can help her?)让学生来帮助Linda找到餐厅,在交流过程中,可用到 Whats wrong with you? I want to go to the dining room. Wheres the dining room? Next door. Which room? Room 。5 可供教师参考的其他背景资料类似 Sports Club中的动词词组,还有许多,如: go fishing, go shopping, go skiing等。“名词后加基数词”相当于“序数词加名词” 。如:“Building 4the fourth building” 。


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